LIVESTRONG Challenge profile picture



About Me

LIVESTRONG means something different to everyone. What does it mean to you? Now is your chance to decide. The LIVESTRONG Challenge is coming to a city near you and we want you on our team. Challenge yourself to walk or run the 5k or ride the 10-, 40-, 70- or 100-mile ride.
Philadelphia, PA - August 25-26, 2007
Portland, OR - September 29-30, 2007
Austin, TX - October 12-14, 2007
We’ll help you every step of the way:
• Fundraising tools
• Mentor support
• Online training program
Why register?
Because, as the second leading cause of death for Americans, chances are cancer has already affected you or someone you love.
• 10 million people in the U.S. are living with cancer
• 1.3 people will be diagnosed this year
• Cancer will claim the lives of 1,500 Americans
today, tomorrow and the day after
All proceeds support the Lance Armstrong Foundation’s mission to inspire and empower people affected by cancer.
Register today. Participate as an individual or with a team. Register at or by calling 888.4.CHALLENGE (888.424.2553)
Volunteer for the 2007 LIVESTRONG Challenge
LIVESTRONG Challenge volunteers are passionate individuals and groups who are committed to LAF's mission. Volunteers assist with fundraising, generate community awareness and directly support walkers and riders on the day of the LIVESTRONG Challenge. Whether you'd like to be involved year-round or want to help out at the event, there is an opportunity for you to make a difference.
For more information, call 888.4.CHALLENGE (888.424.2553) or email [email protected]

My Interests

2007 LIVESTRONG Challenge Dates: LIVESTRONG Challenge Philly Aug. 25-26 LIVESTRONG Challenge Portland - Sept. 29-30 LIVESTRONG Challenge Austin and Ride for the Roses Oct. 12-14


My Blog

Lance Armstrong Foundation

- More than 10 million Americans are currently living with, through or beyond cancer.- More than 1.3 million people in the U.S. will be diagnosed with cancer this year.- Of adults diagnosed with cance...
Posted by LIVESTRONG Challenge on Mon, 10 Apr 2006 08:36:00 PST

The Manifesto

The Manifesto of the Lance Armstrong FoundationWe believe in life.Your life.We believe in living every minute of it with every ounce of your being.And that you must not let cancer take control of it.W...
Posted by LIVESTRONG Challenge on Mon, 10 Apr 2006 05:17:00 PST