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I am here for Friends

About Me

I love my family and friends and I tell them so unashamedly. It is my belief that a man is not a Man unless he can love without reservation. Mercy, compassion, and kindness are the hallmarks of sincere manhood. They cannot be practiced without courage and strength of character.-------------------------------------------------- ----------I'm a proud punk & 'skater trash' since '77. Half-pipes and sewer drains are imprinted heavily on my psyche. Skate parks and urban spelunking beneath the city - surfing on our skateboards upon our bellies. Inky blackness and failing flashlights.------------------------------------------------ ------------I am a punk in practice and protest, endeavor and philosophy, and not in 'scene' or 'uniform'. Never have been. Non-conformity is the nature of uniqueness and individuality. Independence of mind and spirit is a continual revolution. Punk is about spirit and intent, action and deed, empowerment and liberation. And nothing else.------------------------------------------------------- -----I'm a one-time techie from the period when 'phreak' and 'hacker' where labels for which one aspired. COBOL and Integer are what I vaguely recall. Within that universe I operated both Rogues Gallery BBS and then System-7 BBS for several years in the early 80's. I was a software pyrate when the BBS was both the ocean and the portal of the cyberworld. Upon those seas I was a safe-harbor and pyrate's lagoon that distributed 'cracked' software to other pyrates as an independent distributor for the Midwest Pirates Guild, The Apple Mafia, and Coast to Coast in the Southwest region of the country. Arggghhh... Once a pyrate always a pyrate. Want to kiss me parrot?----------------------------------------------------- -------I'm chief of my tribe & Medicine-Man of my clan. Warrior, poet, king. A former reconaissance soldier with service in multiple spheres of conflict. An operational scout-sniper who wears the paratrooper's wings and the infantryman's CIB. Now an enlightened pacifist and peace activist. Still a warrior, just no longer a soldier. A word to the wise - a patriot is one who forfeits life and liberty for an ideal or philosophy of State. A soldier fights wars. A mercenary does so for money. Place the labels appropriately.---------------------------------------------- --------------I'm a neanderthal in a man-suit; hairy, bearded, and thick-limbed. For the most part, I'm a middle-aged sojourner on the road less traveled, living life well-examined, and out of the box, with my wife and (currently) eight children at home. All of them are mine, all with a midwife in a home-birth or birthing center. My eldest child (which makes nine) is not mine biologically, but I raised him. He is married and lives on his own. We are incommunicado.---------------------------------------------- --------------I and my family reside 'on the edge of civilization' in the state of Texas. We are an unschool and home-church family. The woof and weave of our lives is our practical faith, and its fiber is our unique beliefs uncommon for today's time; Primitive Christianity in doctrine, practice, and purpose. The Lollards and Waldenses would recognize our doings. Menno Simons would smile. So please don't confuse us with the status quo called by a similar name - we've as much similarities as cats and walruses. I am an advocate of spirit and intent as the defining aspect of one's authenticity - in conjunction with practice being the proof of that inner compass. If it's not radical then it is not real.------------------------------------------------------- -----I am a sometimes writer, artist, and bookseller. A poet by spirit and a wordsmith by necessity. I'm a Logical abstractionist drawn to the symbolic and the archetype. A DIY advocate and voluntary simplicist. I Eschew television. I am also at war against the corporatization of 'all things' and I do NOT participate in trendy pop-culture.------------------------------------------------ ------------I hate professional sports. Basketball, football, soccer, hockey - In the name of corporate greed they all exploit the common man and his desire for heroic living, heroes, and a want for rising above the mundane life. They are form without function and flash without substance. A mockery of authentic heroics. They are a lie and a delusion. And yes, they are great fun.-------------------------------------------------------- ----I am libertarian with strong agoric leanings and communitarian practices. Holistic in mind and body, faith and living, pursuit and being. I Understand the synergy of dichotic tension, the creativity wrought through the melding of differences, and willingly pursue such. A faith-healer and a scientist. I am committed to justice, equity, and peace. Seeking authenticity and truth. A follower of The Way.