
Heart of Stone

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4


My Interests

Pirate events, Ren Faires, Art, Tattoos, Reading, Music, Fine wine, Great food, Finding treasure, Really Good Conversation and People watching...Oh and I have a thing for Real Rogues and Scallywags!!

I'd like to meet:

Pirates of all kinds from all over the globe but especially other...


All types R&B, Motown, Aerosmith, Boingo, Food For Feet, Ozomatli, Celia Cruz, Chaka Kahn, Anastasia, Fleetwood Mac, I like classical, soul, rock and Kapt Kula!

Kapt Kula's Pirate Party


All types, Tim Burton, Period films like Elizabeth, The Three Musketeers (73' Oliver Reed), Lion in Winter, Excaliber, Pirates of the Caribbean, Anne of the Indies, like a good mystery but you can keep the slash and gash...


Love old black and white movies TCM Channel, Anthony Bordain's No Reservations, Deadwood, CSI and some BBC stuff


Pablo Naruda Poetry, historic novels, period pieces, Treasure Island, Robinson Caruso, Farwell To Manzinar I LOVE to collect childrens literature.


My mother, single parenting is the hardest job in the world...my son, he has turned into quite a man dispite some of lifes curve balls...Bob Bowers, the toughest Pirate I know!Click here to read about the toughest Pirate there is:


- Get Your Own

My Blog

Another season comes to a close...

Well here we are, another faire season has come to a close. I can't say that I am glad and I can't say that I am sad.  Seven weeks and it has all gone by so terribly quickly.  We decided to ...
Posted by "Cora" on Tue, 22 May 2007 12:27:00 PST

Starting off on the "write" foot?

Well before I get too involved, let me first wish you and yours a very Happy New Year.  I hope you are in a good place and that your prospects are looking good for the future. Ok, where to start....
Posted by "Cora" on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 10:58:00 PST

Enough Already...

Ok, for the most part I have stayed off any soap box and tried to just be a friend to those on my list, I read the stories and try to be supportive...however...I have come to the sad conclusion that a...
Posted by "Cora" on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 11:21:00 PST