Dorraine profile picture


I'm not a miracle, and you're not a saint

About Me

* I have an amazing, funny, creative daughter who takes after my wonderful husband of 17 years. I am blessed.
* I am an editor of an entertainment section. I've been working at newspapers for 23 years, mostly doing entertainment.
* Music is one of my passions. As you can see from my music list, my tastes are pretty broad. If you can recommend a good band/singer, please do.
* I love bookstores and can happily spend a lot of time in them. When I visit a new city, I hunt down a good bookstore. I have a ton of books waiting to be read and not enough bookshelves.
* My sense of humor is dry/deadpan and quick. I'll laugh at the occasional rude joke, but my preference is more for the ironic than the moronic. Satire is so wasted on the general populance.
* I try to keep an open mind about a lot of subjects, but there's a few things I won't budge on. I don't like to talk about politics; it infuriates and bores me. Definitely a liberal, however.
* I'm a skeptic and a realist who secretly hopes magical things do exist.
* I can solve problems better after I've had a doughnut.
* I like apple crisp, hot tea, the colors pink and black, a good thunderstorm, concerts, autumn, buying sparkly things for my daughter, cinnamon toothpaste, needlework, eating cereal for dinner, sleeping late, cranberry anything and girly-girl bath stuff. I don't like to vacuum. Having tea and scones on a chilly day that I have off from work is sublime.
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My Interests

Music, books, social history, the Sims2, my overgrown puppy, spirituality, crafts, analyzing other people's personality quirks, art museums, good conversation and

I'd like to meet:

Open-minded, quirky and nice people with a sense of humor. I appreciate dark (but not sick) humor. And people who think this site is as funny as I do: I'd also like to meet parents of children with obsessive compulsive disorder or adults who successfully cope with OCD.


1970s soul, Elvis Costello, Joe Jackson, Damien Rice, Death Cab for Cutie, Lucinda Williams, Bruce Springsteen, the Cure, Johnny Cash (named after one of his songs), New Order, John Hiatt, Coldplay, U2, Postal Service, Decemberists, Steve Earle, folk-rock, Kate Bush, Soul Coughing, Afghan Whigs, Jeff Buckley, Al Green, Neko Case, Patty Griffin, Concrete Blonde, Placebo, Snow Patrol, New Wave and Mister Vague.
I don't like opera, bluegrass, contemporary country, jam bands, guitar noodling and drum solos.

The is the lead singer of Placebo doing Bowie's "Five Years."


1995 BBC "Pride and Prejudice"; "To Kill a Mockingbird"; "Lost in Translation"; "Monty Python and the Holy Grail, ("We want ... a shrubbery!"); "Persuasion"; "A Christmas Carol" the Alistair Sims version; "Amelie"; "Young Frankenstein"; and "To Sir, With Love."


I don't watch much TV. When I do watch, I tend to like programs on A&E, TLC, History and Discovery channels. Makeovers, history and forensic science: THE entertainment combination.

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Anything by Jane Austen, "To Kill a Mockingbird," "A Wrinkle in Time," "The Long Winter."
Social history -- I'm interested in how people lived, particularly the eras of Henry 8 and Elizabeth I, Regency England, Victorian, Edwardian and turn-of-the-century New York.
Mysteries. Spirituality. Some supernatural subjects: ghosts, angels, reincarnation. Art history. Well-done true crime. The Post Secret books.


I admire people who live their convictions in spite of the many obstacles. Brave, real and very human people can be found at Visit when you feel alone in the world.

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My Blog

Interesting art quiz (thanks Sarah!)

Impressionism is my favorite art genre, so no surprises there! The description isn't "dead on," but I do see myself in parts of it (which I bolded). If you take this, let me know your results.Your res...
Posted by Dorraine on Sat, 25 Oct 2008 11:50:00 PST

I'm told

When I show justifiable anger, I'm told I'm "so moody."When I am passionate about something, I'm told I'm obsessed.When I need to grieve, I'm told to be strong.When I raise questions at work, I'm told...
Posted by Dorraine on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 11:31:00 PST

Instant karmas gonna get you

We've always taught our 12-year-old, Aria, to have respect for other people's property and rules (at least, the reasonable ones). Consequently, she gets annoyed when other students misbehave in class....
Posted by Dorraine on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 08:57:00 PST


see more loldogs are funny dog pictures!...
Posted by Dorraine on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 07:46:00 PST

One year later

It has been one year since my mother died. On Jan. 5, 2007, her body gave up its fight against Alzheimer's disease. Cancer already had taken one of her lungs, and she struggled to breathe, even on oxy...
Posted by Dorraine on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 11:42:00 PST

Ah, love

Oct. 5 is the 20th anniversary of Mark and my first date. We drove to another town to have dinner at Red Lobster. (Believe me, kids, back then Red Lobster was a "date" place. That night the restaurant...
Posted by Dorraine on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 01:04:00 PST