Timothy Claypole profile picture

Timothy Claypole


About Me

For those of you who don't recognise me, my name is Timothy Claypole and I'm a Jester-cum-Ghost. I was the driving force behind the smash tv hit Rentaghost in the late 70's - early 80's and I'm still riding the wave. Just last week I attended a Rentaghost reunion party/bash and to say I was the star of the event would be an understatement.
To be honest, at the peak of my career I was the best thing on TV (apart from Wincy Willis of TV-AM fame). I couldn't even leave my house at one point due to a huge crowd of excited chidren/camp men surrounding my premises at all times. I was forced to don a disguise in 1981 just so I could fetch some sheaths from the chemist but for some reason a pink and yellow Jester suit failed to throw the bastards off my tail. Never did manage to fill that hole....
It wasn't until 1983 that I started making love to men and I've never looked back (unless I'm recieving and he's a looker). It started with a 4 year relationship with my then co-star Christopher Biggins but we grew apart due to his immense belly and extreme campness. At the moment I'm dating a professional clown from Ealing and we have the best time! I don't remember laughing this much since finding out that Ms Popov was joining Coronation Street, and boy did I laugh hard.

My Interests

Jesting, Watching TV, Vanishing, Shopping for Jester Suits, Rimming.

I'd like to meet:

Dobbin. I miss that horse like you wouldn't believe. He sadly passed away in 1994 due to an extreme case of Syphillis.

Will Young. I've seen him in concert 13 times and he's a sweetheart.

David Blaine, just to show him up. If you're gonna entertain then wear a fucking costume David. And I bet he can't disappear like I can.


The best band I've ever heard is Renegade Soundwave . Go on, click on it and penetrate heaven. It's a world full of buff men and erect jesters.


Rentaghost, I've got all 58 episodes on Betamax and it's all I'll watch.

My Blog

Rentaghost Intro

Hey fans. Just a quick one before I meet Duncan from Blue for 'supper'....
Posted by Timothy Claypole on Sat, 19 Aug 2006 01:19:00 PST