Horse Trainer by day, Musician by night.... Amy is a 100% genuine singing cowgirl from Nashville!
Amy Is a 21 yr. old songwriter/singer/guitarist. She Enjoys long walks on the beach and REAL COUNTRY MUSIC!!! Amy Hits is hard every week on the row, networking, cowriting and performing. Unique Rhythms, catchy melodies, real-life lyrics.. all things to expect when listening to one of Amy's songs....What is the crowd whispering?
"After listening to Amy sing at Common Grounds in November I was really drawn to her music, but more than that to her "spirit". Just simple, honest music without pretense. She was so comfortable with just being herself."
(K.I. from Tn. )"We look forward to the day when we will be proud to say 'We knew her back when' "
(A.G. Owner of Govan's CoffeeShop In Gallatin,Tn.)