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How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a naughty world.

About Me

My Interests

MY GENERAL INTERESTS: Literature, History, Philosophy, Arts, Architecture, Politics, Sciences, Occult and, of course, food and cooking, which may well succeed in making me a more well-rounded person even if those other subjects do not. Isn't that enough?

MY SPECIAL INTERESTS: I have an ongoing project of translating from Middle English into Modern English the 14th century poem SIR GAWAIN AND THE GREEN KNIGHT. Stanzas have been posted to my blog for the curious and interested. These days, though, I try to focus primarily on literature and books. I buy and sell modern first editions, mostly buying in order to build a substantial library to sustain me in my doddering years.

WHAT SUSTAINS ME IN MY PRE-DODDERING YEARS: Cracker Jacks, Mr Goodbar, Carnation Ice Cream Sandwiches, Cheesecake with fresh strawberries or cherry topping, Pizza topped with pepperoni or sausage, McDonald's Sausage McMuffin with Egg, Broccolli, Chef's Salad, Anjou or Bosc or even Asian Pears, Chef Boy-R-Dee, Fuji Apples, Grapefruit every morning, Green Tea or Ginger Peach or Jasmine White Tea from Republic of Tea. Burger King Double Whopper, Nemo's Carrot Cake, Planter's peanuts, Dr. Pepper, Snapple Peach Tea, Arizona Ginseng Tea, Sobe Oolong or Zen Blend (now sadly discontinued), Popcorn with butter, Nabisco Twigs sesame crackers, Ritz crackers, Mother's Circus Animal Cookies, Glazed donuts with Raspberry filling, Croissants, Oatmeal Raisin Cookies, Baby Carrots ...

I'd like to meet:


SOME OF MY FAVORITE ARTISTS: Cecilia Bartoli (the love of my life!), Kronos Quartet, Laurie Anderson, Louis Armstrong, Long John Baldry, Bow Wow Wow, David Byrne, Johnny Cash, The Clash, Elvis Costello, Miles Davis, Dr John, Bob Dylan, Duke Ellington, Connie Evingson, Ella Fitzgerald, Bela Fleck, Philip Glass, Benny Goodman, Diana Krall, k. d. Lang, Ute Lemper, Lyle Lovett, Taj Mahal, Quartetto Gelato, Leon Redbone, The Roches, Jane Siberry, Talking Heads, Uncle Bonsai, Tom Waits, The Washington Squares, Frank Zappa.

FAVORITE ROCK ALBUM: "Exile on Main Street" by the Rolling Stones;

FAVORITE JAZZ ALBUM: "Money Jungle" by Ellington, Mingus & Roach;

FAVORITE CLASSICAL ALBUM: "The Complete Beethoven Piano Sonatas" by Alfred Brendel;

FAVORITE OPERA RECORDING: "La Centerola" with Cecilia Bartoli (natch);

FAVORITE COUNTRY ALBUM: "At Folsom Prison" by Johnny Cash;

FAVORITE WORLD MUSIC ALBUM: "Le Mystere Des Voix Bulgares" by The Bulgarian State Television Female Vocal Choir.


FAVORITE MOVIES: Wings of Desire, Seven Samurai, Lawrence of Arabia, The Third Man, Amelie, The Lion in Winter, Kind Hearts and Coronets, Kill Bill, The Lord of the Rings, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Wild Bunch, Touch of Evil, Notorious, The Maltese Falcon, The Dead, A Very Long Engagement, Aguirre Wrath of God, Diva, Pulp Fiction, Soldier of Orange, Picnic at Hanging Rock, The Searchers, Sleuth, The Ruling Class, Tampopo.


FAVORITE DIRECTORS: Alfred Hitchcock, Akira Kurosawa, Stanley Kubrick, David Lynch, Quentin Tarantino, David Lean, Peter Greenaway, Orson Welles, Robert Altman, Tim Burton.

FAVORITE ACTORS: Peter O'Toole, Alec Guinness, Humphrey Bogart, Sean Connery, Greta Garbo, Steve McQueen, Jack Nicholson, The Marx Brothers


WHEN I USED TO WATCH TV THESE WERE MY FAVORITES: The Prisoner, Jonny Quest, Twin Peaks, Star Trek in all its incarnations, Babylon-5, Washington Week in Review, The X-Files, Sopranos, Sex and the City, The Simpsons, Homicide, CSI, Mystery on PBS, Seinfeld, House, Lost, 24, Monty Python's Flying Circus. I become engrossed in any cooking show. Mostly, though I try to avoid watching the tube these days for sooner or later everything I like will be available on DVD.


