Take your crucifix down from the wall and throw it in the toilet, where it belongs.If you are of my generation, you have faced the concept that we have been lied to.No matter what your political or religious bent, we have been lied to from birth.There is no God looking down on us and blessing/damning us.There is no hell to fear beyond the one we live in.There is no truth to Allah. God is a fairy tale force-fed into our brains when we were young enough to be susceptible. Do not judge and condemn your parents for giving you these lies - the same was done to them.Nothing controls the universe. Nothing controls you except yourself. You may have to awaken to that scary notion - you have never been out of control of your own actions. Ever.Everything you've done has been you. No boogums god, no scary OooooooOOOOooooo devils. Just you. All you. Perfect you.If you can take care of yourself and the ones you love, you can face anything.If you cannot, you might want to look into that.Stop conjecturing what happens after we die. Nobody has ever proven what comes next, if anything. Assume it's nothing. Where does that leave you?Think for yourself.Be yourself.And if they call you a monster, so what? At least you're real, and not laboring under false concepts.I am a monster. I have done some very bad things in my life. I have no savior ethereal Easter Bunny to absolve me of my sins.And you know what?I'm cool with that.Live, dammit.