Conrad Rithblat III profile picture

Conrad Rithblat III

Incorporating freestyle jazz gestures into my daily facial cleansing programme

About Me

擬人化 Since 1979 17 people have died trying to get free stuff out of vending machines. The number of vending machines damaged beyond repair during this period runs into millions. I have decided to devote the rest of my life attempting to even out these statistics.In my spare time i thoroughly enjoy searching through Sunday magazines hoping to find novelty items to purchase, such as brass band CDs, Elvis commemerative mirrors, Princess Di mugs, Star Trek chess sets, ceramic zebras, glass swans, Queen Mother bath towels or similar products that will make my life complete.I want to live out my days in an anthropomorphic fantasy world full of giant puppets, sock animals & inflatable creatures, devoid of puppet masters.

My Interests

-Licking condensation off windows to stay hydrated.-Smelling cats.-Rapidly waving my fingers in close proximity to my eyes to distort my visual field.-Digestion experiments; normally involving sweetcorn.-Replacing the vowels in the words fuck, shit & cunt with an asterisk.-The use of personification/ anthropomorphism.-Expressing my dissatisfaction regarding refuse collection to Leeds city council through the medium of dance.-Demonstrating historically inaccurate impersonations of well known literary characters in the woods.-Depriving myself of sleep in order to induce psychosis.

I'd like to meet:



2001:A Space Odyssey, 5000 Fingers of Dr T, 8 1/2, Amelie, Amores Perros, Arsenic & Old Lace, Bad Boy Bubby, Barton Fink, Being John Malkovich, Belle De Jour, Best In Show, Blue Velvet, Broadway Danny Rose, Capturing The Friedmans, A Clockwork Orange, The Cook The Thief His Wife & Her Lover, Crash('96), Crumb, Delicatessen, The Diary of a Chambermaid, The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, Do The Right Thing, The Double Life of Veronique, Dr Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, The Elephant Man, El Topo, Eraserhead, The Exorcist, Exotica, The Exterminating Angel, Eyes Wide Shut, Festen, Ghost World, Hannah & her Sisters, Happiness, Harvey, Holy Mountain, The Idiots, INLAND EMPIRE, Irreversible, King of Comedy, Laputa Castle in the Sky, Lolita('62), Lost Highway, Love Liza, Manhattan, The Man who fell to Earth, The Milky Way, Mulholland Drive, The Muppet Movie, The Night Porter, Nostalgia, The Odd Couple, Palindromes, Pee Wee's Big Adventure, Persona, The Phantom of Liberty, Play it again Sam, Princess Mononoke, Radio Days, Rosemary's Baby, The Royal Tenenbaums, Rushmore, The Sacrifice, Salo, The Servant, The Shining, The Silence, Simon of the Desert, Solaris('72), Stalker, That Obscure Object of Desire, This is Spinal Tap, Together, Twin Peaks:Fire Walk With Me, Vertigo, Viridiana, Weekend, The Wicker Man, Wild At Heart, Wild Strawberries, Wings of Desire & The Wizard of Oz.


Family Guy, Fraggle Rock, Fry and Laurie, Futurama, Hancock's Half Hour, I'm Alan Partridge, It's a Knock-out!, Kids In The Hall, The League Of Gentleman, Monty Python's Flying Circus, The Muppet Show, Not Only But Also, The Prisoner, Q, Rent-A-Ghost, The Simpsons, The Singing Detective, Star Trek, Trap Door, Trigger Happy TV(English version), The Twilight Zone, Twin Peaks & Vic Reeves Big Night Out.


Jello Biafra, the bloke who frightened the Queen in her bedroom (not Prince Phillip), Luis Bunuel, Kate Bush, Peter Cook, Richard Dawkins, Guy Fawkes, Tony Hancock, Andy Kaufman, Takeru Kobayashi, Karl Marx, Spike Milligan, Nibbles The Comedy Duck, Dennis Potter & Mr Shandar of Shandar Pizzas.

My Blog

My favourite dream

I'm driving an Ice cream Van, police sirens are audible. I turn on the chimes & put my hoof on the accelerator.  A small nervous monkey sitting to my left throws broken cornets out of th...
Posted by Conrad Rithblat on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 07:44:00 PST