Hello, I used to be someone...but now have no immense almighty power in making or breaking your band as I'm on a world doss trip for a year or two, so please don't add me on a sporadic hassling basis, as I will find you and break your drummers fingers. If you would like to contact me, then this is my new email address [email protected] - but back to the informal intro, cats...
Hiya, I'm Vic, I'm a statuesque lady of 29 who was bred in Blackpool - hence why I lack class.
I suffer from a superiority complex because I'm so tall, and always at the back of my mind lingers the thought "I do not fear you, for I could kill you...". I mean you no harm in reality, but always remember; I am better than you, as I can get reach items from top shelves, play basketball, and could probably win a fight against a kangaroo. My polar talent is that I have unfeasibly small hands, so I can move a grain of rice from atop a jenga tower with staggering accuracy.I cannot however pot hole in small crevices and have been known to become stuck for several hours (N.Yorkshire 1989).I am currently in Australia building a new life for myself and my 17 Sudanese cousins. I love it here, and hope to stay.
In my spare time I like to OFFROAD!!! I like to be a bit stupid, banter, smile and take part in bad 80's dancing competitions. I maintain that in Hat Trumps, the mini top hat (worn at jaunty angle) beats the fez.