Rare as a Green Dog is an open network and platform to showcase unique and authentic artists whose output is experimental yet still enjoyable. Founder caro snatch was once referred to as "rarer than a green dog" (a Spanish phrase). She thought 'what a nice concept' and so a series of events took place while in Berlin, bringing together UK and Berlin artists. Seminal Berlin venues like the NBI and Ausland played host to these evenings who have featured a number of random artists from equally diverging backgrounds.
This not so little hobo re-located to UK early 2007, where RaGD has been warmly welcomed with events taking place in Newcastle, Manchester's futuresonic festival (one of 4 winners of their evnts competition), Manchester's Green Room (with Arts Council support)pushing the (decent) exposure of electronic women with a minimum 50% female line-up at every event. Even more audacious is the oestrogen comrade of the dawg, the Rare Green Bitch showcases with a Special International Women's Week 2008 event at Contact Theatre supported by a grant from the Manchester City Council. More irregular and recurring events planned already in partnership with other Manchester agitators. Member of a number of international networks, RaGD will be amassing some of these unique partisans on a compilation at some stage. So, enjoy the rarities on offer and get in touch if u are an artist and u think u qualify, we wanna hear/see u as we aim to expand and act as outlet, support and development for those that dare to be rare...