About Me
HILLGRASS BLUEBILLY ENTERTAINMENT is a record label, booking agency, concert promoter, tour promoter, music for special events and we find roots oriented music for television and film. We are currently wrapping up our first album which is a double tribute to Hank Williams Sr. and Leadbelly, engineered by John Carter Cash & Hillgrass Bluebilly Entertainment. The album is called HIRAM and HUDDIE, including artists such as:
HIRAM and HUDDIE is set to release in July 2008. We are currently working on another album, JR and RL, a double tribute to Johnny Cash & R.L. Burnside due out late 2008 / early 2009, also produced by John Carter Cash & Hillgrass Bluebilly Entertainment.
In the summer of 2008 ( July / August ), HILLGRASS BLUEBILLY ENTERTAINMENT is going on their first NORTH AMERICA TOUR with BOB LOG III, SCOTT H. BIRAM and POSSESSED BY PAUL JAMES and LEFT LANE CRUISER. It will be supporting the HIRAM and HUDDIE CD, to be released in July 2008 and the release for the movie from SLOWBOAT FILMS: THE FOLKSINGER, starring both Possessed by Paul James and Scott H. Biram. Hillgrass Bluebilly is looking forward to Sunday July 20th the most at the Deep Blues Festival in Lake Elmo Wisconsin, you should check out the 3 day music & film fest...
The Hillgrass Bluebilly North America Tour is all but not limited to:
The start of the raw and primal roots revolution with Hillgrass Bluebilly Ent.
A CD Release Tour for HBE's "Hiram & Huddie"
Bob Log III
Scott H Biram
Possessed By Paul James
William Elliott Whittmore
Wayne "The Train" Hancock
Truckstop Honeymoon
Reverend Peytons Big Damn Band
AND MORE......
A CD Release Tour for PPJ's "Cold and Blind"
A DVD Release Tour for THE FOLKSINGER feat: SHB & PPJ
The Beginning of the The Raw & Primal Roots Revolution
BL3 is supporting his upcoming release "My Shit is Perfect"
thats just for starters.......
Join the Dirty Foot Family Today (HBE) and find out what this "real" movement is all about. No hokeyness here folks, this is the truth, passion and conviction that music is "supposed" to deliver!
www. dirtyfootfamily. com
Konrad Wert A.K.A. Possessed by Paul James (PPJ) is a stompin, howlin, growlin, fiddlin, pickin & kickin one man band. From the swampy depths of the Floridian Everglades, raised by an Amish Menonite Family comes Bluegrass Blues Punk Tour de Force Konrad Wert a.k.a. POSSESSED BY PAUL JAMES. Having established himself as a local hero in Austin, Texas Wert did not waste time and quickly converted European audiences into disciples of his unique and infectious blend of fire and brimstone hollering and subtle Old Time Love Ballads. In spite of being a man of the earth and playing "good ol time" instruments POSSESSED BY PAUL JAMES is not mimicking the past. To the contrary, his raw and desperate sound is the ideal soundtrack for uncertain times where questions outweigh the answers - a shot of untarnished wild human emotion to soothe our aching souls. For Fans of Bukowski, Bonnie Prince Billy, Palace Brothers, Elliott Smith & Dee Dee Ramone.