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Make sure to check out our new website "www.legacyleft.org"
____________________________________________________________ ________________________Every 30 seconds a child will be sold into prostitution.
15 million will die of starvation this year.
More than 30 million are not immunized against treatable and preventable diseases.
134 million children between the ages of 7 to 18 have never been to school.
Many of the children of Jerez, Mexico are living in circumstances beyonnd their control that range from prostitution to starvation. Our purpose is to change this by providing the means for a different way of LIFE.Legacy Left is a child sponsorship program presently supporting the children of Jerez, Mexico. Its $28 a month to personally sponsor a child that you pick. That $28 gives that child food through a feeding center located in their community. It will also take care of clothing, school supplies, and meet special needs if any should occur. Your $28 also helps pay for a mission church in that child’s community where a pastor will visit them every week. Through the program you are able to write letters to your child, send gifts, and even visit them and touch their hand if you wish.
What does it cost to Sponsor a Child
Each sponsorship costs $28 per month or $336.00 per year payable in advance - monthly, quarterly, semiannually, or annually, whichever is most convenient. We accept donations by credit card (MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American Express), check, or money order. We can also set up automatic bank drafts or credit card deductions. All donations are tax deductible. $28 per month sponsors a single child for as long as you wish. You may sponsor as many children as your resources permit, and the coolest thing about Legacy Left is that it's real, and kid's lives are changed. 80 cents of every dollar goes directly to meet your child’s needs. The other 20 cents is used for administrative cost, and provides for cost in gas and supplies to make this program work so we can save lives.How does Legacy Left use my Donations?
Your contributions provide benefits and services for children and their families. Your financial contributions are combined with others to develop community-based programs. This means that the needs of every Legacy Left child are met, as well as other local children and their families.When you Sponsor a Child
You will receive a photo of your child and information about his or her life. You can send your child letters and gifts on their birthday and during the holidays and even come and visit them during one of Legacy Left's Mission Trips.If you want to sponsor a child, then we want you to be apart of this with us. We have children right now that need to be sponsored. Please take the opportunity to change the life of a child by clicking on the "Save a Life" banner below and signing up today. If it’s not for you, then please share about this program with everyone you know.
For more info, contact us at [email protected]