uPressplay Wallpaper
Roscoe Village
Roscoe Village
Roscoe Village
Roscoe Village
Roscoe Village
In the Lions Den
Stay Dead
Stay Dead
Stay Dead
Stay Dead
Two Days in Limbo
uPressplay Avatars
Roscoe Village
Roscoe Village
Roscoe Village
The reason I think people who make short films and people who like short films should be looking towards Upressplay.com is because whether you know it or not you are part of a community of people. What Upressplay.com presents is an opportunity to participate in that community to your fullest extent.
The community I am talking about is the DIY filmmaking community. The idea that you dont need wealth or corporate backing to play in this sandbox. Just because you have a short film, doesnt mean you have to let it sit on the shelf. Even after a good festival run a short really doesnt have much of a life span. Being able to put your movie online, for free, with no strings attached, breathes new life into your projects otherwise left for dead.
A DIY community of filmmakers can be more than that though. We have the ability to network, share ideas, and communicate opinions that can help each other and facilitate better films and better filmmakers. Whether you are looking to make something of a high artistic value or highly entertaining, or both. A secret hope of ours is someone can use this to promote their situation and be able to make their livelihood doing something creative and extremely self-satisfying.
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U Watch For an extensive archive of our films and videos.