Yeah, I'm OLD SCHOOOOOOL! In my time I was a River Raid Champion....1,000,000,000 points....I have a patch to prove it.I have a deep conflicting love for SNOW......It is beautiful, BUT it's painfull and can keep you a prisioner of your home for days.....UGH!!!!
Last night I did a show on operator 11, which turned into three shows........I was trying to get my brother to partake in the show, but he was late...When he did show up I had just about finished off the bottle of wine I was working on....SO thats why I have a little mumble drinking accent on this show.....This show goes on for about thirty miutes and was recorded Wednesday night at 2:30 AM!!!!!!! My shows are called NIGHT STREAM.....This episode is called Night Stream 16, which turned into three shows....It's basicly me B.S.-ing and talking about my art, my brother's art and the show in Chicago.....If you think you like what you see, join op11 and be my friend so we can chat....Here is the LINK......Check it out.....Stupid fun, please join in the future...THIS WEEKEND I'm going to to BROADCAST the show from the studio....SO if you want to check out the show without actually being there log on to op11 and watch.....I'm probably going to do a couple shows Friday night and Saturday night.....I plan on talking to the camera a bit and maybe we'll get some crowd interaction? Should be fun....PEACE..........
a little of everything.BUT in the past ten years, I have been heavily involved in art, teaching art, collecting rare and unusual plants, traveling, Koi collector, water filtration geek, building ponds, philosophizing about excistence and what it means. Many of my thoughts always ask the question why. In the world around me many people interest me. The reaction of interaction is incredible, which for me is of great interest. The universe is full of possibilties and suprises. Every day many interestesting events occur in my life. The paintings, sculptures and photos are my gifts to you....I use oils in my paintings....I sculpt with many differnt materials...My photos are exciting moments in time and space for me.........................
genectically enginered humans
Music? spirtual, inspiring, emotional, poetic, prophetic, hypnotizing, energizing, liberating, bonding, painful, penetrating. A creative structure using sound waves as its medium. Sounds building patterns. Patterns we translate into our environment which help confirm our humanity. I enjoy sounds/music which trigger emotions and memories. ..................... ................... There were ORBS everywhere this night mingling in the ART MUSEUM... ..................... This is an IMAGE which appeared in the background of one of my PHOTOSDo you know who put it there???? ................. I collect old tarnished items, and I let them age.... ................... Ok, I get it, there is lots of pain in life.... ............... This is work from an old art teacher of mine....Peter Williams he is pretty good. ............... this is artwork from another old teacher of mine, Jim Pallas....He's pretty good too. .... .. ......... I thought it would be a GOOD IDEA to show some people playing music in here as you explore. ........ .....................THERE IS REALLY NO NEED FOR DEATH THROUGH WAR. MODERN SOCIETY HAS THE ABILITY FOR A UNIFIED WORLD OF PEACE....ALL OF US ARE LEARNING HOW TO GET ALONG IN THIS WORLD...WE ARE ALL CHANGING THOUGH THE COURSE OF OUR LIFE...BELIEFS AND EMOTIONS PLAY A GIANT ROLE IN OUR DESTINY....OUR EMOTIONS CAN FREE US OR DECIEVE US. THE PHYSICAL WORLD DOES NOT HAVE TO DECIEVE US ON THE MEANING OF PEACE...WE SHOULD NEVER ALLOW DEATH AS A SOLUTION FOR PEACE...HOWEVER DIFFERENT WE FIND OTHERS TO BE, IT IS NOT AN EXCUSE FOR WAR AND DEATH....THE BELIEF THAT WAR IS THE ONLY SOLUTION FOR PEACE IS A CAVEMAN MENTALITY. IT'S A GOOD THING THER WERE SOME HIPPIE CAVEMEN OR ELSE WE WOULD HAVE GONE EXTINCT LONG AGO......IT IS TIME TO RISE TO THE OCCASION..THIS IS A MOST EXCITING TIME....PEACE & FREEDOM TO THE WORLD.
