Music, Art & Design, film, comedy, nature, people and 1950's prints of cowboys. ...I enjoy the simple things... fresh air, travel, interesting noises (especially loud ones), rubbish jokes, fancy dress parties,witnessing brief moments of oddness ...hmmm and insects - just to look at and wonder about, but not to hold or live with!
Hmmmmm.... someone who would have the energy to type out the list for me.
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Eeek, not gonna sit for ages and make a list... Here are my top ten bands/artists I'm listening to at the mo.....*KINGS OF LEON *TIM BUCKLEY *FIELD MUSIC *!!! (Chk Chk Chk) *MAGIC ARM *WHITE DENIM *THE WHIP *FRIDGE *NICK CAVE *HOLY F*CK
*Anything Charlie Kaufmann (Adaptation etc) *Anything Wes Anderson (Rushmore, The Royal Tennenbaums etc) *Almost anything Coen brothers (Fargo etc) *Manhatten ....loads more to bore you with..... Anything with Bill Murray in it.
*Anything David Attenborough (the wise man of safari suits). *Curb your enthusiasm *The Wire *Ray Mears *The dog whisperer, Cesar Milan (a true guilty pleasure) *Peep Show *Nothing with Surgery involved like 'sex change hospital'...Urgh.
Go through phases... The Alchemist and One flew over the cuckoo's nest are in my top 10. Michael Caine's "Not a lot of people know this either" will always have a place in my heart.
We could be heroes just for one day