The Wedding Music Expert's Profile Hello and Welcome
Brendan, The Wedding Music Expert is pleased to meet you and wishes you both all the best with your wedding plans
The wedding music expert is a fully trained musician/singer and is an Associate of The Royal Irish Academy of Music with diplomas, in Pianoforte,Organ,and Classical Guitar.
For the past number of years this musician/singer has been the resident musician/singer/entertainer at Ashford Castle Cong County Mayo in the West of Ireland
Apart from the normal nightly entertainment duties this musician has performed at many wedding ceremonies/blessings, both within the castle and also as a freelance artist. One of many high profile weddings performed within the castle was that of Pierce Brosnan (007)
What does The Wedding Music expert offer?
There are two services offered,
1. The wedding Ceremony.
2. Music for the drinks reception following the wedding ceremony.
To take the Wedding Ceremony first.
Your wedding ceremony is the most important part of your wedding day and thus the music performed enhances the ceremony,giving meaning to it, without dominating,or taking the focus away from the wedding couple.
The Wedding Music Expert provides a proper stereo sound system for the ceremony which is used with senseitivity to ensure clear (not loud !) audio reception of the music being performed, also provided is a professional Ketron Keyboard for the provision of the music for the wedding.(If there is a suitable well maintained organ in the church and the wedding couple have a preference for this to be used then this will be the case)
Music is played from the time guests start to arrive at the church until about ten minutes before the brides arrival.This ten minutes is used for final checks that all is in readyness for the start of the ceremony
Your own choice of music is used at all appropriate places within the ceremony,and performed with excellence and sensitivity to enhance it. To choose appropriate music The Wedding Music Expert offers a free consultation where all aspects of the ceremony are discussed and appropriate music choosen.
Music which is not in The Wedding Music Expert's repertoire will be sourced and prepared, provided there is enough notice and time for the sourcing and learning of such music to take place
After the final blessing,instrumental music will be played whilst photograhs are being taken and while the exit of the Bride and Groom are awaited.Upon readyness for the exit the Bride and Grooms chosen piece for the exit will be played and will continue while the guests file out of the church
Music for the Drinks Reception
The Wedding Music Expert is an exquisite pianist and keyboardist and provides music for drinks receptions.
For the most part the music for receptions is provided on keyboard,however if there is a well maintained and in tune grand piano in the hotel it can be used if that is your preference, however it must be stressed,the instrument must be well maintained and in tune to be effective.
This is the reason for using keyboard in most instances.
The music played is easy listening music from light classical themes, jazz,middle of the road songs.
The keyboard used is a professionally styled Ketron xd9 Keyboard and deliveres a top professional sound through stereo p.a.system. It is set to a background music mode for receptions which ensures being heard but remaining inobtrusive allowing normal conversation to take place,with out your guests having to strain to hear conversation in their circle.
It is The Wedding Music Expert's policy to keep background music as background.It is not normal to sing at wedding drinks receptions and for the most part singing does not arise but should a guest want to give a bar of a song he will be accompanied with music
Location of Services.
Both services are offered within Galway City and a seventy mile radius thereof.
Fees for both services are the same, but there is a nominal charge on top to cover fuel and subsistance costs.These costs are scaled to distance and do not exceed 40.00 euros per job.
May I take this opportunity to wish you both all the best with your wedding plans and hope that what I offer musically can be a part of your special day.
The Wedding Music Expert.
Contact Details Phone 091 791312 Mob 087 2874379
email add [email protected]
Now booking for 2008/09 dont delay!