william profile picture


Versatile Television and Film Actor/Animal Activist/Spiritual Practioner

About Me

I'm William McNamara(www.williammcnamara.com) and I am an actor and I am on the spiritual path, most importantly at this stage of my life I am an animal activist and am devoting much of my energy and finances towards the plight of the dolphin and small whales off the coast of Japan, in particular, Taiji: http://www.earthisland.org/saveTaijiDolphins , www.seashepherd.org ,http://www.isawearthlings.com/ www.dolphindreamcatchers.com ,http://www.bestfriends.org/ I have been very fortunate to both know, meet or work with some of the great heroes in animal rescue, like Chris DeRose(LCA), the people at Sea Shepherd, the people at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, Ric O'Barry(Flipper's former trainer and activist at ONE VOICE), Boyd Harnell(animal activist and well respected journalist). These people are my role models and my goal is to be of service in the same way as they are..my spiritual pursuit has taken me to many great teachers such as Norm Paulson: http://www.solarlogosfoundation.org/ and Virochana Khalsa: http://www.sacredmountainretreat.org/ Norm is a direct and close disciple of Yogananda Paramahansa: http://www.yogananda-srf.org/ Both Norm and Virochana teach and practice Kriya Yoga. Other great teachers include, Peter Ragnar:http://www.roaringlionpublishing.com/ Kaleshwar:http://www.kaleshwar.org/en/index , and Amma:http://www.amma.org/ and of course my spiritual heroes, Bill W., Dr Bob, and Chuck C.As far as the acting goes I've been very blessed to have worked with many very talented people and I have earned a good living for the last twenty years. And I have worked with some master teachers like Kim Stanley, Eric Morris, and Harold Guskin. Please view my acting reel on this page and part two under the "video" page or go to:http://www.hollywoodlegal.org/billydemo.htmlhttp://www.wi lliammcnamara.com/multimedia.html, which you can see additional stuff; you will need real media which you can download for free here: http://www.real.com/freeplayer/?rppr=rnwk

My Interests

Whales and Dolphins, Animal Rescue and Activism, Spiritual Pursuits

I'd like to meet:

Herman Hesse, Yogananada Paramahansa, Roger Waters, Mother Teresa, St. Germain, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Neem Karoli Baba, Bob Raymer, Chuck C., MLK, Gandhi, Peter Ragnar, Alexandra Morton, Bill W.


SNATAM KAUR, Krishna Das, Ravi Shankar, Crystal Method, Lords of Acid, Chemical Brothers, Roger Waters


Lenny, That Obscure Object of Desire, Paper Moon, Day of the Dolphin, Earthlings, Hair


The Andy Griffith Show, Flipper, Da Ali G Show


Coyote Blue, Demian, Magister Ludi and the Glass Bead Game,Christ Consciousness(by Norm Paulson), Autobiography of a Yogi), Narcissus and Goldmund, Amerika, Listening to Whales, the I AM series of Saint Germain Press,


Ric O'Barry, Captain Paul Watson, Norman Paulson, Virochana Khalsa, Chris DeRose, Amma, Saint Germain, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Jesus of Nazarene, Gregg Braden, Wayne Dyer, Neem Karoli Baba, Krishna Das, Bill Wilson, Dr. Bob, Chuck C., Warner Earhardt, Founders of Best Friends Animal Sanctuary , Mother Teresa, Peter Ragnar, Kim Stanley, Kali Ray, Alexandra Morton