-------------------------------------------------------- ----Student of mysticism, theology, mythology, historical spiritualism, occultic cryptozoology, and paranormal phenomenon as it relates to cross-cultural traditions and manifests in beliefs as varied as those of salvation to those of lycanthropy and vampirism. And yes, I do believe in the mysterious, the hidden, and the invisible. Weird is just the start of Reality.---------------------------------------------------- --------I am a practicing horticulturalist, herbalist and ethnobotanist of sorts. Gardens are for food, fun, and wisdom. I Pursue permaculture and organics as practices of sustainable living. I'm a renegade landscaper. I eat cacti and dandelions and purposefully plant them in the yard. Beware my salads.----------------------------------------------------- -------Consumes 'media' (books, magazines, blogs) to learn and 'become'. Entranced by language and the art of a well written phrase, the melody of poetic speech, and the subtleties of daily communication. Writes as vocation and passion; to eat and to bring clarity to the thoughts. Enjoys learning, reading, and reflection. Relishes exchanging ideas, participating in heated arguments, sharing in peaceful conversation, and having intelligent dialogue.--------------------------------------------------- ---------Gourmand and gourmet; gastronomic reveler, epicurean, and artist. I wanted to be a 'saucier' when I was young. Sauces make the menu. I strongly dislike the word 'foodie' and I see it as a lowbrow replacement for the above labels. As if a chef was simply a cook.------------------------------------------------------- -----I am a Karateka of traditional Okinawan Goju Ryu and a student of Taiho Jitsu. I've trained in the martial arts since a very early age. I play with iron, arrows, blades, and bows. I lift heavy objects for fun and fitness. I'm an adventurer, martial seeker, and contemporary hoplite with a taste towards the basic and practical. As long as it hurts.------------------------------------------------------ ------I'm a has-been military paratrooper with bad knees, an aquaphobe experienced in SCUBA, an ex-free climber afraid of heights, and a former spelunker who has always been clausterphobic.--------------------------------------------- ---------------I've had more mishaps than I care to name. I've been drowned, washed away in a flooded river, swept out to sea in an extreme undertow, attacked by a shark (no, I don't go in the ocean anymore), bitten by a copperhead on the hand, been impaled in a tree from a parachute jump, frapped in on a malfunctioned parachute (no, I don't jump anymore), moshed in many a concert, ridden several bulls, and ran dozens of triathalons. I've climbed mountains, climbed cliffs, dangled off of precipices, and fallen 160 ft off of a cliff face and broken my back (No, I don't do that, anymore, either. Climbing or falling).--------------------------------------------------- ---------I've rolled down a mountainside in a humvee. I've been blown-up in car. Suffered various blade and firearms injuries. I've jumped from a speeding train. I've been mugged, jumped, and ambushed. I've had a heat-stroke & died with cardiac arrest (I got better). I was hit by a speeding semi-truck at over 100 mph, from behind, and rolled my 15 passenger van six times down the highway. I walked away. But it REALLY hurt. Sometimes I feel like Bill Murray's character in Groundhog Day, explaining the numerous ways he's met his demise. Yea.-------------------------------------------------------- ----I've levitated, projected my energy (chi), and passed through testing fire. I've talked to spirits numerous times. I've seen spirits numerous times. I've wrestled with demons on the astral plane, was attacked and choked by an invisible entity in my own bed, and have pursued and been pursued by such forces throughout much of my life. The invisible world is only absent from view to those with closed eyes.------------------------------------------------------- -----I've been a member of the John Birch Society and I've been a Communist. I stand in solidarity with the Wobblies. I fly The Black Flag. I've been a soldier carrying out oppressive orders as well as an activist in jail for a peaceful cause. I've been a hired thug, and I've also passed out food to the indigent and invited the homeless to stay in my house for months on end.-------------------------------------------------------- ----I've eaten everything that I could that has swam, creeped, walked, crawled, or flown. I was an ethical vegetarian for seven years. I lived on the 'paleo diet' for a year. I'm a responsible omnivore, today. I've yet to eat fried scorpions - but I will.------------------------------------------------------- -----I've stood on the edge of nihilism with a gun in my mouth, and also at the entrance to Nirvana, with my hands in the air.-------------------------------------------------------- ----I believe that EVERYONE has something valid to contribute to our development as human beings - something to teach us - and I'm willing to listen.

