My awesome dog, Sam:), Boxers, Dogs, Stand-up comedy, Playing Piano, Writing and Arranging music, HUGE Pro-Football fan! (Go Pats)! Baseball, (Go Red Sox)! History, Politics, Analyzing Behaviour, Animals, Women that are deeper than their make up, Computers
TweakingMySpace.comDennis Leary, Shecky Green, Bill Belichick, Tom Brady, Tedy Bruschi, David Ortiz, Jordana Brewster, Kate Beckinsale
Anything but opera.
My Life, Defending Your Life, Baseketball, Ocean's 11, Batman Begins, Spiderman 1 & 2, The Departed, Wedding Crashers, It's a Wonderful Life, King Kong, Rocky III, Rocky Balboa, The Penetrator, Something Deeper This Way Cums, Busty Cops II & III, Big Boobed Black Broads.
Family Guy, Curb Your Enthusiasm, 24, The Office, Pro Football, Queer Eye for Jerry Falwell, Sly Stallone Speaks Spanish.
"Deliver Us From Evil"- Sean Hannity,
Don Rickles, David Foster, Christopher Reeves, Vanessa Williams ,Ronald Reagan, Tom Brady, Wesley Autrey, William Hung, Kevin Federline