Myspace Layouts at / Pink blossoms
Ah yes the biog. Where would we be without the biog? I'll be brief, if not straight to the point. I was born in Birmingham, raised in Derbyshire and talked into going to an open mic one Sunday in Teeside (Guisbrough if I'm honest). I sang a few songs and the manager said I could come back and do a couple of gigs for a fiver and a couple of bottles of Diamond White. Thus began my career. I left Guisbrough to go to Uni in Newcastle where I spent a lot of time hanging around the acoustic society commitee and then one day they said I could help. This led to working with acoustic circus which led to more gigs which led to more songwriting. At this point all the other kids had CDs to sell but I didn't have a clue how to do that. This got to be a problem as my nan (who is a big fan) really wanted a copy of the songs. On my 22nd birthday someone bought me a couple of hours in a studio and the result was 'Gravity is the Reason'. Then a year later I made 'Red' which to made it to number 31 in the itunes blues chart for like half an hour! I've just made 'Skies Burnt and Lessons Learnt' which is on itunes as well and involves lots of talented people. Too talented for me. So why not buy a song? Why not let today be the day you take a chance on a ginger?! Why not visit a strange girls tunes on the tinternet and listen to one? Why not say YES! to the unknown and fork out 79p for a song you've never heard and brag to your friends about how you live on the wildside now? Why not leave the strange ginger girl a comment to tell her how you think they all sound like Alanis Morrisette? Why not listen to 6 seconds of the album?! You may have noticed that plugging is not now and never will be my primary talent. My primary talent is making bread and butter pudding, then dog walking then singer/songwriter. I also enjoy the following: fish net tights, poker, hats, whiskey, the bodhran, hair dye, country walks, gin, wellies, digging ponds, talking to cats, white wine, museums, sunsets, sun rises, you get the gist.