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The LORDs City

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************************************************************ ************************************************************ **** POWERFUL MINISTRY FROM THE HEAVENS, POWERFUL MINISTRY FROM THE HEAVENS, POWERFUL MINISTRY FROM THE HEAVENS!!!!!! ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ****JESUS said to him, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. John 14:6 NKJV ************************************************************ ************************************************************ **** So JESUS said to them, “This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting.” Mark 9:29 NKJV ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ****I am covered with the BLOOD of JESUS and I am wearing the ARMOR of GOD!I am MIGHTY MIGHTY MIGHTY GODLY WOMAN that GOD has called to PRAISE and WORSHIP GOD to pray and ask for the GLORY of GOD HIS PRESENCE where we can experience the POWER OF THE MIGHTY HOLY SPIRIT to perform MIRACLES, WONDERS and SIGNS for the saved and the unsaved and for the unsaved to get saved throught JESUS CHRIST and for the save to be blessed with a MIGHTY FAITH for the GLORY of JESUS THE ANOINTED ONE!!!!! The EARTH SHAKES with the GLORY of GOD because HIS ANOINTING REACHES EVERY CORNER and HIS GLORY UNITE HEAVEN and EARTH because my MY CUP OVERFLOWS and I must give it away for the GLORY OF JESUS!!!!!MILLIONS WILL BE FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT and their HEART will never be empty no more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Says the MIGHTY GOD of ABRAHAM, ISAAC and JACOB this all for the GLORY of MY SON JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!************************************* ************************************************************ *************************** 5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over. Psalm 23:5 NKJV ************************************************************ ************************************************************ **** The LORD healed me from first stages of cancer; I overcame this trial and tribulation "malignancy" with FAITH in the LORD and JOY, PEACE and the prayers of many brothers and sisters, now the LORD gave me a new VISION in this life and I understood that my purpose and priority in this life is HE, the GREAT I AM, to do HIS will. This experience most definately brought me down to my knees and it humbled me in so many ways.While walking through the valley of darkness "trial and tribulation" I asked myself so many things, what was my true purpose in this life? I said to GOD; oh Lord life can be so short; and I feel I have not done sufficient for you? When you get to the point that there is possibility that a life threating situation might take your life I saw material things like there were nothing; at the end of life we do not take anything with us, except our spirit? Life is a blink; I understood that nothing is more valuable than to follow JESUS steps on the earth and do our best of what He says in His Word. ************************************************************ ************************************************************ **** Without LOVE we have nothing Without LOVE we are nothing Jesus Christ is all about LOVE ************************************************************ ************************************************************ **** GODSPEAKS, GODSPEAKS, GODSPEAKS"Surely the Lord GOD does nothing, Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets." Amos 3:7 NKJV..
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Word from the Lord;Title: My Rock My New Jerusalem...................... I AM your ROCK the main cornerstone, the foundation of My house. Hold on to Me tight do not let go! Be wise and build your house on My ROCK but not with your own understanding but with the help of your helper, teacher, guide, counselor the HOLY SPIRIT, He will give you the strength in every way according to my WORD, WILL and WAY so the enemy will not be able to find a crack, weakness or room to deceive you. My ROCK is solid, holy and pure made of gold, precious stones and pearls, My NEW JERUSALEM. My children do not struck My rock twice be obedient and only struck my rock once with love and obedience; otherwise, you will not get to the promise land. I AM your ROCK! Savior! Fortress! House! Stronghold! Deliverer! Redeemer! Hold on tight My children to My ROCK that I will open ways where there are no ways; I will open doors where you see that all doors are closed, these will be open for My purposes, I will restore and bring revival to dry places where there was only death and evil, I will make rivers of life flow from My ROCK, for My gospel is spreading, spreading to those dry places, yes, there will be great sufferings and some of My children will give their lives for Me because for them to die for their MOST HIGH GOD the HOLY ONE is to gain, they do not love their flesh to death but love Me because they obey my statutes and commands, I AM with them. I AM the Living God and I tell you right now my children, great will be their reward, I will not forget them because they have touched my inner most love that surpasses all understanding and knowledge. These My lovely children, will plant the seeds of salvation and eternal life, these seeds will grow and the harvest will be a great harvest, this will be part of the great outpouring of My SPIRIT OF LIFE. My ROCK, MY NEW JERUSALEM the house of all My children where My Father has many mansions for all His children. I the ROCK spreading, spreading the gospel, around the world. Therefore, My children go to all nations, baptizing them in the name of the FATHER and of the SON and of the HOLY SPIRIT, and teaching them to obey everything, I have commanded you. Surely, I AM with you always, to the very end of the age. My ROCK, My NEW JERUSALEM the house of all My children where My Father has many mansions for all His children. God Bless You All, In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, The Lover of our Souls and Anointed One. Amen, Amen,Amen. ************************************************************ ******************* Word from the Lord; Title: Pearls in the Kingdom of Heaven........................ Pearls in My Kingdom are beautiful before My eyes, says the Lord of Lords and King of Kings, My Pearls are the twelve gates of My Kingdom these are My twelve apostles, these marked the beginning of the spreading of My gospel around the earth and it will reach, reach, reach the most hidden places. I AM THE CORNERSTONE OF THE GATES OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. My eyes delight when I see My children glowing as the pearls of My gates, glowing the perfect righteousness of My Word and bringing the light of the truth to the lost souls. My children, bright and shine as pearls before My eyes when they bring My lost children into salvation and eternal life. I AM THE HEAD OF MY HOLY HOUSE FOR THE FATHER, THE SON, AND HOLY SPIRIT IS ONE. My precious pearls, whose names were written with the blood of My Holy Lamb in the Book of Life. My beloved pearls, your gates are open day and night reaching my lost children, O?My heart grieves for My lost children. I AM The LIVING GOD assigned you a mighty angel that guards you day and night for you are My faithful servants and I love you very much, love you... love you... love you... very much. THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS PROTECTED DAY AND NIGHT FOR IS HOLY AND PURE AND WILL NOT BE DEFILED. My pearls must be holy and pure for My voice speaks to you, and these are My vessels that honor ME and glorify ME. Holy, Holy walk Holy... Pure, Pure walk Pure... Cleanse and wash your vessels with My blood, Walk, Walk through the fire...and become the Pearls of the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen, Amen, Amen In Jesus Christ, The Lover of our souls, for His glory and honor, God Speaks*******Jesus Christ (the Messiah) is (always) the same yesterday, today (yes) and forever (to the ages). Hebrews 13:8 AB, Amen. ************************************************************ *******************Word from the Lord; Title:Renew Your Mind................................ The word of God is alive that reveals things in due season. I will reveal mysteries from above heaven that will remind you that My ways are not your ways, for Mine go beyond your thoughts. Be a doer of My word, for My word will revive your thoughts and will renew your mind. For I give new things to My children. I tell you, you must be born again to enter to My Kingdom; for in My Kingdom My children are holy and pure without a spot of sin. Renew your mind constantly with My word, refresh your mind with My word, revive your mind with My word. For My word is the food for your mind, spirit and body. It will reveal to you My Spirit and Truth; everything in due season, My children. Meditate My word and discover that I am the great I Am, the creator of your salvation. Purify your mind with My word, for My word will prepare your mind to receive My mysteries that will reveal My most inner supernatural thoughts. For your mind must be holy and pure in order to enable your spirit to understand My Spirit and Truth. In Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God

