Various degrees in: religious philosophy, computer science and elec- tronics. Due to numerous classes in English, Literature and Writing, was able to teach English at a tech college for three semesters as a trade for tuition. Have been trained in various forms of mental therapy, marriage and family counseling and other psych techniques. Training in miscellaneous types of counseling such as NLP, Science of the Mind, Acupressure and other spiritual healing arts. Extensive training and study in the areas of remote view applications and quantum theory. Is she a learning avid, you might ask? You bet!
Aside from working with individuals as a counselor and pets as a com- municator, have been working as a professional ghostwriter for over twenty years. Several of the things "ghosted" have been published. (Can't tell what. Signed Nondisclosures. ;) Have spent the last two years completing a six-book science fiction/fantasy that is actually one long story of six parts. Am in the process of seeking an agent now.
About the Wolf:
The animated wolf and several of the background pictures are of Cellszo (pronounced Kelso; AKA Kelly.) He is, as of this coming August, 15 and is half Hungarian and half Timber wolves. (If there's dog, it was in the ancestry of the mother or father wolf and is unknown.) He's lovable and more of a socialite than his reclusive owner (me); loves kids and is just now becoming a bit deaf. Wolves are very much pack animals and need an owner that is willing to raise them as if the owner is a wolf too. Be ready to play rough and find a way to let them run their hearts out. :)
Here Are a Few of Cellszo's Cousins:
Are you aware that these beautiful creatures are again on the "allowed to hunt" list and in some U.S. states hunting is encouraged? Why? Because people are blaming them for the decline in large game populations like the Caribou. However, it's been studied and shown that wolves' major diet are small game and (believe it or not) mice! They only hunt big game when the pack is starving, the prey is aging past breeding years or parents aren't tending a weak or injured offspring.
We firmly believe that the population decline of large game is due to poaching, reduction of the territory needed to survive and the tainting of their water supplies and grasslands by mankind.
Please, join in with others and help in everyway you can to stop hunters from killing these wonderful animals. (Not to mention all the others on the endangered species list.) Can you imagine a planet with only one wild animal - Homo sapiens? Can you imagine what an ecological disaster that would be? Please, help all creatures great and small to survive the unconscionable advancement of humanity!