Making salvation affordable, Paying for your sins, Standing up for the rights of Corporations, Where you spill your seed, Golfing, Watching the extinction of humanity as it happens in slow motion, Privatizing the earth's drinking water, Pitting different oppressed groups against each other, Fixing National Presidential elections Find out more
Katie Couric, Kanye West, K FED, Saint John Stossel, Rush Limbaugh's Dominican Connection, Max Boot, Big Eddie, Micheal Ledeen, John Cougar Mellencamp, Ronnie W. Christ
Toby Keith, Kanye West, Handel, The Doobie Brothers, Carrie Underwood, Woody Guthrie, Clear Channel rocks my world, all Corporately owned and promoted music is blessed by Corporate Jesus
Wall Street, Scarface, The Sixth Sense, Full Metal Jacket, Lethal Weapon 3, Star Wars Trilogy (original only!!), Office Space (you might be surprised!), all Corporate media is blessed by Corporate Jesus
The O'Reilly Factor, American Idol, Dancing With the Stars, Disney News Channel, Anything with Chris Matthews, CSI, Two and a Half Men, Scrubs, World News and Bible Prophecy, CNN, MSNBC, FOX News Channel, Food Network, Military Vehicle and Weapons Manufacturer News Channel, The Sopranos, any and all Corporate owned media is blessed by Corporate Jesus. All televised news is a commercial for something, isn't that ingenious?
Iacocca, Trump: The Art Of The Deal, How to Win Friends and Influence People, Unlimited Power: The New Science of Personal Achievement, The Bible (New Testament included!!), The Threat (scary cuz it could be true!!), The Secret, all Corporate media is blessed by Corporate Jesus, especially if Oprah is promoting it!!
Halliburton, KBR(subsidiary of Halliburton), Walmart Corporation, ExxonMobil Corporation, GM, Proctor & Gamble, AT&T(SBC), Verizon Communications, Clear Channel, Boeing, Honeywell, Lockheed Martin, Dupont, Dow Chemical, Time Warner, NEWS Corp, BP, ChevronTexaco, GSK, Merck, Blackwater, General Electric, Harken Energy, Arbusto Oil, JECOR, United Fruit, Diebold, Grupo Villacero, Coca-Cola, Grupo Mexico, Ford Motor Company, Oprah, the LAPD