Whales and Dolphins, Animal Rescue and Activism, Spiritual Pursuits
Herman Hesse, Yogananada Paramahansa, Roger Waters, Mother Teresa, St. Germain, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Neem Karoli Baba, Bob Raymer, Chuck C., MLK, Gandhi, Peter Ragnar, Alexandra Morton, Bill W.
SNATAM KAUR, Krishna Das, Ravi Shankar, Crystal Method, Lords of Acid, Chemical Brothers, Roger Waters
Lenny, That Obscure Object of Desire, Paper Moon, Day of the Dolphin, Earthlings, Hair
The Andy Griffith Show, Flipper, Da Ali G Show
Coyote Blue, Demian, Magister Ludi and the Glass Bead Game,Christ Consciousness(by Norm Paulson), Autobiography of a Yogi), Narcissus and Goldmund, Amerika, Listening to Whales, the I AM series of Saint Germain Press,
Ric O'Barry, Captain Paul Watson, Norman Paulson, Virochana Khalsa, Chris DeRose, Amma, Saint Germain, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Jesus of Nazarene, Gregg Braden, Wayne Dyer, Neem Karoli Baba, Krishna Das, Bill Wilson, Dr. Bob, Chuck C., Warner Earhardt, Founders of Best Friends Animal Sanctuary , Mother Teresa, Peter Ragnar, Kim Stanley, Kali Ray, Alexandra Morton