In Loving Memory of MOM 1955-2002 profile picture

In Loving Memory of MOM 1955-2002


About Me

If your profile is blocked to the general public and I don't know you don't bother trying to add me as a friend as I refuse to add dumb people who make a public profile private (unless you have a good reason for it which I will be the judge of)
October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and to help get the word out about breast cancer and to help raise money for it could you please make your Myspace backgrounds pink for the month of October or please post a pink ribbon on it. I would greatly appreciate this kind gesture from you all. As many of you know in March of 2002 my Mom died from breast cancer and it has effected me ever since. I am a huge supporter of breast cancer initiatives, so if you could do me, my mom, and more importantly the millions of men and women who currently have breast cancer (yes that's right men can get it too), know someone with it, lost someone to it or know a survivor or survived it themselves, please do this for them. its just for a month here, I don't think it will hurt you to bad to change for a month!!! Thank you, for more information please visit,,,, I have a few great breast cancer Myspace pages linked to my page with good info on it as well!!! Once again Thank you, and remember "Think Pink",
Now that October is officially over, I'd like to say THANK YOU to all who participated and put a pink ribbon or a pink background or something related up, and an even BIGGER THANKS to those who continue to do it even though October is over! You are the REAL HERO'S of the Think Pink Campaign!!!
Thanks For Helping Find the Cure,
"Every man dies, not every man really lives." -Mel Gibson (Brave Heart)

"Its not how they died that made them heroes, but how they lived" -Police Memorial, Washington D.C.
To the brave men and women of the United States Armed Forces, and to the brave men and women who have survived, know someone who has survived, or has lost a loved one (Rest in peace mom) to a fight with cancer, or any other disease or event!!!

My Interests

Music, computers, movies, girlfriend, friends.
Save The World - One Click At A Time!

On this website, you can click a button to support the cure -- each click creates funding, and costs you nothing! Bookmark this site, and click once a day!

Click here to post this on your page or 'blog

I'd like to meet:

Myspace Layouts at / Breast Cancer Collage

Anyone who wants to meet me,,,,and BRITNEY SPEARS so i can slap the shit out of her for not marrying me and being dumb!!!


Everything, limited on some types though.
I Run For Life
I Run For Life Breast Cancer Awareness

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Kci and Jojo - all my life

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Band Of Brothers (
by Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg)

*An HBO Miniseries*


*Check Your Local Fox Station For Times*

Prison Break,Shark, MTV, MTV2 (not for the music but for the dating shows, since mtv and mtv2 don't play music anymore),Yugioh! Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, Tom&Jerry! love the Discovery Health Channel and movies that come on tv, and anything else thats good.


Band of Brothers, CSI, CSI Miami,

Walk Two Moons

The Testament by John Grisham


My MOM is my biggest hero. For those who don't know she died in march of 2002 of breast cancer (hence all the breast cancer stuff on my page)!!! I miss her a lot, and am very sensitive to the way people treat their mothers because of it. So do all our moms memory's a favor and treat them with respect and honor!!!

This country and what its constitution stands for!!!

My Blog

Wilms Tumor (Cancer in children,,,of which I survived!!!)

Signs and Symptoms of Wilms Tumor Wilms tumors can be hard to find early because they can grow quite large without causing any pain to the child. Children may look healthy and play normally. The firs...
Posted by In Loving Memory of MOM 1955-2002 on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 04:41:00 PST

Race For The Cure

On Saturday 12 May 2007 the 11th annual Sacramento Race For The Cure was held at Cal Expo.  It was the 25 anniv. of the foundations existence and it was great!!!  I read that about 25,000 pe...
Posted by In Loving Memory of MOM 1955-2002 on Mon, 14 May 2007 01:53:00 PST

Understanding The Risk

Understanding Breast Cancer Risk All women are at risk for getting breast cancer. As you get older, your risk increases. Assuming you live to age 90, your risk of getting breast cancer over your lifet...
Posted by In Loving Memory of MOM 1955-2002 on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 10:51:00 PST

Control and uncontroled factors

Factors you can or can't control Many factors might affect your risk for breast cancer and other diseases. You may be abl...
Posted by In Loving Memory of MOM 1955-2002 on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 10:48:00 PST

Healthy changes that will help you not get cancer

Making the change Making the following changes in your life will improve your overall health and also MAY SIGNIFICANTLY R...
Posted by In Loving Memory of MOM 1955-2002 on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 10:44:00 PST

How breast cancer happens

How does it happen The breast is a gland designed to make milk. The lobules in the breast make the milk, which then drain...
Posted by In Loving Memory of MOM 1955-2002 on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 10:42:00 PST


Symptoms Early Signs A lump is detected, which is usually single, firm, and most often painless. A portion of the skin o...
Posted by In Loving Memory of MOM 1955-2002 on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 10:40:00 PST

Breast Self Examns

Breast Self Exam (BSE) Examining your breasts is an important way to find a breast cancer early, when it's most likely to...
Posted by In Loving Memory of MOM 1955-2002 on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 10:37:00 PST

Breast Cancer Links

Here are some great breast cancer websites to read the latest news or buy the latest pink to that site everday to provide free mamagrams for women)!!!www.breastcanc...
Posted by In Loving Memory of MOM 1955-2002 on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 05:09:00 PST

My names

EExplosiveDDeliciousName / Username: Name Acronym GeneratorFrom RRawEEccentricBBubblyName / Username: Name Acronym GeneratorFrom HHandsomeAAmorousHHairyAAmbivalentName / Us...
Posted by In Loving Memory of MOM 1955-2002 on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST