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caro snatch

the original rare green bitch

About Me


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:::current most hilarious post gig quote::: "a boards of canada fan's wet dream"- anon.........
=== debut album"ES MUSS SEIN" up for grabs on MP3 & CD on Phonector (click link on yor right)
Well it all started back in 1998 with a damaged back, a double-decker bus as a home and a Korg Poly-800 synth. Bedridden after back surgery and forced to be still and horizontal, i got right stuck in with playing allouette albeit a bit largo and messin with a tascam 4 track.
the canny toon of newcastle nurtured my musical rarities, then i shimmied over to the electronic mecca that is berlin before recently re-locating to manchester where i am happily immersed in studio engineering skool.
Described as a "one-woman electronic avalanche", i can be found on stage with a few hardware devices, rockin it in real-time. A raw electronic soundtrack defying category is embellished with multi-lingual poems and the occassional squeals.
Debut album "es muss sein" (see blog) accomplished, the work is intended as a journey through the quagmire of human emotion with an ultimately hopeful conclusion. a feature film soundtrack is next to emerge ("The Other Possibility" by Pinball Films) aswell as collabs, netlabel compilation contributions and remixes. New EP "Plan in it" is set to emerge in Spring 2008 and also developing in the creative facilitator department working and playing with commmunity groups in Manchester area.
DARE TO BE RARE as if u don't care and keep expanding in all the right places... ..
If that's not enough blah : Interview en francais avec o'xensa
live at Svaj club, Stockholm. foto by Magnus Gyllenhammar

My Interests


Member Since: 10/4/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: caroline p churchill, korg poly 800, boss dr 660 and 770, akai S20, boss PS2, boss DS1, lexicon MPX100, behringer eurorack UB2222FX, alesis air synth and a good old Shure SM58a Beta mike.
Influences: everything i have processed or not. important musical artists who dare to be rare and authentic include bjork, bams, jamie lidell (live), massive attack, autechre, aphex twin, boards of canada, coil, leila, chain reaction/basic channel, nina simone and more -can never recall them when summoned; classical stuff, soul & motown, 80's pop and early electro i grew up with, dub & reggae and personal favorites across the genre and sub genre spectrum. gosh and so much more:being human, books, artists, brave folk and nature things like trees and stars n that...

to be checked out and snatched at Phonector (EUR/US/worldwide)
Norman Records (UK)
cover painting by laTasha

12 inch vinyl AA side caro snatch and dr nojoke. artwork by fezroyd and paizan. check it out on anorakism page and snatch it at Norman Records (UK)

Sounds Like: me
Record Label: phonector, anorakism, xstatic records, la mue
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


proper job recording facilities in manchester as i'm embarking on the engineering/recording route and wanna get recording artists/bands...proper into the nerdities so will so a good job :> for more in...
Posted by caro snatch on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 11:36:00 PST

power : zero sum vs positive sum

my sister (the source and sounding board of so many of my little and larger light bulb moments) told me about this theory/approach to power and i was intrigued. standard definition goes sumthing like ...
Posted by caro snatch on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 01:15:00 PST

women in music interview

student mag interview - march 2006 Q: do u think the music industry is still largely dominated by males? I must begin with a disclaimer: i can only speak of my limited experience in the alternative, ...
Posted by caro snatch on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 02:35:00 PST

what the heck does "es muss sein" mean?

es muss sein  = it has to be done                          = il le faut   &nb...
Posted by caro snatch on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 02:27:00 PST

dare to shine - es muss sein!

here's that lovely quote apparently from mr mandela upon inauguration as president back then but not written by him, but Marianne Williamson. Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deep...
Posted by caro snatch on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 02:15:00 PST