margine della gioia
Dante Basili
Urbania PU. Piano studies, guitar and lute of the Renaissance, Sound synthesis, lyric and jazz singing, harp. In MDG he is the composer, soloist male voice and harp.
Annette Bauerlein
Karlsruhe DE. Classic piano studies, lyric and jazz singing. Acting studies... In MDG she is the soloist female voice.
The foundation of the band MDG (Margine della Gioia - Margin of Joy) is based on the necessity of Dante Basili to free himself from the stereotypical way of being a singer and to experiment the form of the song.
The following original elements are characterizing MDG in a particular way:
Instead of a definite one there are different music styles expressing the emotions of each song. It is normal to have in the outline a waltz after a blues or a rap ... The uniformity of the style is based on the instruments, mainly acoustic and on the harp as the main accompaniment instrument.
The male and female voice are not used like an usual duet, but as the elements of the whole production.
There is an intentional contrast between the contents of the texts - often with a strong social and spiritual background - and the "soft" arrangement.
The songs are in Italian as well as in vernacular (Romagnese and Neapolitan) and Latin. Sometimes, for example in "Ave o Stella del Mare", we can find all these three languages in the same song.
In their live exhibitions the group is either reduced, that means male voice, female voice and harp or integer with all the 6 elements: in addition there are the base, guitar, ethnical instruments and drums.