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Broken Moms Ministry


About Me

How I Became A Broken MomHow I Met GodAbandoning A ChildPostpartum Depression SupportAre You An Abusive Mom Or Want To Help OneDomestic Violence SupportClick Here For Complete Blog List

Postpartum Depression
Drug/Alcohol/Pill Addiction
Mental/Physical Illness
Domestic Abuse Victim
Victim Of Child Abuse
Have A Broken Mom
Committed Shaken Baby Syndrome
Abusive, Physically/Emotionally/Verbally/Sexually
Short Tempered
Low Self Esteem
Self Injurer
Child Abandoner
Lost A Child To Death
Lost A Child To S.I.D.S
Parent Of A Missing Child
Divorced/Single Parent
Teenage Mother
In Love With A Married Man
Afraid To Reach Out For Help
And Many Many More Scenarios!
"Struggling in motherhood? You are not alone! A Broken Mom is one who is broken by her circumstances whatever they may be: Depression, Postpartum Depression, Drug/Alcohol Addiction, Physical/Mental Illness, Abusive, Abused, And Many More! Broken Moms was designed to be an inspirational tool for the many different types of Broken Moms who are seeking a better way of life for their children and themselves. I believe it is possible to learn from our mistakes, right our wrongs and leave the past in the past and move forward into a positive life. With doing so takes a great deal of honest hard work no matter what judgment you come up against. My only hope is that by sharing my story you will find that little seed of strength, of hope and of courage within yourself and allow it to grow into something beautiful." Release the past for the future! For more information about Author Liana Preble visit

Support You
Listen To You
Never Judge You
Encourage You
Pray For You
Provide You With Healthy Resources
1st Step - Seek GOD
2nd Step - Admit To Yourself That You Are A Broken Mom
3rd Step - Acknowledge What Child Abuse Is
4th Step - Seek Therapy
For moms who are Drug/Alcohol Addicted, Depressed, Abusive, Physically/Emotionally, Neglectful, Child Abandoners...If you are this type of Broken Mom you probably are unable to admit this for fear of being an outcast. So why do we allow women to continue this behavior and why do we not address the overwhelming epidemic of Broken Moms? Getting to the route of why motherhood has become a series of jumbled tasks and stressed out less pleasurable experiences can be based on many factors, beginning with the environment you live in. Ask yourself, have you stopped looking at your life all together years ago and turned on autopilot.Are you inspired in your life and surroundings? Do you enjoy your home? Have you painted and decorated to suit your emotions and feelings? Does your house feel like a home? Does it welcome you when you return to it after draining your brain all day to make money? Or is your home just a place you sleep and watch television in while your children are being raised by someone else?What is a mother or wife thinking about in America today? What kind of situation do you have? Do you know if you changed things life would be better for you and your kids but you still choose not to? Are you raising kids, tired, and lonely? Do you work all day, cook, clean, chauffeur, and consider zoning out in front of the television a constructive activity for your evening?Is that type of day giving you healthy results? If not, do you feel as if you don't matter or exist? Do you enjoy your life? Everyday is somewhat pleasant? Are you happy? Do you have happiness? How often do you smile during the day? Do you smile at all?Or do you feel like you have this family thing all wrong and are now trapped in an inescapable life? What do you do with your thoughts and feelings? How do you cope with the secrecy of having such a feeling, do you hide it? Do you shop to make yourself feel better? Do you smoke cigarettes? Do you over-eat? Do you drink? Do you do drugs? Do you cut yourself? Are you a sex addict? Are you abusive towards your kids, physically, verbally, emotionally, mentally? Are you mean and strict to your kids out of silent resentment? Do you blame your spouse and make his life unpleasant? How do you beat yourself up for having negative thoughts and feelings?Many women are trapped in their minds and in a society that condemns them for not being June Cleaver, an idealized fictional TV character. Mothers who cannot take care of their children are viewed as failures and it is taboo for a society to sympathize with the mother.It is easy for people in need to look away from their own problems and dysfunction because they are in a state of hopelessness. So many of our fellow Americans suffering, including my own suffering could have been prevented if we as a society and the people around us were more willing to open the appropriate avenues and provide the necessary tools to help mothers who are in need.The definition of a woman is a female adult; the definition of a mother is a female parent. How is a woman meant to instinctively know how to care for her child the way a bird instinctively travels? Have we made our lives so complex that our women and children suffer as a result of our fast-paced lives? You may know you need help but are too ashamed to ask. Why is it so hard to admit to ourselves that we need help? Regardless if you are able to admit it in your own social/family circle...know that you can admit it here. We are here for you! We will never judge you and if it takes admitting the truth to someone you don't know to help you release it and begin to move forward, let us be that person!

