*Loriel* profile picture


bring it

About Me

Which Characteristic From the Samurai Code Matches You Best? (You may find out your best trait)
Honor: You are an honorable person who is firm with his/her beliefs and treats others as you are treated. People would consider you humble at times and very respectful, and someone to definitely respect back.
Take this quiz !
You Belong in New York City
You're the energetic, ambitious type.
And only NYC is fast enough for you.
Maybe you'll set yourself up with a killer career
Or simply take in all the city has to offer. What City Do You Belong In?
Your Heart Is Green
Love completes you, but that doesn't mean you seek it out.
When love comes your way, you integrate it peacefully into the rest of you life.
Your flirting style: Laid back
Your lucky first date: Walking around aimlessly and talking
Your dream lover: Is both enthusiastic and calm
What you bring to relationships: Balance
What Color Heart Do You Have?
I've been attempting to weed all the bullshit and drama out of my life, I'm too old for it and just don't have the time anymore. I'm a loyal friend and I'll tell you like it is. Lived on my own since I was 17 and been in the service/bar biz even longer. I probably have slung you a drink in Chicago at The House of Blues, Metro, or Matchbox/Silver Palm. I've been busting my ass to finish film school and the fruits of my labor are upon me. Moved to LALA Land and trying to do my thing. NO, I don't want to be rich and famous, just want to do my art, meet other people like minded and need a change of scenery. That's where the work is and I can't afford New York right now. Gonna give it 3 years and take it from there.
We work in the dark
we do what we can
we give what we have.
Our doubt is our passion
and our passion is our task.
The rest is the madness of art...

My Interests

Film, live music, sharp minded people with quick tongues, staying up all night laughing with friends, vodka and an occasional makers shot, sushi, red meat, halloween, the electricity right before a first kiss, traveling to distant lands on the spur of the moment, a great massage and spooning with someone I love...

I'd like to meet:

Creative & honest individuals with a wicked sense of humor


Fuck! Here's a snipit: Mogwai, Cat Power, Califone, The Buzzcocks, Interpol, Houston, The Jesus Lizard, Beck, Johnny Cash, QOTSA, Kyuss, Mark Lanegan, Jet, Clinic, Doves, Eagles of Death Metal, Cupcakes,The Flaming Lips, Eels, Fugazi, Girls Against Boys, Franz Ferdinand, The Killers, Modest Mouse, Nick Drake, Ours, NIN, Overwhelming Colorfast, Pixies, PJ Harvey, Pavement, Replacements, Sebadoh, Radiohead, Shiner, Shellac, Kings of Leon, Spoon, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Wilco, Isis, Two Ton Boa, Supergrass, Tom Waits, Andrew Bird, Stevie Wonder, Brad Peterson, Concrete Blonde, Curtis Mayfield, Dvorak, Led Zeppelin, The Cure, Joy Division, Radio 4, The Suicide Machines, Ani DiFranco, Trail of the Dead, Portishead, Built to Spill, Stooges, Iggy, Guided By Voices, Unida, Tool, Mudhoney, Sonic Youth, Garbage, The Bravery, The Mars Volta, Neil Young, Tomahawk, Screaming Trees, David Bowie, Arcade Fire, Sparklehorse, Billie Holiday, Throwing Muses, Red Red Meat, Bloc Party, Soundtrack of Our Lives, Blonde Redhead...I digress, plus I'm sure you've lost interest by now.


The City of Lost Children, Blue Velvet, La Femme Nikita (the original), Run Lola Run, Delicatessen, Bottle Rocket, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Player, Amelie, Royal Tennanbaums, Seven, Y Tu Mama Tambien, Donnie Darko, Monty Python's Holy Grail, True Romance, Swimming with Sharks, Trainspotting, City of God, Indiana Jones and the Lost Arc, 12 Monkeys, The Shawshank Redemption, Wings of Desire, Lost in Translation, Silence of the Lambs, The Hudsucker Proxy, Romeo's Bleeding, The Nightmare Before Christmas, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, The House of Yes...blah blah blah this could really go on for quite some time


The Daily Show, Entourage, Curb Your Enthusiam, National Geographic, Arrested Developement, Mr. Show, History Channel, FoodNetwork



My Blog

transitory elusiveness

Disequilibrium furthers my quest that's just out of reach. I possess no clue what it may be, but change is eminent and my restlessness begs its materialization.
Posted by *Loriel* on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 12:52:00 PST

I'm back in LA

Tonight I'm spending a fabulous evening in with my roommates Kate and Carrie for a good old fashioned ladies' night, complete with 80's music and shots. After a grueling 3 weeks on location in NYC I'm...
Posted by *Loriel* on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 11:35:00 PST

Your govenment

Take the time to watch this film and scratch your head while you contemplate our fabulous government machine...Loose Change...
Posted by *Loriel* on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 10:38:00 PST

sailing away

Today was a good day. With Dave as our Captain the 6 of us jumped on a boat in Marina del Rey and sailed the day away. 2 bottles of wine, 1 case of beer and 1 bottle of champagne later, we headed back...
Posted by *Loriel* on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 08:50:00 PST


Hey Kids- The short that I produced before I moved to LA is starting to make waves...check out the review at: Film Threat: Soldier I'm starting the beginnings of a feature with both the wri...
Posted by *Loriel* on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 12:35:00 PST

full moons

The full moon, like today's, always has a weird effect on me. My senses just seem more acute. I found myself pondering things I don't normally, my mind is racing and my physical activity level is out ...
Posted by *Loriel* on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 03:09:00 PST

fucking sun

The one thing I could always count on Chicago for was shity gloomy weather for my post holiday depressions year in and year out. But out here in LA the sun fucking shines every fucking day! I know, I ...
Posted by *Loriel* on Tue, 31 Jan 2006 08:40:00 PST

post holidaze

Hey Kids~ And so another year has whipped by...FUCK! I was lucky enought to make it back out to Chicago for Christmas festivities with family, and late night debauchery with greatly missed friends....
Posted by *Loriel* on Wed, 04 Jan 2006 03:06:00 PST


Your element is Fire: Strong, hot tempered,powerful, and passionate. Well now lets see,being fire you are quite strong and powerful beit mentally, physically or both. People look upto you greatly and ...
Posted by *Loriel* on Sat, 01 Oct 2005 07:21:00 PST

Chi-town here I come...

Hey Guys~ I got a call the other day to work on Clint Eastwood's new film Flags of Our Fathers, casting...again. Here's the catch, it's in fucking Chicago...go figure. I can't help but feel like I'...
Posted by *Loriel* on Thu, 25 Aug 2005 01:27:00 PST