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The Joshua Generation Ministriesâ„¢

The Official Page of The Joshua Generation Ministriesâ„¢

About Me

___________________________________________________________ Welcome to the official MySpace page of The Joshua Generation Ministries...It is indeed our privilege and honor to serve in the Body of Christ as an online ministry, under the leadership of Pastor Sean Mungin, to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ...Sometimes it's difficult to stand for something when everyone else around is willing to bow down to almost anything...Someone has to be willing to be the standard...Not that it's our standard that we wish to impose upon anyone, but we wish to impart kingdom principles for successful kingdom living unto all ages...Realistically, we are in a spiritual battle whose culmination will result in victory for those in the Body of Christ and will affect the rest of eternity...Do we think we will reach anyone?...We hope so...If not, then our efforts are still not in vain...Getting out of the four walls is the first step to engaging in successful 21st century ministry...We have to use whatever resources we have available at our disposal without violating the very lifestyle we promote and principles to which we live accordingly...We welcome anyone (we believe in the ethnic diversity of the Body of Christ) who wishes to join us as we embark on this journey that leads to our 'Promised Land'...May God continue to bless you in all of your present and future endeavors according to His purpose and will for your life!!!

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I found my rollover effect at , They're awesome!

My Interests

I like reading, writing, going to church, and listening to music. Moreso than anything else in the greatest interest is being able to be a vessel that God would be more than willing to use to be a blessing to others.

I'd like to meet:

____________________________________________________________ __*****************************A Prayer of Consecration****************************O, Lord, Your eyes are upon all of our ways and they are not hidden from You...Lord, though our iniquities testify against us, forgive us for Your name's sake...for our backslidings are many...We acknowledge our wickedness, for we have sinned against You alone...Remember us and do not break Your covenant with us (as we have done with You)...Lord, You search the hearts and try the reins of all and give unto everyone according to their ways...Lord, remember us and visit us...for we are called by Your name, O Lord God of Hosts...O, Lord, our Strength, our Fortress, and our Refuge...You promised to be with us to save us and to deliver us out of the hand of the wicked one and to redeem us out of the hand of the terrible...Lord, cause us to know Your hand and Your might once again that we may know that Your name is "The Lord"...Let Your blessing be upon us this day for we trust in You and hope in the day of Your salvation...Heal, O, Lord, and we shall be healed; save us and we shall be saved...Lord, we are a work of Your wheel, but our sins have caused us to become as a marred vessel...Make us again as it seems good to You to make us...for we are in Your hands...Lord, You are stronger than we are, and You have prevailed against us...We have received Your Word and will continue to apply It to our life's situations...for It is as a burning fire shut up in our bones...consuming the dross and stench of our iniquities...Therefore, we will sing praises unto You for delivering our souls from the hand of the evil one...and have loosened the bands of wickedness...and have released us from spiritual oppression...and have broken every yoke of bondage...and have repaired the breach of our covenant with You...and have given us beauty for ashes...the oil of joy for mourning...and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness...You have restored us to the path of righteousness once again that we may delight ourselves in You, O Lord, as You are glorified in us...In the Powerful and Matchless Name of Jesus...AMEN!!!© 2007 sean mungin. All Rights Reserved. ___________________________________________________________ ****************************A Prayer For God's Salvation***********************Lord, we have heard You Word and have turned from our evil ways...We have amended our ways and our doings and will obey the voice of the Lord our God...Lord, we are seeking You and searching for You with all of our hearts...Turn away our captivity, O, Lord, and give us the expected end that You have thought of concerning us...O, Lord God of our fathers, are You not the God in heaven who yet rules over all of creation?...In You hand, is there not power and might...that none can withstand You?...Therefore, we stand in Your presence and cry out to You in our desperate state...Hear us, O, Lord, and help our cause...Father, in our own ability and strength we have no might against the forces of darkness that have come against us...seeking to discourage and destroy us...Lord, neither do we have a battle plan or know what to do in order to escape so great a destructive force...Nevertheless, we have fixed our gaze upon You...lifting our eyes unto the hills from which our help comes...knowing that our help comes from the One who is a very present help in times of trouble...The Sovereign Lord of the Hosts of Heaven...Lord, we have set ourselves in a faith-filled, firm battle stance...standing still...waiting to see the salvation of the Lord with us...For we will not fear nor be ashamed because You will be with us...Lord, break off the yoke of the enemy from our necks!...Burst open our bonds!...Devour those that have sought to devour us!...Keep us from the evil one as the Shepherd of our souls!...You've promised to be with us to save us...Lord, restore health unto us and heal us of our battle wounds...Have mercy upon us in our dwellingplaces...Cause us to approach You...Let us draw near unto You in order that we may be our God...Draw us with Your lovingkindness and continue Your faithfulness towards us...Turn our mourning into joy...Make us to rejoice from our sorrows...and satisfy us with Your goodness...Therefore, we will praise the beauty of Your holiness...we praise You, Lord...for Your mercy endures forever!!!!© 2007 sean mungin. All Rights Reserved. ___________________________________________________________ *****************************A Prayer of Restoration...*****************************O, Lord God, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and stretched out arm. There is nothing too hard for You. You show Your lovingkindness unto all...for the Great, the Mighty God, the Lord of Hosts is Your name. You are great in counsel, and mighty in work. Your eyes are upon all the ways of everyone to give a reward according to all of our ways for all that we have done.Lord, You've turned us, and now we are turned, and have repented. Now, O, Lord, gather us from among the nations and bring us into Your dwellingplace that we may dwell safely. Make a new and everlasting covenant with us that is sealed with a perpetual decree unto the day of Christ: 1) to be our God that we may be Your people...2) give us one heart and one way that we may fear You forever and not depart from Your way ever again...3) rejoice over us to do good unto us and our children after us until the day of Christ...4) instruct us and write Your Word within our inner man and upon our hearts that we might not sin against order that we may know You...O, Lord, bring us health and deliverance from our spiritual infirmities and make us completely whole once more. Reveal unto us the abundance of living life according to Your way in peace and truth. Cleanse us and pardon all of our transgressions and iniquities in order that You may plant us and rebuild us. Make us to be a name of joy unto You...a praise and an honor before all nations who will hear of it and fear and tremble because of all of the goodness and prosperity that You will bring unto every area of our lives...O, Lord, bring forth the voices of joy and gladness from deep within us that shall say, "Praise the Lord of Hosts: for the Lord is good; for His mercy endures forever..." that we may may bring forth the sacrifice of praise unto the house of the Lord. O, Lord, perform the good thing which You have promised unto us...In the excellent name of Jesus (which is above all names)....AMEN!!!© 2007 sean mungin. All Rights Reserved. ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________


