Movies, Stand-Up Comedy, Muscle Cars, Fudge, Steak, Cunnilingus, Anything & Everything Elvis, Anything & Everything Curious George, Midget Wrestling, Rollerderby, The Hilton Sisters, The Olsen Twins, Your Mother. Get your own games at myspacegames
You. Seriously, I think you're cool. I would also like to meet people who are willing to get their Fash' On!!
All of my favourite singers are dead; The Doors, Janis Joplin, Led Zepplin (OK, only the drummer is dead, but still!!), Nirvana, Foo Fighters, 50 Cent (live with it!!), Tom Waits, Neal Young, Johnny Cash, Lou Reed, Old School Country (See 50 Cent), Bob Dylan, The White Stripes, Anything Emo.
Only the really, really good ones. 'Cause I'm a professional film reviewer and I'm a pseudo-intellectual snob.
The Simpson's, Arrested Development, Family Guy, The Soprano's and my guilty pleasure is - American Idol!! Sorry, but Canadian Idol just sucks donkeys.
Dr. Seuss: Oh, the Places You'll Go!, all Curious George books, Heart of Darkness, the Kid Stays in the Picture, The Art of The Deal, Boom/Bust/Echo, The Tipping Point, Holier Than Thou, The Game (Ken Dryden), Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, anything by John Douglas, The Alienist, Generation X, Wednesday afternoon comic day.
Batman and Donald Trump. Both of them made it without any super powers. Just hard work and a rich daddy.