Release Your Shame & Let GOD Transform Your Life!
Broken Moms Say This Prayer...
Walk with me GOD, please be with me now, I am calling out to you, take this evil from me, take it all, every lie, I do not want to own them anymore. I give all the sin to you, save me. I once was lost, now I am found, blind but now I see. I trust you to walk with me in the truth, and face the evil that owned me. When I feel heavy, when I feel light, when I am happy, when I am sad I will walk with you. I will trust in you. Help me to trust in you, to be good for you.

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I am not a licensed professional. The subjects and resources listed on this site can all be verified by the organizations I have recieved the information from. This website is to help moms who have been lieing to themselves the way I did so that they can stop and move forward. Its not glamorous or profitable to admit my truths, but it is the TRUTH. If it offends you, my deepest apologies. ....If you are a mom who is currently struggling with motherhood, we want you to know you are not alone! In fact there are millions of moms struggling with what you are going through right now. We work hard to provide you with resources from other moms who have made it through some difficult times that they never thought they could have made it out of, myself included. We won't downplay what you are going through and we know that most things are easier said than done...but we strive to be here for you, because you may feel like such an outcast that there is no one there for you. First and foremost GOD is there for you! And in the flesh and spirit we are here for you. You are beautiful even if you don't think so, you were born on purpose and with a special purpose, your negative experiences were not mistakes, your weaknesses are your chance to create strengths from...If we could we would give you the biggest hug and tell you that everything will get better, because it can. If you are at the bottom you only have up to go! Don't think about how much work you have to do on yourself or your situation...just take one thing at a time and start moving forward and you will begin to see things change. Get some good in your life, watch inspirational church shows, stop listening to depressing music, get some good books...make it your mission to change your life by changing what has not been working. Baby steps my sisters....and lots of deep breaths...We are always here for you!
Hebrews 10:32-36 "Remember those earlier days after you had received the light, when you stood your ground in a great contest in the face of suffering. Sometimes you were publicly exposed to insult and persecution; at other times you stood side by side with those who were so treated. You sympathized with those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property, because you knew that you yourselves had better and lasting possessions. So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised."

For ten years I kept myself locked inside my own prison of shame. Ten years, every day and every night, I held this burden and suffered in silence. In ten years I did not tell one person the truth. For ten years I blamed myself for not being able to care for my own child. Everyday I degraded myself for not being able to understand in my own mind why I could not be a good mom and care for my child. In addition I felt ashamed for not being able to explain to the people who have cared for him why I could not.For ten years, not one person who knew of the course of events leading up to me leaving my child reached out to help me or told me that it was not my fault. The day I dropped to my knees and said out loud, "I can not live like this anymore GOD, I don't know if you are real, but I can not do this alone anymore", HE immediately put the correct angels in my path that helped begin my recovery. It was not easy; in fact many times I wanted to give up because it was so difficult to come out of the years of shame, hiding and lying.It was my inability to reach out and admit why I was a broken mom that led me down years of self abuse that could of been prevented. When I was finally told that it was not my fault and that by leaving my child somewhere safe with family was heroic, I knew that was how I felt deep inside and that it was my turn to take my pain and turn it into another woman's gain.When I have out weighed the reasons why I should provide outreach to abusive moms I have asked myself, why did GOD save me? Why Does GOD continue to bless me? Why did he release me from all that sin? Why did he remove me from the land that had imprisoned me? The only answer HE continues to give me is that mothers are not meant to suffer.If by speaking out I can spare one woman from the lies, the shame, the grief, the alienation, the misunderstanding and the lack of education of what it means to be an unprepared mother, it will be my greatest honor to GOD for saving my life, for setting me free and for helping me speak the truth about my own life.May you someday be able to speak the truth about your own!