My Interests

Daily I seek the Divine in meditative living and sincere prayer, examining who I am, what I am, and what it is that I am doing. It is a severe form of introspection and self-reflection without which I cannot see progress in my life. Attempting to align my actions with my purposes of belief and faith I hope to Become. Through book, thought, deed, and prostrate supplication. Sometimes I touch God. The spiritual life is a Mystical endeavor. ************************************************************ Regularly I practice, just about daily, traditional Okinawan Karate and training upon the stone ishi and wooden makiwara. It is both the moving zen of the body in motion, and the violent submission of the flesh to the will. Beautiful and practical. Just as often I lift weights and brick-filled barrels, grapple with heavy stones, flip giant tires, throw boulders, pull on ropes and chains, and heave sand-bags until I am breathless and spent. ************************************************************ As well, I enjoy, and practice weekly if possible, sword training, bare-knuckle kumite, and traditional and modern kobudo. I thoroughly savor a good fist-fight. Primitive living skills, and traditional as well as stick-bow (primitive) archery make up a portion of my weekly activities I teach my children and attempt to increase in proficiency. Every great once in awhile I'll engage in marksmanship and combat pistolcraft, and perhaps hit a strongman event. ************************************************************ I also write poetry, draw and 'paint' with pastels, practice caligraphy, make papier mache sculptures and masks once a blue moon, and play abit with needlework when the muse hits me. I prefer embroidery. I'm currently practicing with crayons to develop a technique of fine art with that stubborn medium most closely related to preschoolers. They are cheaper than pastels. Crayons, that is, not preschoolers... ************************************************************ I am an avid seeker and scholar of human sexuality both in text and in practice. I believe we cannot escape our sexual selves and that it permeates our every action and our very being. It is 'who we are'. Do not confuse sexuality simply as coitus! Therefore, I make love every day and express my sexuality as often as time permits. I'm a devotee of making love with my mouth - in word and in deed. And there is nothing like slow, tender, lovemaking to express the care of the heart. Never the less, a good hard fuck with some slaps and hair pulling can be a delicious morsel within the experience of the mundane day. Sex is a gift from the Divine that touches on the Divine. We should not be afraid to grasp its reality and see its sanctity. It is all good, and how dare we deny its common sacredness. ************************************************************ For my intellectual gratification I read at least two hours a day, everyday. It is not enough. Scripture, sacred writings, and the great texts of wisdom literature and virtuous traditions are my primary grist. Fiction and non-fiction - natural history, texts on cosmology, and various works on intellectual history are also fodder for this cerebral pyre. I am a student of human nature, so include in that stack of tomes to read some texts on the care of the soul and the explorations of the machinery of the psyche. Don't say that you do not have time to read - turn off your damn TV and you'll have time aplenty! *********************************************************** Bullets and facets: The pursuit of the examined life. The study of virtue and virtuous paths. Ethics. The study of religion, mythos, and philosophy where they meet the world in endeavor and practice. Building relationships with eccentric people of distinct individuality. Experiencing archetypes as models of reality and empowerment. Traditional martial arts and the history of martial development. The sincere and serious aspects of the 'Warrior Life'. ************************************************************ Likes - Anarchy. Utopia. The color black. Sex, sexuality, and sexual tension. My hot wife. Being sweaty. Cool sheets. My children's smiles. Salvidor Dali and Pablo Picasso. Hot tea. Butterfly Kisses from My Little Girls. Pirates and Piracy. Being a Pirate. Egyptian, Sumer-Babylonian, Tuetonic, Celtic, and Indo-European Mythology. Voyeurism. Biting. Being alone, and wide awake, at 4 am. Thunder and lightning. Sex in the morning. Salty Margaritas on the Rocks. Repose in silence. Texas Chili. Cheese Glorious Cheese. Reptiles and Spiders. Nocturnal Life. Tats. Tobasco's and Hot Sauces. Piercings On Pink Parts. Corsets. Short Skirts. Pale Skin. A Strip Tease. Herbal people. Noam Chomsky essays. Datura flowers. The smell of rain. Confirmation of a hypothesis. Kinkiness. All things Asian. Buckminster Fuller. Flying While Sleeping. Innuendo. NY Style Pizza. Origami and Papier Mache. Fisticuffs and Pugilism. Omar Khayam. Tennessee Whiskey & Bourbon, George Dickel. Libraries and Book Stores. Lucid Dreaming. A sharp witted opponent. Monty Pythonesque humor. Intelligent People. The Internet. Eggplant Parmigiana. Ice Cold Beer. The Beauty of Woman.

