Giant Snow Flakes, Toasting, Stolen Kisses, Drinking Games, Flowers, Drinking Songs, Music, Bubbles, Feasting, Howling at the Moonlight, Parties, Dancing (especially clumsily), PeanutButter, Fireflies, Mulberry Body Paint, Mead, Shiny Things, Sunsets and Moon Risings, Laughter, Storytelling, Firelight, Little Creatures (but not chipmunks, they steal things from our camp and romp on our tent in the wee hours of the morning), Horseback Riding, Wind Blown Hair, Funny Faces, Alcohol, Friends
CURRENT MOON lunar phases
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Sacred and Herbal Healing Beers, Cooking With Beer, The Ultimate A-Z Bar Guide, Radical Brewing, The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Mythology, The Great Encyclopedia of Faeries, The Element Encyclopedia of Witchcraft, Dictionary of Gods and Goddesses, A Storytime Treasury
The Goddesses and Gods - for creating beers, ales, meads, wines, and all those other wonderful drinks.
My Friends - for it isn't easy to live well in this world.
Which Random Irish Gaelic Phrase Are You?
Ta me air meisce
Ta me air meisce - 'I am drunk.' You enjoy a drink - or five - now and then. You can usually be found in a pub - it doesn't matter which one, because they all look the same after a few drinks - or hugging the porcelain.
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