I realized that I could not tell you to tell the truth and release the shame if I could not! I knew the time was now, the day was here and after all the releasing of the evil, lies, shame, manipulation and disease I was not going backwards. I chose to not be embarrassed and allowed myself to move forward.I chose to learn from the sickness and not go back to it! When you do not have a nonjudgmental person to confess your lies and secrets to, the lies and secrets stay in you creating disease. When you accept the lies as truth for your life and begin to believe them, you have chosen to remain locked in the disease. Consider reading this is your nonjudgmental person. Write all your lies down and let them go!Since I never made commitments in friendships, relationships or employment no one would ever find out the truth about me. And because I only had three people in my life, I was able to hide away in my disease, nurturing it in alienation, depression and drug addiction. I chose to stay sick and alone. No one was forcing me to lie, no one was throwing me away and no one was living my diseased life. I chose to stay sick. I chose to create new lies. I chose to stay locked into old lies bringing them into the future tainting and ruining any possible good. I chose to stay sick.After acknowledging I chose my own demise, it was clear that I could choose my own recovery.I am asking you to choose life! It only starts with a choice. "It's not that easy, what will people think of me, I don't know any other way." Are all understandable feelings in the beginning of your recovery, but just know that is all doubt and doubt is just another layer of the disease.After ten years of being a broken mom I chose to let the healing process begin and it has made all the difference in my life. My life has become something I could have never invented or thought I'd deserve and I am grateful everyday for the truthful hard work I put into my recovery.Here is to the beginning of your healing recovery process! May you learn so much more than you thought you ever could about your true self and may you go on to inspire other broken moms!

I lived for over 15 years with debilitating depression. I was a lab rat for when Prozac/Paxil hit the market in the early 90's. I went through every mental health label from bi-polar to multiple personality. I self medicated. I attempted suicide for attention and some to end my life. I starved myself. I overate and purged. I hated myself. I was sad for myself. I abused myself. I put myself in so many dangerous situations. I had no self esteem. I had no hope. I hated GOD and the church. I had awful therapists. I was an abuse victim. I was abusive. I grew up with abuse all around me. Everyone in my family was "depressed." Depressed was all my mind knew how to be. Once I learned that I needed to "fill my bucket" my bucket being myself, with GOOD THINGS in order to really stop being depressed It only made sense that I was depressed for so many was all my brain knew how to be. Do you know the brain is a muscle and it retains sensory information and acts accordingly...if all that was coming in was abuse, negativity, fear, anger, sadness...then doesn't it make sense that that is all I would know how to be....ding ding...light bulbs going off, DUH I thought but let me tell you it wasn't that easy to say ok, so now I'll bring in some good and stop being depressed, oh know, it did not work like that, but I was willing to put in the work. I HAD TO RETRAIN MY BRAIN TO OVERCOME DEPRESSION AND YOU CAN TOO!!!This isn't a get quick program, it is real life.*READ OUR OVERCOME DEPRESSION SUPPORT BLOG*

*READ POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION SUPPORT BLOG FOR COMPLETE CARE INSTRUCTIONS**Are you or someone you know experiencing any of the following: depressed, irritable, exhausted, unlike yourself, sadness, anger, guilt, worry, feelings of inadequacy? Postpartum Support International CAN HELP!PSI is built on the foundation of providing support to families. If you or someone you know might be experiencing symptoms of prenatal or postpartum mood or anxiety disorder, know that it is treatable and you’ve taken a very important first step. We have PSI Coordinators throughout the world who provide information and support. There is someone in your area who can help you if you are experiencing any of the following: depressed, irritable, exhausted, unlike yourself, sadness, anger, guilt, worry, feelings of inadequacy?

