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Her Name is Calla

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Recent Live reviews:
Her Name Is Calla were, to put it simply, fantastic.
Nomadic Reveries
Her Name Is Calla are the sort of band to command an almost religious devotion, and although the audience numbers are a disappointment tonight, those who were here to bear witness, would surely testify that HNIC are fucking amazing.
Subba Cultcha
I was already familiar with their music; although this was the first time I’d seen the band play. If anything the songs sounded even better live, even more spectral, monumental and intense.

The Heritage
Her Name is Calla’s new mini-album ‘The Heritage’ is now available to order from the Gizeh Records store.

It’s available in 3 different packages.

1. ‘The Heritage’ CD with a limited edition cassette of the album. Strictly limited to 20 copies. - CASSETTE VERSION SOLD OUT!

2. ‘The Heritage’ CD

3. ‘The Heritage’ CD with ‘A Moment of Clarity’ 7”

Norman Records
Cargo Records
Rough Trade
USA Tonevendor
Tower Records HMV Japan
"This extremely talented band, fundamentally experimental in nature, defies any attempt to describe them using only one set of adjectives.....I guess what I’m saying is this: Her Name Is Calla is a brilliant band with an even more brilliant future ahead of them. This album comes extremely recommended. 8/10"
The Silent Ballet

"...there can be no denying that Her Name Is Calla are one of the most daring, unconventional bands the UK has to offer right now. For that alone we should all be exceedingly thankful. 8/10"
Drowned in Sound
"This is a serious contender for the most affirming alternative rock release of the year, and at this stage one can only imagine and anticipate what the debut proper will sound like.9/10"
Drowned in Sound User Review
"The Heritage' opens as it means to go on claustrophobic, disconnected and disconcerting - it's bloody great...As post rock becomes something tired, dull and predictable, Her Name Is Calla have created something that could not only invigorate, but save the genre and give it it's 'Rebirth'. This album doesn't just hint at greatness, it brazenly wears it tattoo'd across its forehead."
"With repeated listens however, its “New England” that has really taken me over, I cannot find the words to do this song justice. Its the perfect portrait of how living in the city can make you feel sometimes and it touches upon heights not seen since Godspeed called it a day. What Her Name Is Calla touched upon with ”The Moment Of Clarity” 7” they have developed and bettered with “The Heritage”. Its a terrific record in terms of both scope and achievement. The use of found sounds to break up the record shows a great sense of timing and an understanding of the importance of space within the piece as a whole that most bands don’t even consider."9/10
The Four Oh Five
"...this is the most agitated and obsessive I've been about an album all year. It has ruined my work-habits and destroyed my deadlines. And that, I think, is exactly what art should do. 8/10"
Whisperin and Hollerin
"Suffice to say, there had to be a step forward at some point, and clearly this is it."10/10"
Rockfood Magazine

"...this is a very accomplished effort by Her Name is Calla - on this evidence their debut album proper will be something very special. 8/10"
"They sort of connect the dots between early Low, iLiKETRAiNS and Galaxie 500...this is sad, earnest music with flickers of tenderness."
Norman Records
"As bleak and wonderfully desolate a mini-album as you're likely to hear all year, The Heritage marks Her Name Is Calla out as a very special band indeed. 4/5"
"Si on peut reprocher à The Heritage de tenir de la figure de style imposée, Her Name Is Calla montre néanmoins de belles capacités en terme d’embrasement pyrotechnique."
Autres Directions
"Volant de confirmations en confirmations, Her Name is Calla mérite désormais de se faire connaître au plus grand nombre. Nous ne pouvons que réitérer notre précédente conclusion : à quand un premier album, afin d’immortaliser pour de bon ce précieux héritage musical?" 7/10
"The Heritage takes a step back into much darker, more harrowing territory and is all the more interesting a record for it. What it is is a brooding masterpiece of gothic post rock. 8/10"
Die Shellsuit Die!
A work fine for a group not lacking in ambition, capable of going beyond the classical canons of the post-rock. Da seguire con grande attenzione. From follow with great attention. 4/5
Bref pour un premier album c'est un succès, magnifique, reste à faire connaître ce groupe, on compte sur vous. 18/20
if Ballard's suburban apocalypse ever required a soundtrack, this would be it.
Sandman Magazine
Timeless and ageless...this is a bold and assured debut from an innovative band. 4/5.
God is in the TV
"The Heritage is a monumental effort which needs to be absorbed in its entirety......Truly Staggering"
Tasty Fanzine
A Moment of ClarityA Moment of Clarity - New single on Gizeh Records released on October 1st. Limited to 500 copies on vinyl and download only. Order a copy now. £2.99 + £1.20 P&POrder from here: Gizeh Records shop
Download from here: Itunes

Download from here: Napster

"music like this should only ever be performed in the world's finest opera houses...A Moment of Clarity is a kaleidoscopic trip of mammoth proportions."
Angry Ape

