For those of you who don't recognise me, my name is Timothy Claypole and I'm a Jester-cum-Ghost. I was the driving force behind the smash tv hit Rentaghost in the late 70's - early 80's and I'm still riding the wave. Just last week I attended a Rentaghost reunion party/bash and to say I was the star of the event would be an understatement.
To be honest, at the peak of my career I was the best thing on TV (apart from Wincy Willis of TV-AM fame). I couldn't even leave my house at one point due to a huge crowd of excited chidren/camp men surrounding my premises at all times. I was forced to don a disguise in 1981 just so I could fetch some sheaths from the chemist but for some reason a pink and yellow Jester suit failed to throw the bastards off my tail. Never did manage to fill that hole....
It wasn't until 1983 that I started making love to men and I've never looked back (unless I'm recieving and he's a looker). It started with a 4 year relationship with my then co-star Christopher Biggins but we grew apart due to his immense belly and extreme campness. At the moment I'm dating a professional clown from Ealing and we have the best time! I don't remember laughing this much since finding out that Ms Popov was joining Coronation Street, and boy did I laugh hard.