I'd like to meet:

Unique, original, and eccentric persons who are defining their individuality. People of courage and virtue unafraid to live life on their own accord. Ruffians, rogues, and banditos who thumb their nose at the status quo. People of integrity - whether of good or bad virtue. I like 'em real. As for dead folk - Enoch, The Princess Pharoah Hatshepsut, Hammurabi, Moses, Sargon I, Cyrus the Great, Solon, Alexander the Great, Aesop, Hippocrates, Xenophon, Aristotle, Pythagoras, Siddhartha Buddha, Confucius, Octavius Augustus Caesar, Cicero, Caius Julius Caesar, Jesus, Pliny The Elder, Pedacious Dioscordes, Plutarch, Diogenes, Armenius, Jerome, St. Augustine, Agricola, Queen Boedacia, Cleopatra, Sun Tzu, The Venerable Bede, Saint Francis of Assisi, Abu Ali a-Husain ibn Abdallah ibn Sina (Avicenna - Wrote 'The Canon of Medicine'), Genghis Kahn, Tamerlane, The Prophet Muhammad, John of Salisbury, Roger Bacon, Leonardo Di Vinci, Sir Isaac Newton, St. Thomos Aquinas, Leif Erikson, Sir John Cabot, Christopher Columbus, Sir Walter Raleigh, Queen Elizabeth, Powhatan, Thomas Jefferson, Captains Lewis & Clarke, Sacajewea, Thomas Paine, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Adams, George Washington, Timothy Murphy, Daniel Boone, Andrew Jackson, John Brown, Harriet Tubman, Deaf Smith, Jim Bowie, The Privateer Lafitte, Arthur Rackham, Blackbeard, Bonnie Read, Davy Crocket, Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglas, Ulysses S. Grant, Robert E. Lee, Tecumseh Sherman, Sitting Bull, Seneca, Santanta, Cochise, Liver Eating Johnson, Daidoji Yuzan, Miyamoto Musashi, Chojun Miyagi, Gichen Funakoshi, Sword Master Tesshu, Mas Oyama, Captain Cook, Frederick Neitschze, Thor Heyerdahl, Ghandi, Mother Theresa, Dr. Martin Luther King, Che Gueverra, Fidel Castro, Hemmingway, and MOST CERTAINLY Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton.


"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." - Aldous Huxley. All of it. None of it. Classical mostly. However, I prefer silence with my thoughts - and I'm constantly in thought or striving for stillness. The meditative life is an act of continual reflection, and music is an intoxicant that leads one with the emotions where it will. I choose to refrain from this but on the rare occasion. Certainly not to induce an attitude, feeling, or overcome my 'depression'.


I gave these up. Simply on principle. Like TV, I don't need the corporate interests of Hollywood providing my entertainment, nor do I want to give to them my money. I miss this venue of media and artistic expression, but it wouldn't be a sacrifice if I didn't feel the pain, now, would it? All 700+ of my movies now reside at my parent's home... What follows are those movies I appreciated, just as an fyi: Philadelphia, Kagemusha, Sling Blade, Farewell My Concubine, Pulp Fiction, Billy Elliot, Moulin Rouge, Groundhog Day, Pleasantville, Amistad, Blade Runner, Dead Man Walking, Romeo + Juliet, Flawless, The Mission, Night of the Iguana, Last of the Mohicans, The Elephant Man, A Clockwork Orange, Brazil, Monty Python's Holy Grail, Fight Club, A Dry White Season, Biko, Little Shop of Horrors, Cool Hand Luke, Princess Bride, The Swimmer, The Matrix, 8 1/2, The Commitments, Dawn of the Dead, The English Patient, To Kill a Mockingbird, Eraserhead, Immortal Beloved, Little Big Man, Lonesome Dove, The Shawshank Redemption, Michael Collins, The Pawnbroker, Lord of the Rings, The Road Warrior, Spiderman, Unbreakable, The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, Mr. Roberts, Young Frankenstein, The Fourth Protocol, Mr. Holland's Opus, Shine, Going My Way, Master & Commander, Becket, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Some Like it Hot, Alien, Das Boot, Raising Arizona, Amadeus, The Pillow Book, Napoleon Dynamite, Magnolia, Jesus Christ Superstar.


