Heidi, hanging with my dog Truckee, rock music, guitar, drums, skiing, baseball, racquetball, conspiracy theories, history, religion, and sadly, obsessing over everything the Red Sox & Patriots do both off and on the field.
The other guys who helped Oswald shoot Kennedy, the memebers of Bush's staff who knew about 9/11 well in advance, and the coolest rock star of this generation; Dave Grohl.
My desert island band is unquestionably The Beatles. Then followed by U2, Pearl Jam, Aerosmith, Foo Fighters, 70's & 80's cheeze (including Bon Jovi & Neil Diamond) and most alt-rock. And the uber album, "Immigration Blues: In Si Minor" by Hits & Giggles. Check it out here...http://cdbaby.com/link?u=221438
Raising Arizona (best comedy), The Usual Suspects (best surprise ending), Casablanca (best screenplay), Austin Powers (yup, all 3), Kingpin (hardest I've ever laughed; "You really jarred something loose up there, Tiger!") Godfather I & II (no expanation needed), and the soon to be released stand-up special I produced "Stand-Up Guys"
Sports always come first -- ESPN's "Mike & Mike"!! After that I'm a fan of South Park, Cheers, Seinfeld, My Name is Earl, old SNL, Kids in the Hall, classic Twilight Zone, and almost anything on the History or Discovery channel.
How to Talk to a Yankee Fan, Mrs. Frisbey & the Rats from NIMH, The Da Vinci Code, Holy Blood, Holy Grail, No One Here Gets Out Alive, The Jesus Papers, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and, of course, How to Talk to a Yankee Fan... oh, and just one more... How to Talk to a Yankee Fan...Just click or paste this address to check it out...www.howtotalktoayankeefan.com
George Carlin, Mike Meyers, Neil Armstrong, Tom Brady, Big Papi, Eric Cartman, Joey Massaconi (my Babe Ruth baseball coach and, quite possibly, the funniest man alive!), and topping the list; my late grandmother, Eleanor.