painting,martial arts,politics,anarchic philosophy and practice,medicine,loud and soft music,spirituality,mathematics,geometry,strategy,psychology, everything.
People-all kinds of.Of course,colleagues is a must!
Electro,techno,traditional,film soundtracks,dub,almost all kinds of music really.Loud,dark and agressive sounds to very calm and meditative,depending on the moment.As for dislikes,I can't stand hip hop anymore,and I always hated R'n'B. Jimi AtariTeenageRiot Max Cavalera Kraftwerk Anthony Rother Melt Banana Lee Perry Camaron
Socially concious;good science fiction;documentary;martial arts etc.Luis Bunuel,Akira Kurosawa,Kenji Misogutchi,Stanley Kubrick,Milos Forman,Fritz Lang,Terry Gilliam,Charlie Chaplin,many many others
I do not have television,I hate television,break all televisions,it is a waste of time.
Religion and spirituality;politics;strategy;science;philosophy;and a little bit literature.Too many to be specific-I am a book eater,as much as I can!
NinjaWilhelm Reich,Psarantonis,Jeronimo,Masanobu Fukuoka,Bruce Lee,Jimi Hendrix
Takamatsu Sensei,Sun Tzu,Karl Marx,Laozi,the Kamikaze,Frida Kahlo,Doron Navon
Nikola Tesla,Diego Rivera,Morihei Ueshiba,Miyamoto Musashi,Petr Kropotkin,Michael Bakunin
..,Diogenes,Socrates,my friends Os Gemeos,Theophanes the Greek,my Grandfather.