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CLICK HERE!Vision of a Warrior Angel from the Most High***************About two nights ago I was totally awake (Sep 26th 2003) at 9:38pm I saw an angel right next to my bed, he was very tall and had huge white wings with large white feathers like a live white dove, I can see them almost breathing so alive (the wings were so alive, I saw them how they stretched in a very slow motion), he was carrying a big thick book in his right hand (burgundy color) and his face, hair, hands and feet were of bronze (metal), he was steering at me in a serious manner (not angry but serious), he was wearing a long white cloth with a thick white band across his shoulder and waist. Across the band were attached 7 David Stars of gold these were spread across the band, I can see them shine. The angel had strong face features (pointy nose and small mouth) and he didn't have human eyes but they were like empty but they were full of light inside, suddenly I was looking inside of his eyes where I can see flashes of white light, I had a very deep experience when I saw inside his eyes. I do not know how I did this but suddenly I could see inside his eyes and I was inside his eyes.I asked the Lord who he was and within a couple of days the Lord revealed me that this is a Warrior Angel from the Most High, on 02/12/04 the Lord revealed to me what the book meant, the book is the Word of God and he fights the enemy speaking the Word to him. My mother and I had been praying for my protection from the enemy attacks. It was an awesome experience. The Lord does awesome things when He hears ans answer our prayers.






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Angel Comments

My Blog

Jesus The New Covenant

"JESUS The New Covenant"   GOD was weeping living rivers of tears and the angels were weeping living rivers of tears; The voice of many rushing waters and many strong thunders kept crying and sa...
Posted by The LORDs City on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 05:14:00 PST

O Wonderful God Great are Your attributes

O’ Wonderful God Great are Your attributes                             &nb...
Posted by The LORDs City on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 06:15:00 PST

The Worldwide Vision of GOD

The WORLDWIDE VISION of GOD   The GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob blessed HIS CHILDREN with a WORLDWIDE VISION   Walk in the POWER of HIS SPIRIT and HE will extent your territory into a WOR...
Posted by The LORDs City on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 09:01:00 PST

Faith and Trusting GOD

Faith and Trusting GOD I have faith and I am trusting GOD that He is delivering me from the lion's mouth. I have faith and I have everything in heavens powerhouse behind me, shouting Victory over...
Posted by The LORDs City on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 09:39:00 PST


The HEALING ANOINTING of JESUS   JESUS is willing to heal everything in your life just ask and receive from your heart JESUS is the Author of the HEALING of our sins just repent of your sins in...
Posted by The LORDs City on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 10:11:00 PST

My Prophets School-Tree

My Prophets School-Tree   My children you are sitting under the tree learning my commands and statutes, my children do not get discouraged that my voice will become clearly every time you pass a...
Posted by The LORDs City on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 08:05:00 PST

"Fresh Anointing"

  "FRESH ANOINTING" allow the "HOLY SPIRIT" to touch you and allow HIM to "FLOW" within you like "FRESH ANOINTING as RIVERS of LIFE" HE is breathing life within you, HIS VOICE in gentle and...
Posted by The LORDs City on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 10:14:00 PST

My Rock My New Jerusalem

My Rock My New Jerusalem   I AM your ROCK the main cornerstone, the foundation of My house. Hold on to Me tight do not let go!  Be wise and build your house on My ROCK but not with your own...
Posted by The LORDs City on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 08:54:00 PST

The LORD is preparing HIS ARMY to SHAKE the EARTH and OPEN the HEAVENS!

Posted by The LORDs City on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 01:27:00 PST

GodSpeaks: Prophetic Rhemas and Logos, Dreams, Visions

Hi Brothers and Sisters:You can pray and praise the LORD in hebrew!!!!! These are the different Mighty names of GOD in hebrew, so lets not stop praying and praising our Mighty Lord in our minds, thoug...
Posted by The LORDs City on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 08:48:00 PST