Track 1: Tendril
Production/music by Spencer H.W. Marsden (see link on this page as Spencer (
Words and vocals by Wonder.
Track 2: Think or breathe or blink
Music by Aardvarck, (see link on this page as Aardvarck ( additional production by Spencer H.W. Marsden. Words and vocals by Wonder.
Track 3: Dreaming grace
Music By Clive Hunte for Busha Productions, featuring Jeri Lindo on guitar. (see link on this page as Clive (
Words and vocals by Wonder.
Track 4: Greedmachine
Production/music by Spencer H.W. Marsden (see link on this page as Spencer (
Words and vocals by Wonder.
to answer the question that keeps popping up in my mailbox: yes, the paintings are mine/i make them and the voice on the tracks playing is mine/written and recorded. i express myself through different art forms, yet to me, they're just pieces of a puzzle i perceive. work at shaping those pieces into some logic through writing, painting, recording the perpetual intrigue of the humane/the political and the poetical/the universal=the intimate=the infinite/learning not to limit it/creating things/creating it. so i follow the wind. think from my heart. philosophize from my stomach, and from that i create worlds and stories on canvas, in songs, on stage and on film screens. if you want to know more of what i've done/make, feel free to check: (not really updated...). all i do = connected through music 2 me. writing, painting, making songs, dreaming dreams & baking bread.
there/z a new album coming out mid 2008, a collaboration between some truly talented musicians, producers, who've worked with my words and vocals. thank you for looking out for it/their links are all included down below. if you would like more info on pressthingspastthings feel free to visit
again, thank you for stopping by. lightnloveandnicethings.
X! –w-
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4