Film, filmmaking, writing, reading, gaming, hanging with friends. ..
Ali Larter, Kristin Bell (saw her in person at Wizard World Chicago 2006!!! Smokin'!!!), Elisha Cuthbert, Milla Jovovich... you know... all those fine Hollywood hotties! Oh yeah... and those fine goth chicks from The Cruxshadows.
I'm a fan of many genres, but I tend to gravitate toward industrial, metal, some EBM and film scores. I'll just give a mix of my faves... KMFDM!!!!!, Front Line Assembly, Cubanate, Kidneythieves, I: Scintilla, Nine Inch Nails, Pig, Razed in Black, The Birthday Massacre, Rob Zombie/White Zombie, Zombie Girl, Epica, Fear Factory, (old) Metallica, Mnemic, Nightwish, Static-X, Funker Vogt, Icon of Coil, Velvet Acid Christ, The Advantage, Court Jester, Cypress Hill, The Cruxshadows, Bella Morte, David Bowie, Desert Planet, ELO, Faith No More, Jimi Hendrix, Juno Reactor, Killing Joke, Korn, Lacuna Coil, Muse, Richard Cheese, The Rolling Stones, Jerry Goldsmith (Alien, the Star Trek scores), James Horner (Aliens, the Star Trek scores), Elliot Goldenthal (Alien 3, Final Fantasy), Hans Zimmer (Batman Begins with J.N. Howard, Gladiator), Nobuo Uematsu (any Final Fantasy game score), Johnny Klimek/Reinhold Heil (Land of the Dead), Don Davis/Juno Reactor (The Matrix Trilogy), Wojciech Kilar (The 9th Gate), John Carpenter (Prince of Darkness, The Fog), John Williams (the Star Wars scores), Brad Fiedel (T2), John Powell (X-Men: The Last Stand) and most recently Steve Jablonsky's awesome score for "Transformers".
I'm a HUGE film buff (duh, I make films in my spare time so inspiration had to come from somewhere) so I'll narrow the list down to a few... Trainspotting, The Fountain, Cloverfield, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Rules of Attraction, Closer, La Femme Nikita, Star Wars - Episode IV: A New Hope, The Departed, Serenity, Kill Bill (1 & 2), Se7en, Aliens: The Director's Cut, Severance, Black Snake Moan, Angel-A, Caddyshack, Transformers, Live Free or Die Hard, The Last King of Scotland, Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room, Batman Begins, Resident Evil, Superbad, The Long Kiss Goodnight, The Big Lebowski, First Blood, Pulp Fiction, X2, Black Hawk Down, Jaws, Dawn of the Dead (1978 & 2004), Leon: The Professional, Goodfellas, Mortal Kombat, Fight Club, Sin City, Blade (1 & 2), The Matrix Trilogy, The Black Hole, Beverly Hills Cop, Hackers, Tron, The Godfather (1 & 2), Dark City, Jet Li's Fearless, Slither, Night/Day Watch... this list could go on forever!
Are we movie
compatible? My Flixster
I usually only catch TV shows on DVD (I'm wierd like that) and some of my favorites are Firefly, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, 24, Lost, Futurama, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Veronica Mars, Heroes, Dead Like Me, Surface, Law & Order: SVU, Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, Battlestar Galactica (the new series), Attack of the Show!, Everybody Loves Raymond, Farscape, Freaks & Geeks, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Sealab 2021, Red Dwarf, Da Ali G Show.
The Harry Potter series (J.K. Rowling), the Meg series (Steve Alten), Trainspotting (Irvine Welsh), the Star Trek: New Frontier series (Peter David), Weapon of Flesh (Chris A. Jackson), The Beach (Alex Garland), Rebel Without A Crew (Robert Rodriguez), Cell (Stephen King), The Zombie Survival Guide (Max Brooks)... and in comic books - Batman: The Dark Knight Returns (Frank Miller), Sin City (Frank Miller), Daredevil, The Walking Dead, Teen Titans and the Green Lantern/Green Lantern Corps series. Currently reading the "His Dark Materials" trilogy by Philip Pullman.
I don't really have any heroes, but there are people whose movies I admire enough to let it influence my work in film... David Fincher, Paul W.S. Anderson, The Wachowski Brothers, Guillermo Del Toro, John Carpenter, Wes Craven, Danny Boyle, Robert Rodriguez, Tony Scott, Kathryn Bigelow, James Cameron, Quentin Tarantino, Sam Raimi, Alex Proyas, John Woo, George Romero, Luc Besson, Len Wiseman... or anyone who's not a complete tool. You know who you are.Your results:
You are Green Lantern
Green Lantern
The Flash
Iron Man
Wonder Woman
Hot-headed. You have strong
will power and a good imagination.
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