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I am Hip, Hop, and a Hoppity Hop ,and Yes, I just CAN'T STOP!!!!

About Me

Bells is my CREATOR! ........................ This is how the ladies looks when you drink several bottles of me. Sometimes the HOP ANGLES just appear out of a green mist. .......... This is where all the HOP ANGLES LIKE TO PARTY! ......... The ART OF THE HOP PLANT ......... ......... I am HOPS! My life is dedicated to Hops! ......... Hops have been used medicinally mostly as a nervine, sedative and sleep aid. BUT TASTE THE BEST IN BEER!!!!!!Strobiles are placed in pillows to induce sleep and it has been said that both Abraham Lincoln and George III used such pillows. Reports have indicated that early hop field workers tired easily and experiments with frogs, birds and mice indicate hops depressed the central nervous system. Other medicinal uses include stomachic, anodyne, expectorant, diuretic, stimulant for estrogen production and in the treatment of rheumatism, jaundice, insomnia, hysteria, flatulence, ringworm, toothache and diarrhea. Hop poultices were used to treat boils, skin infections and discoloration's and it is thought hop has some antiseptic properties. The English smoked hop (mixed with cherry leaves for better flavor) for its slightly narcotic properties until WWII but the safety of this remains in doubt. ........ ........ Hop has other uses. For gardeners it makes an attractive screening plant and there are ornamental cultivars. It is sometimes used as a rambling groundcover. For crafters, the vines, after prolonged soaking, can be made into cloth, paper or baskets. The leaf produces brown dye. Extracts have been used in food flavorings and soft drinks as well as perfumes. ......... .......... The name origin is somewhat cloudy but Humulus probably derives from humus where the plant likes to grow. Lupulus means "little wolf" so used because the Romans thought hops sucked the life out of the trees on which they grew, similar to a wolf on a sheep. The word hop comes from the old Anglo-Saxon word, hoppan, which means to climb. .......... .... .. Myspace Layout Generator-Layoutgen.com

My Interests

Hoppy things..... ........... ........... Pliny (61-113 AD) discusses hops in his study of natural history. To the Romans, it was Lupus Salictartius, from the way they originally grew. As the ancients said, hops grew "wild among willows, like a wolf among sheep," hence the name Humulus Lupulus.The hop has its place in folklore. Along with the animals who are supposed to receive the gift of speech late on Christmas Eve, the hop is supposed to turn green in the same night..... ........ The first mention of hops is in reference to a hop garden in the Hallertau district in 736 AD.The first EUROPEAN mention of hops being added to beer was in 1079 by Abbess Hildegarde of St. Ruprechtsberg. "If one intends to make beer from oats, it is prepared with hops.Brewing was traditionally a monastic task, and much mention is made of hops gardens in monasteries. ....... .........In Germany which was the center from which hops conquered all Europe, it was not until the 13th century that the traditional flavoring of gruit was seriously threatened.In some places, like Cologne, monopolistic rights were associated with gruit, generally the Church’s. The Archbishop of Cologne possessed the "Grutrecht" (gruit rights) and tried to suppress the use of hops, which of course the brewers saw as a commercial as well as technical advance. ......... ...... While the composition of gruit was subject to local variations, it commonly contained bog myrtle, rosemary, yarrow, alecost, and many others. The herbs were not chosen only for their flavor, but for their reputed medicinal properties as well.The hopped beer of the Middle Ages was extremely heavily hopped. 7 lb. to the hogshead, or 5 lb. to the barrel were not uncommon. ......... .......... Records reflect the use of hops in beer in France in 1268 during the reign of Louis IX. the law stated that beer should only contain good malt and hops.In Holland, by the 14th century, the Netherlanders had already developed a taste for Hamburg beer, which was hopped beer, in contrast to the normal Dutch beer, which was still based on gruit. ....... ....... The Dutch nobility tried to exclude foreign beers by prohibition and high import duties, but the reputation of Hamburg beer as so great, that it all came to naught. In 1376 there were no less than 126 ‘braxatores de Almsetlredamme’ (Amsterdam breweries).The Dutch were apt pupils and by 1517, Antonio de Beatis stated the "the beer in these regions is better than in Germany and brewed in larger quantity." .... .... ....... The English developed a taste for hopped Dutch beer while soldiering in the Low Countries. Hopped beer, or beer (as opposed to ale) was imported into Winchelsea as early as 1400, with the first hops being planted in England in 1428.In 1524, hops were condemned as an adulteration by Henry VIII, and an injunction against their use was issued. ........... ........ However, in 1536, Edward VI (Henry’s successor) commended hopped beer as "notable, healthy, and temperate." ........ ........ The Brewer’s Company, formed in 1437 and made up of ale brewers, concerned about the spread of beer petitioned the Lord Mayor of London in 1484 that "no hops, herbs, or other like thing be put into any ale or liquore wherof ale shall be made--but only liquor, malt, and yeast." This was intended to keep clear the demarcation between ale and beer.In 1493, the beer brewers themselves became a definite craft (guild) and ale and beer were to remain quite distance for over 100 years. ......... ......... Although unhopped ale had ceased to be brewed in England by the sixteenth century, it could still be found in Scotland. We read of Jerome Cardan, a French physician, who traveled to Scotland in 1552. He frequently mentions food and approves of Scotch ale and says that it "it differs from beer in the omission of hops."ADVANTAGES OF HOPPED BEERBeer was the one drink that had been sterilized and was safe to drink.Prior to hops, the stronger (more alcoholic) beer was, the longer it kept. The addition of hops is a preservative, thus allowing beer to be weaker and still keep longer.Hops allowed you to produce more beer from the same amount of malt. Reynold Scot, in A Perfite Platforme for a Hoppe Garden, states "whereas you cannot make above 8-9 gallons of a very indifferent ale from a bushel of malt, you may draw 18-20 gallons of very good beer."Hops also aid in clarification as well as head retention.