BEYOND THE VEIL.....(Written By seanmungin)...take off your shoes... for this is holy ground... enter into the place... where My face can be found... come and share in an experience... that will take your breath away... for it is in this place... that your life will be forever changed...come beyond the veil... enter into the place where I dwell... inside the Holy of Holies...once you have this experience... nothing remains the same... everything that you have known before... will have forever passed away... and a new day will be unveiled... the glory of which everyone cannot see... leave your past behind... and come and forever live with Me...come beyond the veil... enter into this place where I dwell... inside the Holy of Holies... come and enter into My rest...©2007 sean mungin. All Rights Reserved._________________________Worship music leads the heart of the true worshipper into a posture and mindset of worship. This posture and mindset leads the true worshipper into the very presence of God... _________________________


Dr. David Jeremiah (Turning Point), James Robison (Life Today), Paula White, Gregory Dickow, Joel Osteen, Benny Hinn...just to name a few...


I love reading the Bible, theology, philosophy, and history books. I also like reading the works of others that add meaning to life and causes me to step outside of my area of comfort in order to obtain a greater understanding of the people I engage on a daily basis.


Jesus Christ, my grandfather, my grandmother, and my mother are my heroes because if it had not been for the sacrifices made by each of them, I would not be who I am today. ________________________

My Blog

The Joshua Generation Ministries" - False Doctrines

The Joshua Generation Ministries - False Doctrines...   Some believe that they can live their lives in any manner and still be a recipient of God's favor. Some within the Body of Christ are int...
Posted by The Joshua Generation Ministries" on Sun, 18 May 2008 10:58:00 PST

The Joshua Generation Ministries" - Sanctification...The Process, Part 6...

The Joshua Generation Ministries - Sanctification...The Process, Part 6... Sanctification (Romans 5:2; 1 Corinthians 1:30; 1 Thessalonians 4:3-7; Hebrews 13:11-13) What Is Sanctification? Sanctificati...
Posted by The Joshua Generation Ministries" on Sat, 10 May 2008 10:40:00 PST


Acknowledging the fact that without You, I can do nothing...Apart from You, my life knows no existence...Not being connected to the Source from Whom all blessing flow is a constant state of misery bey...
Posted by The Joshua Generation Ministries" on Fri, 02 May 2008 03:28:00 PST


Beautiful is who I am ...not who others want me to therefore I can only be who's fearfully and wonderfully made...unique to comparisons...this is me...becoming who God c...
Posted by The Joshua Generation Ministries" on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 04:30:00 PST

The Joshua Generation Ministries" - Regeneration...The Process, Part 5...

The Joshua Generation Ministries - Regeneration...The Process, Part 5... Regeneration (Titus 3:4-7) What Is Regeneration? Regeneration is the renovation or new birth of the individual soul. It is the ...
Posted by The Joshua Generation Ministries" on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 01:24:00 PST

The Joshua Generation Ministries" - Justification...The Process, Part 4...

The Joshua Generation Ministries - Justification...The Process, Part 4... Justification (Romans 5: 1-11; Titus 3:7) What Is Justification? Justification is the act of declaring free from blame or any ...
Posted by The Joshua Generation Ministries" on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 11:41:00 PST

Just Wondering....

What is it about people (particularly those who profess to be Christians) that causes them to become silent or altogether disappear when someone mentions anything regarding holiness?....When "pastors"...
Posted by The Joshua Generation Ministries" on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 03:14:00 PST

The Joshua Generation Ministries" - Salvation...The Process, Part 3...

The Joshua Generation Ministries - Salvation...The Process, Part 3... Salvation (Romans 10:8 - 10) What Is Salvation? Salvation is the saving of a person’s soul from sin and its consequences. It...
Posted by The Joshua Generation Ministries" on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 07:13:00 PST

The Joshua Generation Ministries" - Repentance...The Process, Part 2...

The Joshua Generation Ministries -  Repentance...The Process, Part 2... Repentance (Mark 1:15; Luke 13:3; Acts 3:19) What is repentance? Repentance is a change of mind and actions, which in...
Posted by The Joshua Generation Ministries" on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 06:17:00 PST

The Joshua Generation Ministries" - Faith...The Process, Part 1...

The Joshua Generation Ministries -  Faith...The Process, Part 1... Faith (Rom 10:11-17) What is faith? Faith is a strong belief, trust, or confidence. It is a belief in the value, truth, or trus...
Posted by The Joshua Generation Ministries" on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 12:23:00 PST