FICTION WRITERS: Dr. Suess, Vladimir Nabokov, Don DeLillo, James Salter, Raymond Chandler, Samuel Beckett, Cormac McCarthy, W. M. Spackman, John LeCarre, Patrick O'Brian, George V. Higgins, Patricia HIghsmith, Elmore Leonard, Haruki Murakami, W. M. Spackman. P. G. Wodehouse, William S. Burroughs, Banana Yoshimoto.
NON-FICTION WRITERS: John McPhee, M. F. K. Fisher, Henry Miller, William Gass, Guy Davenport, E. B. White, Robert Louis Stevenson, Oliver Sacks, Stephen Jay Gould, Thomas Cahill, Michael Dirda, Edward Dahlberg.
FAVORITE POETS: Dylan Thomas, W. B. Yeats, Charles Bukowski, Anne Carson, William Carlos Williams, Homer, William Shakespeare, Ezra Pound, Rumi, Seamus Heaney, Wallace Stevens, Heather McHugh.
FAVORITE GRAPHIC ARTISTS/WRITERS: Carl Barks, Edward Gorey, Neil Gaiman, Robert Crumb, Frank Frazetta, Daniel Clowes, Los Bros Hernandez, Wallace Wood, Alan Moore, Berni Wrightson, Frank Miller.
FAVORITE DIARISTS: Samuel Pepys, Ned Rorem, Bernard Berenson, Anais Nin, Virginia Woolf, May Sarton.
FAVORITE PHILOSOPHERS: Georges Santayana, Henry David Thoreau , David Hume, E. M. Cioran, Mr. Natural.
MY ESSENTIAL NIGHTSTAND BOOKS: Le Morte D'Arthur by Thomas Malory, Life of Johnson by James Boswell, Iliad by Homer, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon, The Art of Eating by M. F. K. Fisher.


FICTIONAL HEROES: Odysseus, Sherlock Holmes, Scrooge McDuck, Batman, Aurelio Zen, Jules Maigret, Philip Marlowe, Nick and Nora Charles, Alba and Gorodish, Sailor and Lula, John Steed and Emma Peel.

REAL LIFE HEROES: Dr. Johnson, Michel Eyquem de Montaigne, Robert Oppenheimer, T. E. Lawrence, Francis Drake, James Joyce, Henry Miller, Gertrude Stein, Ford Madox Ford, Stephen Hawking, Christopher Nolan. If you were hardy or foolish enough to read every item in the above lists, then you, too, qualify as one of my heroes.

My Blog


Til Pe kny3t com hymself, kachande his blonk,Sy3 hym byde at Pe bay, his burnez bysyde;He ly3tes luflych adoun, leuez his corsour,Braydez out a bry3t bront and bigly forth strydez,Foundez fast Pur3 Pe...
Posted by Sigerson on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 06:32:00 PST


AVALONby William Butler YeatsI lived among great houses,Riches drove out rank,Base drove out the better blood,And mind and body shrank.But I'd a troop of friendsThat knowing better talk had goneTalked...
Posted by Sigerson on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 06:33:00 PST


KIMONOSnowflakes falling silently in the night;A pattern on cool silk, stylized and white.Muffled and hushed as the dark world outside,the obi unfurls like a purling tide, a contrast of col...
Posted by Sigerson on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 06:50:00 PST


Then ruPes hym Pe renk and ryses to Pe masse,And siPen hor diner watz dy3t and derely serued.Pe lede with Pe ladyez layked alle day,Bot Pe lorde ouer Pe londez launced ful ofte,Swez his vncely swyn, P...
Posted by Sigerson on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 03:23:00 PST


Overheard by every single passenger on a commuter bus this cell phone conversation was conducted by a neanderthal-looking guy, oblivious to how loud he was or how much he stuck out like a sore thumb o...
Posted by Sigerson on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 06:48:00 PST


'In goud fayPe,' quo? Gawayn, 'God yow for3elde!Gret is Pe gode gle, and gomen to me huge,Pat so worPy as 3e wolde wynne hidere,And pyne yow with so pouer a mon, as play wyth your kny3tWith anyskynnez...
Posted by Sigerson on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 07:35:00 PST


DAS EWIGE WEIBLICHEPARVATI,Beautiful and fairskinned and clever-wise,the lone Daughter of the Himalayas sought long to become the one perfect mate to lure Lord Shiva from his seclusion.She took to fo...
Posted by Sigerson on Fri, 30 May 2008 06:19:00 PST


1) Is your MySpace set to private?It has been set to private for a while now but I am changing back because that is not really the type of person that I want to be.2) Have you kissed someone in the la...
Posted by Sigerson on Tue, 27 May 2008 06:55:00 PST


'I woled wyt at yow, wy3e,' Pat worPy Per sayde,'And yow wrathed not Perwyth, what were Pe skyllePat so 3ong and so 3epe as 3e at Pis tyme,So cortayse, so kny3tly, as 3e ar knowen oute -- And of alle ...
Posted by Sigerson on Sat, 24 May 2008 10:13:00 PST


Following a suggestion by Mike (Tiberius) that I provide an example of the original for your comparison, I snatched this stanza off a website and did some doctoring as some of the characters did not t...
Posted by Sigerson on Sun, 18 May 2008 05:46:00 PST