Some movies I really enjoyed in no particular order: *-Zorba the Greek *-Star Wars *-2001 Space Odesey *-The Good, The Bad, The Ugly *-Monster Island *-Apocycolapse Now *-Most of the Bruce Lee movies, Clockwork=Orange EXCELLENT!*-ETC.......... .................. ................ I really like koi fish???? I just do.... ......... Here is a cool sunset over Lake St. Clair....By the way I really like FRATERS???....I just do. ...... Here comes the FRATER!!!! ....... ............ Unusual November colors over Lake St. Clair ......... Wild SOMBER colors!!! ....... Here comes the FRATER... ........ Frater moving towards the light.... .......... Emotional clouds .......... ....... ......... ....... .................
..Too much needy trash on the TV now adays..............BUT I like my TV fix and suck up alot of TV regardless. Favorites in no order..... "The Price is Right", Discovery, anything to do with travel and plants, Comedy Central, "The Office" (The British version), "Late night w/Conan", Sundance has lots of good movies, During the winter lots of hockey ETC........................................ ......................... TAKE A RIDE ON THE GEMINI ......................................... GUNS & VIOLENCE is NO GOOD....But if I was cowboy in the old wild west "Hollywood style" this is who I would want to be like....BAD ASS...................
a little of everything, I try to live life as if it were a great book????? ..........THAT IS ME ON TOP....VERY NICE EXPERIENCE...... ...... ........................ ...................... ................... ....................... ......................... ................... Yes, I like EXPENSIVE London..... ............... Yes, snow makes me CRAZY!!!.... ................... I think we look good.... ......... Yes, Rome is VERY NICE. ......... Pisa is tiny, BUT it's cool to go to the top of the Leaning Tower. .......... Oh yes it's true, I love TREES and especially Japanese maples....In my dream I have had GREAT CONVERSATIONS with VERY WISE TREES!!!
If you can just connect with the act of creatvity you are my hero......Show us you understand art "in your own way".....ART........You can do it!!!!!!
.........FIRST AND FOREMOST, Family and friends, teachers and students....................In the world of fantasy,
.......................................Ultra-Man, Snake Eyes, Popeye, Green Latern, Godzilla,Rowdy Rowdy Piper, Tigger the Tiger, Charlie Brown, Qui Chane Kane, As artists (as for the well known ones)Picaso, Duchamp, Pollock, and Dali are brilliant freaks. PEOPLE WHO HAVE HELPED ME IN WAY OR ANOTHER WITH MY ENDEAVORS. Tom Parish (WISE Painting instructor), Peter WIlliams (Painting Instructor, great mind, great artist, thanks for great conversations), Jim Pallas (Teaches everything about art, BRILLIANT ECENTRIC), Tom Paul Fitzgerald (A sculpture teacher with a big heart, truly enjoys helping artists of the future)Jack Summers (Fantastic, knowledgable, high energy high school art teacher)Ted Maluchnik (very kind and spitual/religious teacher years ago for me).....As a ART teacher myself I have had the pleasure of showing many students the creatvity in them......This one is FUNNY and I have kept it....IT HELPS ME LAUGH AT CREATIVE STRESS.... ..HEROES CONTINUE..Paul James (I love the plants, he's got a good show on HGTV) Debbie Hayes (The best principal I've worked with, NOW RETIRED) Peter Wadington (Took koi hobbie into another dimension) Steve Yzerman (If your from Detroit and love hockey YOU KNOW WHY) Ed Dorsey and Patti Dorsey AKA "Windchime Walker" (The greatest neighbors you could ask for when your growing up as kid) Avanash Rachmale (Had a dream in another country and turned it in reality). After giving this some additional thought.............I thought it only RIGHT to acknowledge these people.....My great freinds of the past and present. I have been very fortuante in friendships. Most of my friends of the past have stayed my friends for years. Regardless, I still remeber all the sub-conscious people of the past. They are just as important!!!!!!!!! Many of these friendships do not present