I don't own a TV, I don't watch TV, and I loathe and despise TV. It is corporate detritus designed to sell you more plastic crap you don't need, to propagandize you with politicized drivel, and to pacify you with simplistic entertainment while your life passes you by and the world is possessed by others. Wake up. Turn it off. Throw it out. The difference between a vibrant Life of eccentric individuality that is fulfilling and of value, filled with wondrous experiences both physical and Divine - and one that is not - is whether a goodly amount of your time is spent, or not, in front of this damned box. Three hours a day, seven days a week? That is a part-time job. And that is NOT EVEN the national average. Stop polluting your soul. Free your mind. Live.


My library is moderately large, containing over 15,000 volumes. It is heavy on the non-fiction, with an emphasis on the primary studies of the humanities, but I do have over 1500 works of literature. However, this block of fiction is definitively built with prize-winning literature and the classics. I prefer books that critique the soul and incite the mind, leading to an understanding and practice of virtue and the virtuous life. I'm obsessed with ethics and the choices of the moral soul. My reading and studies in the written word reflect that passion.


Those who stand for justice against oppression. Those rare individuals who follow their own drummer. Those who live their life with courage and reason. Jesus, Martin Luther, Sir Walter Raleigh, Thomas Jefferson, Wolfe Tone, Jean Lafitte, Andrew Jackson, Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton, Ghandi, Michael Collins, Martin Neihmoller, Deitrich Bonhoffer, Mother Theresa, Dr. Martin Luther King, Thor Heyerdahl, Edward Abbey.

My Blog

Living WELL

Living well                 is THE struggle against so     many             &nbs...
Posted by Van on Fri, 09 May 2008 06:20:00 PST

Ocean Voyages

Adrift...There is a season for all things, and through each cycle of seasons the storms come.  Like clockwork, following the winds of change and the upturn of the tides.  Sometimes with the ...
Posted by Van on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 04:28:00 PST

Words Aflight

Bubbling upwards and outwards within,Words liquid and lofty - soulful geyser!A gift from your presence like sunshine's warmth,And a gift then returned in vibrant blooms,Sweet flowers of words tied in ...
Posted by Van on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 12:05:00 PST

Sultry Woman

A fantasy figure, wantonness as woman alive,filling me with want, red-hot and palpable,so delicious and desirable, passion overflowing,beating a drum upon my heart, burning my mind,gasps torn raggedly...
Posted by Van on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 05:20:00 PST

Loves Garden

To be loved and to love,heartfelt in affection,conjoined invisible,delicate fronds swaying,blowing lovers embraced,living, sharing, giving,a sum greater than self,nurturing what is best,forgiving what...
Posted by Van on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 09:44:00 PST

The Divine Madness

This madness called love, it has afflicted me, captured my soul with its dizzying whirl and bitten my heart, nay, consumed it entirely. I am undone! It has struck me asunder, this Divine Disease, blur...
Posted by Van on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 11:51:00 PST

Fire & Water

Can I help it,if what you do to me moves the sun,and the earth feels faint beneath my feet,while clouds spin in front of my eyes?Is it strange,that my heart thunders your name,and my body yearns for y...
Posted by Van on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 12:28:00 PST

First Course

A repast exquisite,of our exchanged heartbeats,intimated through words,of silent spaces shared,like tea and solitude,a bit of you and me,just swallowed down sweetly,fulfilling my insides,with downy el...
Posted by Van on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 04:36:00 PST

Abode of Comfort

The cares and troubles of this world weigh heavily upon our hearts.  Yours.Mine.The neighbors to each of us.  None escape the burden without escaping this life.  It is tragic.Death of l...
Posted by Van on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 07:12:00 PST

Characters Cost

Some days I want more than I have.  More than the bare minimum that stands in the cupboard.  The ease and luxury of food without boring regularity.  Things that tease the tongue and del...
Posted by Van on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 03:12:00 PST