Music, computers, movies, girlfriend, friends.
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Myspace Layouts at / Breast Cancer Collage
Everything, limited on some types though.
I Run For Life
I Run For Life Breast Cancer Awareness
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Kci and Jojo - all my life
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Band Of Brothers (
by Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg)
*An HBO Miniseries*
*Check Your Local Fox Station For Times*
Prison Break,Shark, MTV, MTV2 (not for the music but for the dating shows, since mtv and mtv2 don't play music anymore),Yugioh! Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, Tom&Jerry! love the Discovery Health Channel and movies that come on tv, and anything else thats good.
Band of Brothers,
CSI, CSI Miami,
Walk Two Moons
The Testament by John Grisham
My MOM is my biggest hero. For those who don't know she died in march of 2002 of breast cancer (hence all the breast cancer stuff on my page)!!! I miss her a lot, and am very sensitive to the way people treat their mothers because of it. So do all our moms memory's a favor and treat them with respect and honor!!!
This country and what its constitution stands for!!!