as strong of a bond in present. BUT their moments and experiences are with me........MADNESS!!!! we all need a little madness, MADNESS can free US.....Their is no reason to accept failure, RATHER it is way for us to be HUMAN...BUILDING our character throguh perserverance....Laughing at expectation...Because it us who makes such RIDICULOUS situations become devastating....Their is only growth and evolution...Beyond that, is the the path of "LIFE EXPERIENCE", nothing is ever DETERMINED...IT'S A STATE OF MIND!!!!!MADNESS CAN FREE YOU!!!!!A GOOD FRIEND TO ME STAYS A GOOD FRIEND in all thoughts including R.E.M............If you like philosophy, exploring, traveling, collecting, BUT can accept NO BELONGINGS, yearn for thought, always ask WHY?????????? Then perhaps you have been to the abstract jungle I have visited.......If you know me, chances are we have been there. AN EXCELLENT TRAIN OF THOUGHT!!!!!!!!!!!AND simple truths..........YOUR ARE MY HERO!!!!!!! At the core we are all humans with the same needs..MY THOUGHTS......YOUR THOUGHTS..." Chemicals interactions using an energy we don't quite understand". Clean thoughts help the spirit... These people have been inspiring spirits and Heroes to me! Matt Wenzler, Stash Capponi, Brad Burns, Dan Hanneman, Phil Mcdonald, Jim Fillmore, Marty Craft, Chris Gianino, Jesse Jarvis, Domn Luca, Erik Mathews, Matt Recht, Mike King, Bill Simonson, Mr. Walker, Mrs. Brazil, Mrs. BURNS, Mrs. BOROWSKI. Mrs. Ryan, Mrs. Goldsmith, Mrs Mozaritti? The weird grey-haired guy with the brief case who would test SKILL LEVEL????????Molly White, Allison Motika, Shelly Smiith, Brad Warzack, Chris Butt, Brian CLute, Denny Eagan, Ann DIngeman, Ali, chris Nelson, Jeff Everham, Pat Kean, Ben Raubaut, Kenyeata Asker, Dorita SOMETHING, Jeff Hunington, Brian Crane, Claire Jaminson, Andrea with glasses and SMART (kissing butt) BEEKER,,,,...........TO my friends of creativity, who are in great numbers!!!!!!! There is a need for our brains!!!!!! How it evloves is up to you!!! More importantly US as whole artistic entity. In regards to increasing our numbers in society I invite each and everyone one of you to include yourself in this database of creativity. I do consider you my heroes!!!!!! As seeds of creativity need to find fertile nutrient soil......AS Artist we know the environment does not need to be rich to be creative... AS long as it is fertile ground!!!!!!. However you determine what fertile is!!!!!..........This desire to live and evolve in this world is key for survial and is true of all species.... So far...... As modern people we have made it work.....The many behaviors patterns we have in society still can work in a collective....How long???????Maybe for many years to come or maybe we are only years away from the end of our race...... We/They need to find groups or tribes which represent our strength and idenity.....The truth is we are always trying to find idenity until the day we die....fight for what we believe in!!!! OR at leat let people know we can help however we can....As many events go bad we must realize as a species we have let it reach this point. We point fingers and threaten eachother like big hairless monkies...... EXCEPT we have milions of deadly ways to kill eachother!!!! No one country is responsible...No one person or GOD is responsible!!!!!.... AS a global society we have failed as a mass evolving group.........We will try to find more questions and never address the answers.........YOu know there ARE A LOT OF GREAT MYSPACE ART TALENT OUT THERE...... i REALLY ENJOY VIEWING ALL OF IT....bUT LIKE ANYTHING eLSE THERE are A FEW THAT STICK OUT TO ME LIKE A GOOD SPECTACLE, KIND OF LIKE HEOROES, THESE PEOPLE ARE DATED for their skill, productivity and entertainment............HERE IS WHAT I witnessed, these are interesting people,DON'T WOORY ABOUT THE NAMES & PICS RATHER THE WHOLE TRAIT (stamp).....CHECK THEM it!!!!!!!! stash, Dalibor,White Chocolate Shagswell, jASON sTOUT, ALEXANDER, nATHALIE, Peter Bowman,
***DAN COMER***Kirk Persidkis
MORE TO FOllow.....
All you can really do is BELIEVE in yourself.....