Hellooo ~ Thank you for visiting my page.I absolutely LOVE comments on my page and generally post pictures sparingly,but one at a time ~ I tend to post a graphic if it is about AWARENESS I do not post chain letters, nor do I post religious or political comments. I DELETE THINGS THAT BLINK and most glitzy stuff. My page is about AWARENESS ~ and so that is the direction I try to keep it. Thank you in advance for understanding, Muuuuuah, Love, Deadra PS ~ if you want to see some truly beautiful and amazing graphic, view my comments, it's a lovely journey from my friends that is a pleasure to share.So ~ Here is the scoop on me ~ ~ After bi-lateral mastectomies and reconstruction ~ I am BIONIC now ~ they rebuilt me BIGGER and BETTER than before. I am a WARRIOR and Survivor of Stage 3 Breast Cancer. Woo hoo!!
*********************************I have cruised into my 50's decade and am quite delighted about it! I have been married 25 years to Greg, we have a son, 22, a new fire fighter and a beautiful daughter, 20, who is a Sophmore in College. I am VERY happy in my life with my hubby and kids and have a job I absolutely love, working for truly the worlds two (2)best bosses. As of February 17, 2009, I will be a (4) year SURVIVOR of Stage 3 Breast Cancer. I have been through the most intense fears, tears and struggles of my life. I have learned from them all and each hurdle only made me that much stronger ~ the woman I am today.Ask ANY questions about Breast Cancer, I will help and be supportive in any way. My best advice is to be lovely but assertive about your body with any medical advice or concerns you have. I am here for you 24/7. Send a note if you have questions, I will support you in any way I can.***********HERE IS THE SCOOP ~ IMPORTANT***********
At age 40 I began having my yearly exam and mammograms ~ after seven (7) years of mammograms NOT showing my lump or identifying anything wrong, I DID have a lump in my breast and was told it was "Nothing to worry about." My lump did not show on the untra sound either. I had no family history of cancer, never smoked, I breast fed two babies, was slim, trim, exercised, ate very healthy, no french fries, no nutra sweet. To LQQK at me,I was the picture of health until I found myself continuously exhausted and more and more run down (it was the cancer) My woman doctor who I liked and trusted very much prescribed anti-depressants and we fought over it. I knew I was ill, she thought I was being a hypochondriac. The lump bothered me, I kept touching it so I finally demanded it be removed. OMG ~ I remember waking up and being told YOU HAVE BREAST CANCER. My lady doctor and the radiologist ~ whoops ~ sorry..... Grrrrrrrrr!!! If I had waited another 6 months or a year as told to do ~ my Stage 3a cancer would have turned to Stage 4 and there is no Stage 5! The lump in my breast would have spread further... that's right to my liver, lungs, bones or brain. My Oncologist told me that my being "ASSERTIVE" literally saved my life! ****************************************
Did you read that? So Pay Attention ~ Listen.... Waiting and watching a lump is NOT the thing to do! Lumps belong in jars of formaldehyde ~ NOT in our bodies. Anybody tells you to wait and watch a lump, get it OUT and have them put the jar on their desk to watch. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ Know this ~ Mammograms are ONLY 45% accurate. A pathology report is the ONLY way they can be sure if a lump is or is not cancer. They can NOT tell by LQQKing or feeling the lump or LQQKing at the mammogram that it is NOT cancer. They MUST do a needle biopsy or remove the lump to get the pathology to be 100% sure. Read that AGAIN!!! <---- GO BACK AND READ THAT AGAIN!IMPORTANT~ Remember to do your monthly self breast exam, no matter how young you are. I am speaking to all you young, young women. I know women as young as 19 (see Jessica on my friend list) she was diagnosed at age 19 with breast cancer. There are several pages on my friends list of YOUNG SURVIVORS! Please if you think there is no way YOU could get breast cancer ~ read their stories!!! Do you monthly self exams and be safe!I have been asked ~ if I was given a wish to go back and undo being diagnosed with breast cancer ~ would I? Has it been truly horrible? Well ~ honestly ~ there were parts that WERE horrible, the unknown, the waiting for results, the worry before surgery, and chemo was extremely difficult for me. Most have a much easier time. It's kind of like pregnancy, everybody is different. Honestly, the