**PLEASE READ DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SUPPORT BLOG FOR QUESTIONS YOU CAN ASK YOURSELF AND SAFETY PLANNING**DOES YOUR PARTNER: Embarrass you with put-downs?Look at you or act in ways that scare you?Control what you do, who you see or talk to or where you go?Stop you from seeing your friends or family members?Take your money or Social Security check, make you ask for money or refuse to give you money?Make all of the decisions?Tell you that you're a bad parent or threaten to take away or hurt your children?Prevent you from working or attending school?Act like the abuse is no big deal, it's your fault, or even deny doing it?Destroy your property or threaten to kill your pets?Intimidate you with guns, knives or other weapons?Shove you, slap you, choke you, or hit you?Force you to try and drop charges?Threaten to commit suicide?Threaten to kill you?Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a serious, preventable public health problem affecting more than 32 million Americans (Tjaden and Thoennes 2000).The term "intimate partner violence" describes physical, sexual, or psychological harm by a current or former partner or spouse. This type of violence can occur among heterosexual or same-sex couples and does not require sexual intimacy.IPV can vary in frequency and severity. It occurs on a continuum, ranging from one hit that may or may not impact the victim to chronic, severe battering. Repeated abuse is also known as battering.

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My Blog

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"Struggling in motherhood? You are not alone! A Broken Mom is one who is broken by her circumstances whatever they may be: Depression, Postpartum Depression, Drug/Alcohol Addiction, Physical/Mental Il...
Posted by Broken Moms Ministry on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 10:19:00 PST

To Non Custodial Moms Who Are Suffering In Silence...

This is a letter I wrote this morning to a woman who wrote to us over the weekend. I was so moved by her email and the truth inside of it that I felt moved to share my reply to her as a blog for the m...
Posted by Broken Moms Ministry on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 11:07:00 PST

I’m Asking You To Donate/Volunteer For Baby Safe Surrender

1 is the most important because we all live in different locations we can all help! I wanted to share this letter with you so that you may be moved to help Baby Safe Surrender. Like the president...
Posted by Broken Moms Ministry on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 08:53:00 PST

Speak The Truth & Ignore What They Say About You...

For as long as you can remember they have been talking about you. Back stabbing. Judging. Wondering if this time is the time you will make progress or just back slide....You know that feeling. Like ev...
Posted by Broken Moms Ministry on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 12:40:00 PST

How Can You Help Broken Moms Ministry?

Hi, thank you to all who have recently joined, I hope everyones holiday was good. I know holidays can be hard for many moms...know that we are here for you.  How can you help Broken Moms Ministr...
Posted by Broken Moms Ministry on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 01:01:00 PST

Were On Facebook, Are You?

Check us out on facebook under Broken Moms Ministry and be sure to add me and our group Broken Moms Ministry.....
Posted by Broken Moms Ministry on Fri, 23 Nov 2007 11:16:00 PST

You Can Overcome Depression...

I lived for over 15 years with debilitating depression. I was a lab rat for when Prozac/Paxil hit the market in the early 90's. I went through every mental health label from bi-polar to mult...
Posted by Broken Moms Ministry on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 02:03:00 PST

Broken Moms Ministry Steps Towards Recovery

  Broken Moms Recovery Steps 1st Step Seek GOD 2nd Step Admit To Yourself That You Are A Broken Mom 3rd Step Acknowledge What "Abuse" Is 4th Step Seek Therapy 1st Step, Seek GOD ...
Posted by Broken Moms Ministry on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 01:29:00 PST

This Is The Last Time...

How many times do you think you have said that in your life? Somethings you even forget now. Or they are staring you dead in the face. Is tonight the night you are not going to drink? Is the next figh...
Posted by Broken Moms Ministry on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 12:51:00 PST

Are You An Abusive Mom Or Want To Help One...

Broken Moms Recovery Steps 1st Step Seek GOD 2nd Step Admit To Yourself That You Are A Broken Mom 3rd Step Acknowledge What "Abuse" Is 4th Step Seek Therapy 1st Step, Seek GOD Say th...
Posted by Broken Moms Ministry on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:36:00 PST