time travel, saving people, saving books, Londinium, Alexandria (ancient), Tyko's Bar (Athens), The Parthenon Club, The Millennium Club
Alcibiades, Jonah, Thomas O'Leary, Jonathan Hatch, John Titor, Zeshua Alpha
Murmaids, Jaynetts, Paris Sisters, The Other Voices, The New Outlook, Fleetwoods
12 Monkeys, Splendiferos, The Lama Will Be Late This Year, Trancers (1-3)
Journeyman, Quantum Leap, Prester John, Lost (Seasons 4 through 6), The L Word, Dexter, John Amsterdam, City on the Edge of Forever (Star Trek-TOS), Yesterday's Enterprise (Star Trek-TNG), Battlestar Galactica (2nd and 3rd series), and some shows you likely haven't yet heard of
The Plot to Save Socrates by Paul Levinson, The Time Machine by H. G. Wells, Tristam in Time by Darlah Kee
William Henry Appleton, Wafa Sultan, Barack Obama, Joan Baez, Kurt Gödel, Kip Thorne, Stephen Hawking, Phil D'Amato, Amber Lee Ettinger, Isaac Asimov, Ben Relles