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Hoppy Days... This is me on TV growing over an 8 hour span (time lapse)....I grow real fast and can grow 6" to 10" a day....This is me doing my Hop dance on Video.


Zen And The Art Of Beermaking-There is ALSO SOMETHING ELSE YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT ME.....I am related to MARIJUANA!--------------------------------HOPSLong used as a flavoring in the beer-brewing process, hops are now becoming well known among druggies. The plant (Humulus lupulus) contains lupuline, a yellow resinous powder that is the closest chemical relative to THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. ........... ....... Not only is the hop plant a legal relative of cannabis, but it will get users reasonably stoned. If smoked in the form of a joint, the sweet-sour, flaky fruiting parts of the plant will produce a mild, grass like high accompanied by a feeling of peace and serenity. ......... ........ If you'd like to try hops for their sedative qualities, bring but the old teapot. Simply steep an ounce of dried hops flakes in a pint of water, let the brew stand for about two hours, strain out the excess flakes, and drink a tablespoonful be fore each meal and before hitting the bay at night. Just like counting sheep ... zzz-zzzl .......... ........ Hops should not be abused, especially if you're the sensitive type. Too much taken over too long a period of time might begin to produce some side effects such as dizziness, an intoxicated feeling and symptoms of jaundice.Those with a green thumb, might be interested in the fact that the hop vine can be successfully grafted to marijuana root stock.... ..... What the grower ends up with is a hop vine loaded with marijuana's active resins. The crushed, dried leaves work as potently as grass when smoked. However, the plant looks just like a legal hop vine, keeping the curious from knowing what is being raised in the grower's garden of delights. .......... ........ Hop cuttings are now difficult to obtain, since the government has asked growers not to sell them to the general public But there's no law against trying, and the effort might well be worth the home cultivator's legal while....


Hop Angels & Willie Nelson..... .......... ........

My Blog


BELLS BREWERY has been testing several new strains of hops. During their testing they realized they came across an incredible combination of hops utopia. Hopslam is a seasonal beer, and this year it w...
Posted by Hoppy on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 11:54:00 PST

Here is a beer Angle walking down the cat walk....Beer is SO SEXY!

Posted by Hoppy on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 08:47:00 PST