"Their first release since signing to Leeds-based Gizeh Records, 'A Moment Of Clarity' is one of those rare records that sounds more intense, thought provoking and ultimately BETTER with every subsequent listen...Her Name Is Calla are simply one of the brightest, most ambitious bands in the country at present and anyone who gets in the way of their bold quest to re-invent several musical wheels will find themselves crushed accordingly.
Contact Music

"the aural equivalent of open heart surgery without anaesthesia. Simply perfect."
Losing Today

"quite possibly the ultimate British post-rock single of this year...Describing a piece of work that is of this magnitude is near impossible. I could dissect them excessively, discussing each chord, each beat, each note, although that would only half-describe HNiC’s sound"
The Silent Ballet

Après s'être essayés au jeu des montagnes russes durant les seize minutes que durait leur précédent single, Condor And River, c'est à travers deux titres plus conventionnels mais pas moins intenses que Her Name Is Calla ont construit leur nouvelle production, A Moment Of Clarity.A l'image des géniaux iLiKETRAiNS que le groupe accompagne durant sa tournée anglaise actuelle, Her Name Is Calla propose avec ces deux nouveaux titres des explorations épiques et planantes où le chant si souvent mis à l'écart dans le monde du post-rock trouve ici sa pleine mesure. Passée une introduction plaintive et intrigante, A Moment Of Clarity se révèle être la synthèse des capacités du quatuor où l'acoustique et l'électrique, supportés par des cuivres, se mêlent et s'entrecroisent pour le plus grand bonheur de nos oreilles jusqu'à un épilogue crispant et intense. Sa bside, Lincoln, revet quant à elle un intérêt tout autre dans un style pour le moins opposé. L'ambiance y est pesante et angoissante, si ce n'est religieuse, le seul chant y étant accompagné par une nappe de claviers et des percussions pour le moins discrètes. Un minimalisme osé mais dont l'effet hypnotique s'impose en toute discrétion au fil des écoutes.Avec ces deux nouveaux aspects de leur monde, symbolisé ici par l'explosivité et le calme, Her Name Is Calla confirment les promesses entrevues ces derniers mois. Un nom à retenir !
Sound of Violence

Back in stock soon
Condor and RiverCONDOR AND RIVER EP.
Released on 2nd July. SOLD OUT- Now only available as download
Download from here: Itunes

Download from here: Boomkat

Download from here: Napster

Rarely has a piece of music actually sounded so idyllic for a setting far beyond your wildest imagination...
...Whatever the inspiration for this, it sure as hell makes listening to straightforward three-minute trad-pop songs impossible afterwards, and simply begs the question: why can't all artists be as ambitiously prophetic as this?
Dom Gourlay 8/10

Listening to it is almost like watching a film or reading a book, although there are few words the music ebbs and flows, and repeated motifs work almost like characters in a story. Track one is the bulk of the tale, and track two is almost like an epilogue, much shorter but powerful in its own right. I keep thinking I'm giving too many high review scores, but there is absolutely nothing I would want to change about this release. From the packaging right through to the very last note it's stunning, at once sinister and moving. Highly recommended.
Will Slater 10/10

The whole effect is entirely mesmerising and haunting, particularly after the deliberately soporific introduction. The EP does not pass out in an equally anonymous manner, instead employing a wall of electronic violence...

This UK experimental prog band grasps our attention by carrying us up and down and back and forth through the musical plane, blooming into a zen oasis then exploding in anger.
Diana Sitaru 7/10

This is but part of a new opus by this post-rock troupe. Her Name Is Calla have provided us a snippet of The Quiet Lamb and within two tracks and eighteen minutes of music, they leave a delectable trail of post-rock pick’n’mix for us to savour and digest....The track swelters, bellows and symphonises hurt, loss and, somehow, hope all at the same time. It’s a track to get lost in...
Brad Barrett 5/5

Remember Her Name Is Calla. Though they resemble four med students and their set is three songs long, their performance is mesmerising. Tom’s voice caresses the microphone, fragile as cobweb, but is stronger than ten-point steel and holds it’s own against Mussorgskian trombones, speedcore drums and swooping guitar statements that would be cheesy if they weren’t so epic. With aspects of Floyd, Godspeed, Radiohead and Peter Gabriel, ‘Condor and River’ has to be heard to be believed. My God, but they’re good

Her Name is Calla ‘Condor and River’ (Loom). No strangers to these missives, previous visitations by Leicester’s Her Name is Calla have enthralled with their overwhelming sense of darkly bruised beauty, if we were to compare them we’d say in our humbled opinion that they are the dark half of Hush the Many - some times frail, fragile and unsettlingly eerie at others turbulent, crushing as though surfing the crest and orchestrating at will some unseen oncoming storm.
’Condor and River’ provides for a glowing and deeply rewarding spectacle and serves as warning as to the ensembles shift in song craft development, perspective and texture. Now expanded to a quartet ’Condor’ finds Her Name is Calla comfortably as one in their song craft skin.

