Herman profile picture


Large and in charge!

About Me

Hello! My name is Herman and I am a Big German Giant Rabbit.

You can see a picture of me here with my surrogate Dad, Hans. He loves me and is really proud that I am his Bunny. We live happily on Hans's farm with lots of other animals.

I decided to get my own site because lots of papers have printed my picture and I think its a good idea to take advantage of the publicity to make more friends. However, I am aware that fame is a fickle mistress. I understand what Pete Doherty goes through... not that I'm a habitual drug user and/or likely to get arrested every few days (I like grass, but not that kind of grass - aaaahahahhahah etc)

I am not ashamed of my weight issue because I think it adds a certain je ne sais quoi to my personality. I am kind and generous, I make friends easily and like being cuddled by everyone. My favourite thing is to have my feet tickled whilst munching on a big carrot - or maybe a parsnip

Although once, some nasty boys were pointing and laughing at me and saying that I was fat and that they'd make a Rabbit pie out of me that would last about 6 months. So I hopped over to them and kicked them in the bollocks with my gigantic feet. Ha Ha Ha. Never saw them again.

Other than that, I am usually calm and sociable. I like playing Bridge on Thursdays and sometimes enter the Euro Lottery. If I win my dream is to buy a huge meadow for Hans and me to live in, full of carrots and parsnips and big girl bunnies.

See if you can help out, support, donate, sponsor or even offer a lovely home to any of my chums who aren't as lucky as me.... here: www.giantrabbitrescue.co.uk

But please note all you large rabbit lovers out there... I don't actually know where you can buy a giant bunny from so if you're serious about finding your very own Herman you might be better off visiting the above website who will give you all the tips on how to raise a rabbit like me. We take a lot of work, care, love, attention and time and we're not for the fainthearted!! A rabbit is for life kids, not just for Easter!!ALSO!! All you overly concerned german giant bunny rabbit lovers out there - please don't worry, I, Herman will NOT be sent to North Korea to feed a family of 35. And please don't be confused because its not Hans who is sending us big'uns to N.Korea, its another man, a nasty man. But we shall rise up and mutiny! VIVE LA RABBIT REVOLUTION!!

Love from Herman xx

"PICTURES OF HERMAN MAKE MY LIFE MORE BEAUTIFUUL"Have a look at this, 2 of my brethern are having a scrap but the Chicken Police soon sort them out.

My Interests

Parsnips, carrots, any kind of food really except beetroot and lemon curd, hay, female rabbits, having amazing adventures (as often documented in my blog) watching telly with Hans, being cuddled, having my toes tickled, long bubbly baths, Havana Cigars, ale

I'd like to meet:

A doe my size.


Chas n Dave (especially their chart buster hit 'Rabbit'), Jefferson Airplane (they did a song I liked called 'White Rabbit'), Herman's Hermits, Bright Eyes, Echo & The Bunnymen, Girls Aloud.


Watership Down, Harvey, Digby The Biggest Dog in The World, Alice In Wonderland, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, The Goodfellas.


You Are What You Eat. Ready Steady Cook. 10 Years Younger. Are You Being Served?


The Unbearable Lightness of Being, How To Win Friends and Influence People, Big Daddy: My Life In Pictures, Everyone Loves A Smart-Arse, and my own book: Being Herman - The Incredible Story of One Giant Rabbit's Rise to Fame


Chas & Dave for bringing my issue to the masses.

My Blog

Herman's Easter Drama!

Well my friends, those of you who are faithful readers of my blog are no doubt aware of the scrapes your favourite Hermy tends to get himself into - but even I think I've reached a new level on t...
Posted by Herman on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 05:10:00 PST

Theiving Johan!

Greetings my dears! Firstly, I must apologise once again for doing yet another disappearing act on you. This time, it wasn't as anything as exciting as being kidnapped to Bavaria, no! It was simply du...
Posted by Herman on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 11:38:00 PST

Herman's Pancake Adventure

Dear Hermfans I hope you are all well and enjoying your week so far. Did everyone have Pancakes yesterday for Pancake Day? Yesterday morning, Hans came out to tell me that he was planning to invite s...
Posted by Herman on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 10:00:00 PST

Valentine Hermantine

Happy Hermantine's Day to all you Herman Lovers out there. Before I carry on, I have a few important messages to some people. - For the postman from this morning, even I was surprised with t...
Posted by Herman on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 04:00:00 PST

Sad Herman

Hello friends. Today I am a wee bit of a sad bunny. I don't know why, maybe I have eaten too much chocolate. I feel a bit tearful and like I need a big hug. I'd ask Hans but he's gone to the Farmer's ...
Posted by Herman on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 08:47:00 PST

Funny things you wouldnt expect about Hermo

Yes, this is good! I like this! Ten Top Trivia Tips about Herman! Humans have 46 chromosomes, peas have 14, and Herman has 7! Herman is picked, sorted and packed entirely in the field! Herman will...
Posted by Herman on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 08:38:00 PST

Lack of peanut butter

Hans just bought me some toast and peanut butter. There wasn't enough peanut butter on the toast and now I'm fed up. ITS NOT GOOD ENOUGH! I may have to attack..... Grumpy Herman.xx...
Posted by Herman on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 02:50:00 PST

Getting to know Herm, getting to know all about Herm

Everything you ever wanted to know about your favourite Rabbitus Giganticus. Enjoy, friends! ..> TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The Survey Name: Herman the Rabbit Birthday: 3rd April Birthplace: My ...
Posted by Herman on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 01:19:00 PST

Heartbroken Hermy

I'm devastated. Heidi has once again dumped me. And this time she says its for good. 'But Herman!' I hear you all cry in unison. 'Herman, why on earth would a balanced minded buxom young doe break you...
Posted by Herman on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 08:23:00 PST

An open letter to hungry North Koreans

Whilst lounging on the sofa with Mrs Hans whilst Hans was out on his tractor (Hans gets a bit funny about me being on the sofa so Mrs Hans smuggles me in when he's not around! And she feeds me the cof...
Posted by Herman on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 07:48:00 PST