lumpectomy is easy, easy! Even the mastectomy was not a hard surgery. The reconstruction ~ whew! Yes that was painful ~ but here I am ~ BIONIC now!But ~ if I could go back and erase having had breast cancer ~ I would NOT. I say that honestly. I never want to have a re-occurance and go through treatment again but I was dealt this hand, this is my life and I have embraced it. When I was diagnosed and while going through treatment I searched for answers and dug deep for the true meanings of why I was here and the lessons I needed to learn ~ each day of treatment, climbing over that rainbow, getting to the top of it ~ experiencing what was unfolding. I fought valiently to survive, I had no choice, my life was worth it! I now live each day to the fullest, cherish the things I once took for granted and LQQK for new adventures I use to only dream about. These adventures are my Pot of Gold I have found Over the Rainbow ~ I am not only surviving but THRIVING ~ ~ I literally wrote out my list, now known as a "Bucket List" when I was laying in bed during chemo. I realized, I had never Milked A Cow before and as soon as I was able to ~ I called a dairy and dit it! My list is long and I love when I am able to make that check mark ~ it's very special to me.*********************************************************
*****As for cancer, I'll fight cancer until hell freezes over and then I'll drop the gloves and fight on the ice......... .. .. .. .. ..
Get your own countUP at BlingyBlob.comFor me ~ Breast Cancer "Awareness" is telling my story as often and to anybody who will listen. Hearing back from women individually that because of me, they have done a self breast exam and have or had a lump, some have been told it's fine, watch it like I was told. When they finally get it removed, they have that piece of mind to know 100%. There have been 7 women I know (just at work) who have had lumps removed. 4 have been B9 ~ 3 have found breast cancer, two at an early stage and only had to have radiation. One gal had bilateral mastectomies too. I also have a guy friend who found a lump in his testicles ~ it was cancer. Jeff went and had it removed because of me and is doing great too. WE CALL HIM ONE NUT NOW :)So you men check it out and when you are done, help a woman check too. .. Once again, Thank you for visiting my page ~ in closing let me say that my hope is that after you read this information you will consider adding me to your list of friends, and that your other friends will link in, get info, gain knowledge and do their self exams. Go ahead ~ feel around now for a lumpor if you have a lump ~ please do not ignore it.I work to get my message out one person at a time and often hear back. Along with being on your list of friends, it would be an honor to be in your TOP LIST so more people will read and be AWARE and PAY ATTENTION. This will save lives ~ truly it will! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I am a Breast Cancer Warrior ~ Hear me ROAR!! "Pay Attention ~ Lumps Belong in Jars of Formaldehyde ~ NOT in our bodies"For MORE INFO about my journey with breast cancer, TIPS FOR CHEMO, MASTECTOMY & RECONSTRUCTION ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PLEASE READ MY BLOGS OVER TO THE TOP RIGHT CORNER OF THE PAGE ~~~~~~~~>Testicular Self Exam: A testicular self exam is best performed after a warm bath or shower. Heat relaxes the scrotum, making it easier to spot anything abnormal. The National Cancer Institute recommends following these steps every month: (1) Stand in front of a mirror. Check for any swelling on the scrotum skin. (2) Examine each testicle with both hands. Place the index and middle fingers under the testicle with the thumbs placed on top. Roll the testicle gently between the thumbs and fingers. Don't be alarmed if one testicle seems slightly larger than the other. That's normal. (3) Find the epididymis, the soft, tubelike structure behind the testicle that collects and carries sperm. If you are familiar with this structure, you won't mistake it for a suspicious lump. Cancerous lumps usually are found on the sides of the testicle but can also show up on the front. (4) If you find a lump, see a doctor right away. The abnormality may not be cancer, but if it is, the chances are great it can spread if not stopped by treatment. Only a physician can make a positive diagnosis. do it every month ©copywrite David Martin & Laura Satterlee All Rights Reserved 2005-2007 For Information Contact Us
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