Plundering, Drinking Rum, Fucking, Smoking, Stealing, Ordering pirate dogs around, Running some one through with me blade, Finding treasure, Sailing, Getting a Tattoo, Living it up, Fishing, Just plain any thing that involves a good time. That be one of my many tattoos I knows that many of you don’t know me. I be a tall sort of a man. With only one leg to stand on the other is oak. I really have lost me leg some time a go in a car wreck. That be okay. All of the teasing while I grew up with out my leg is what turned me into the pirate I am today. In this world only one thing to me rings true that is pirates. The first free folks with democracy on their side. They didn’t care what you looked like, who you prayed to late at night, or by the way the dressed what fashion was about. They rebelled against the norm in every way. What I want is for people I know to do the same. Be treated as ye treat others. A fair chance to move up in the ranks no matter what. That’s who I am that’s who I want to be. Both be the same…That and I loves me rum!!
Mostly rich folks I want to meet you. Hell my whole crew wants to meet with ya....
Aye Music be something I likes much of. Any pirate songs be good.
Aye have to little spare time for this thing.
Well I have me heros most being pirates themselves.