My favorite films of all time (Some of these films do change when I see one I forget about, that I haven't seen in a while. It's like an old flame that rolls back into town to say hello. You forget about how much you have for them until you see them again, thus is my love affair with the movies.)1. The Shawshank Redemption 2. Leaving Las Vegas 3. The Naked Kiss 4. The Right Stuff 5. Vertigo 6. Fearless 7. Born on the Forth of July 8. The Contender 9. Magnolia 10. Schindler's List
There are people that I admire sure, other artists, people who volunteer to do something for the community, leaders in general. I think we should be our own heroes. I'm big on empowerment. People who take that leap and say, What the fuck! I'll let the chips fall where they may! Recently I heard Danny Trejo on a filmmaking panel said it best, "It's better to shoot for the sky and miss, than to aim for the gutter and make it." Be ambitious and don't fail.