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Horatio Lee Jenkins


About Me

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Horatio's Amazing Music Video! (If you have a high-speed connection and a fast computer, you may wish to use this version. If not, a YouTube version is available below).To embed this version of the glorious video on your web page, copy and paste this code: GET "DRUNKER THAN SATAN" BECAUSE IT IS AMAZING! Please visit http://drunkerthansatan.com
YouTube version:
To embed this version of the glorious video on your web page, copy and paste this code:
GET "DRUNKER THAN SATAN" BECAUSE IT IS AMAZING! Please visit http://drunkerthansatan.com
My name is Frederick Leroy Elroy Smith and I am a friend of Horatio Lee Jenkins and an elder in the church that we both attend.
Horatio is a wonderful man and who has amazing talents. He has put those talents to good use by humiliating Satan and writing a beautiful, wonderful song about it. I have decided that the internet should finally be used for something good and I set up this page to help spread this inspirational story and this glorious song.
Although Horatio believes that computers are for "sissies" and he is often heard saying, "My grand-dad didn't need a computer to be a man and neither do I!", he has given my efforts his approval because he understands the need to spread his very important work.
This is most gracious of him because we all remember the shame that Horatio's father brought upon the Lee Jenkins' family when he decided that he DID need a computer to be a man. Horatio not only proved his father wrong by savagely beating him without the aid of a computer, but also by out-drinking the devil himself (also without computer aid) and nothing could be more manly than that. Those heroic acts combined with the beautiful song that Horatio wrote have fully redeemed his family name and enhanced its glory to previously unheard of levels.
As we all know, there has been a lot of talk about Horatio lately, and not all of it has been nice. The devil is a poor loser and, undoubtedly, his nefarious influence is the only reason anyone would not adore Horatio and his song. This page will be a public forum that will allow us to shine the light of truth upon the devil's foul work.
Horatio will not be personally involved with this page. If you wish to send him a personal message, I will pass it along to him as long as it is not stupid. Horatio is an important and busy man. I will not do the devil's work and waste his time.
From time to time, Horatio will dictate important messages to me, which I will post for him on the official Drunker Than Satan myspace web log, or "blog" for short. This "blog" can be found in the black box above this black box.
Spread the word about how this wonderful man and his song made our world a much better place.
Thank you,
Deacon Frederick Leroy Elroy Smith

My Interests


Member Since: 12/29/2007
Band Website: drunkerthansatan.com
Band Members: Horatio Lee Jenkins--guitar and singing Jeb Jacobs--bass and background singing Solomon Thornbrush--pedal steel guitar Sammy Deutch--drums Carl Dangers--piano and background singing
Influences: Frank Broyles, Darren McFadden, Former Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton, Dick Cheney, Richard Spikes

Or buy the song from the I-tunes:(Although you won't get all that pretty art)

follow HoratioLee at http://twitter.com
Record Label: unsigned (not for long)
Type of Label: None

My Blog

The Whiskey Barn Symphony Orchestra

Horatio asked me to post the credits for his glorious new masterpiece so that his wonderful friends can receive their fair share of the praise for this amazing song's glory!  What a wonderful man...
Posted by Horatio Lee Jenkins on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 08:45:00 PST

The story behind Horatios amazing new song!

You have all been mesmerized by Horatio Lee Jenkins' new work of genius "Oh Sh!t, I Don't Feel So Good" and now I am proud to give you the story behind this breathtaking masterpiece:Horatio recently d...
Posted by Horatio Lee Jenkins on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 10:42:00 PST

Horatio graced the Whiskey Barn with his new masterpiece on Saturday night!

It was an overwhelming experience, to say the least. Horatio's band took the stage at 9 o'clock and played "Drunker Than Satan". After the subsiding of all the frantic joy that ensues with each perfo...
Posted by Horatio Lee Jenkins on Wed, 28 May 2008 08:11:00 PST

Rumors of a new Horatio Lee Jenkins song

It is likely that many of you have been hearing rumors of a new Horatio Lee Jenkins song. I felt that I needed to address those rumors publicly and Horatio authorized my request last Sunday.Horatio d...
Posted by Horatio Lee Jenkins on Wed, 07 May 2008 06:52:00 PST

The Amazing Music Video For Horatios Amazing Song!

It is finally here. We have all eagerly awaited this video.This breathtaking video was filmed, directed, and edited by Horatio's sister Scarlet O'Hara Lee Jenkins.She filmed this masterpiece back in ...
Posted by Horatio Lee Jenkins on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 07:07:00 PST

The Whiskey Barn Choir

Yesterday, Horatio gave me this wonderful message to post for you:The beautiful choir vocals on my recording were provided by 300 of my wonderful friends at the Whiskey Barn. They were the first to c...
Posted by Horatio Lee Jenkins on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 08:51:00 PST

More stuff written about Horatio and his amazing song

Yesterday, Horatio dictated this wonderful message to me:A local doctor, who will remain nameless, wrote this to a local newspaper:"Dear Editor,There has been much discussion in this paper and amongst...
Posted by Horatio Lee Jenkins on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 07:37:00 PST

Criticisms of Horatio's work

Here is a brilliant new message from Horatio:Recently my work has come under scrutiny from a couple of local college newspapers. I wish to address these scoundrels here.A local kid, who will remain n...
Posted by Horatio Lee Jenkins on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 08:41:00 PST

Horatio’s Artist

Here is a new message from Horatio:The artwork for my record and my video (that’s right! I got a video a coming!) was done by my sister Scarlet O’Hara Lee Jenkins. She is so good at bei...
Posted by Horatio Lee Jenkins on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 10:22:00 PST

The Words To Horatio's Amazing Song

Here are the lyrics to Horatio’s masterpiece along with a wonderful message from the man himself:"In the 6000 years that the world has been around, noone has written a better song than this here...
Posted by Horatio Lee Jenkins on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 09:21:00 PST