The Quiet Lamb (Album) TBA, 2009
Condor and River (Split 12 inch with Maybeshewill) TBA, October) 2008
The Heritage (mini album) 9th June, 2008
A Moment of Clarity (single) [A Moment of Clarity / Lincoln] 2007
Condor and River (One track single) 2007
Hideous Box (Single) [Hideous Box, With Eyes So Full of Sparks of Love, The Good Book] 2006
The White and the Skin (Single) [The White and the Skin / Nylon] 2006
Blueprints: Augustus, Will You Build Again? (Demo) 2005
Cracked Wooden Hands of the Master Craftsman (EP) 2005
Paraplegia (Single) [Hidden Body, Your Life in Pictures, Hideous Box demo] 2005

My Interests


Member Since: 11/17/2004
Band Website: hernameiscalla.co.uk
Band Members:

Sophie Barnes - Trumpet, Vocals

Thomas Corah - Synthesis, Trombone, Piano, Vocals

David Dhonau - Cello

Michael Love - Bass, Vocals

Tom Morris - Vocals, Guitar, Piano

Adam Weikert - Drums, Synthesis, Keyboards

Alumni / Contributors
Lloyd Carter, Andrew Coles, Fin Corah, Scott Everett, Richard Knox, Edie Morris, Olivia Morris, Steve Naish, Public Relations Exercise, Joseph Ross, Alex Webb, Steven Webb, Joe Williams.

Booking / Enquiries:
[email protected] or [email protected]
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Hosting by YMLP.com
Sounds Like: Her Name Is Calla
Record Label: licence to: www.gizehrecords.com
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

The Heritage review by Neoprog

..TR> ..TR> Translated from French   Review written on 17/05/2008 Note : 18/20 Note: 18/20 The Heritage The Heritage Groupe : Her Name Is Calla Group: Her Name Is Calla Titres Titles ...
Posted by Her Name is Calla on Mon, 26 May 2008 12:01:00 PST

Interviews / The Heritage reviews

I'll try and keep this as comprehensive as I can. If anyone sees anymore, please let us know!   Interviews GOD IS IN THE TV http://www.godisinthetvzine.co.uk/content/content_detail.php ?id=2448&ty...
Posted by Her Name is Calla on Wed, 21 May 2008 08:45:00 PST

The Heritage (Some reviews)

http://thesilentballet.com/dnn/Home/tabid/36/ctl/Details/mid /384/ItemID/1381/Default.aspx Score: 8/10 Were you disappointed with the new A Silver Mt. Zion album?  If so, don't worry, you're cert...
Posted by Her Name is Calla on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 06:07:00 PST

Another good review from Twilight Sad gig

http://angryape.com/reviews/2008/03/26/her-name-is-calla-liv e   Her Name Is Calla - Live[Glasgow King Tut’s Wah Wah Hut] Published Wednesday, 26th March, 2008 at 4:31 PMRelease date: 21st M...
Posted by Her Name is Calla on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 11:00:00 PST

Nice review of Glasgow gig with Twilight Sad

http://www.bluesbunny.com/tabid/59/xmmid/743/xmid/767/xmview /2/default.aspx   The Twilight Sad and Her Name is Calla live at King Tuts, Glasgow   Another sold out concert at King Tuts summo...
Posted by Her Name is Calla on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 12:04:00 PST

God is in the TV- Live review

Here’s the bit about us: Having been on stage for some minutes, Her Name Is Calla begin to play almost imperceptibly. However, their sound builds and builds until it reaches an intensity which i...
Posted by Her Name is Calla on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 04:51:00 PST

The Heritage / Tour

Good morning to you all!Hope you are all doing well. Just to let you know that our mini album goes on pre-sale from today. Like our previous single, A Moment of Clarity, it is being released through G...
Posted by Her Name is Calla on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 03:09:00 PST

Live reviews from our tour with iLiKETRAiNS

Drowned in Sound Her Name Is Calla look flustered, certainly more so than the last time we saw them. A sound man's nightmare at the best of times, tonight's tight schedule and 10pm curfew means they b...
Posted by Her Name is Calla on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 04:21:00 PST

February tour

Hello everyone, we'll holed away recording the album due around April 2008 time- all's currently going well and we're really enjoying ourselves. We're going to be doing a mini tour between Feb 2nd- Fe...
Posted by Her Name is Calla on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 04:15:00 PST

Interviews and win ’A Moment of Clarity’

There's some interviews with the band here:http://www.audioscribbler.co.uk/features/iliketrains1.h tmhttp://discover.drownedinsound.com/articles/2472701 PLUS WIN A COPY OF 'A MOMENT OF CLARITY'Live rev...
Posted by Her Name is Calla on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 04:37:00 PST