Ones that will walk through life with you and only run when its fun. Ones that listen to, accept, and dance with me to the beauty as well as pain of life. Those that have compassion to fully understand and support the needs of others and can look beyond themselves. Those without hypocrisy and pretense. Those that know bearing witness is necessary in order to understand and learn to grow together. Those that can relate not reject. Ones who are genuine and sincere with their concern and step forward on their own versus maintaining an illusion of themselves as being "good" simply by words. Those that can be "there" for others in need, even at 4am. People who are steadfast and extend and share benefit of the doubt, trust, and patience.People with confidence, self-respect, sincerity, and a smile. Ones who carry these attributes are more likely to be able to laugh at themselves, enjoy simple pleasures, yet desire more and live a life full of passion. People who are accepting of change. Chameleons like myself that adapt well to any environment or social gathering with charm and delight for the experience. Enough said. Well...hygiene would be nice too,a trusty toothbrush for the big smile would be good. ;)And,my loved ones that grace me with belief in everafter. I know we will meet again. :)