The Winnie Coopers - On Tour Mar-Jun profile picture

The Winnie Coopers - On Tour Mar-Jun

New album Worth the Weight out March 1st

About Me

The Winnie Coopers - Worth the Weight
Like a Sunday roast, the Winnie Coopers’ sophomore album has taken a while to bake, but ultimately has been Worth the Weight. With lashings of soul and dollops of reggae served on a bed of humorous yet socially conscious hip-hop, the Coopers’ follow up to 2005’s Being Different is a tasty treat. Guest chef Dizzy Dustin of Ugly Duckling shares his recipes on the first single, Eating Disorder, as the five funk connoisseurs from the Gold Coast get mouths watering and cabooses shaking. With what was originally a delicious dj/mc duo, the Educator’s kitchen staff has expanded to a five-piece live team featuring Eloquence (vocals/guitar), Fingers Malone (drums), Young Tubs (Bass) and Bigbad (DJ/percussion) ready to take on the hungriest of customers.As well as delivering the flavour all over the east-coast of Australia with five-star feeds at the Big Day Out, Good Vibrations, BBQ Breaks and Parklife, the Winnie Coopers have broken bread with international clients such as De La Soul, Jurassic 5, The Beastie Boys, Lyrics Born and Ugly Duckling. Throughout the years, one satisfied regular has been Triple J, who added the track Success to high rotation, chose the group as a Next Crop Artist and Hip Hop Show Award Winner, plus recording the Coopers for Live at the Wireless and JTV.These cuddly cooks have also received top ratings as winners of the Musicoz Hip Hop Award, QMusic Songwriters Award and a RADF touring grant. Their instructional cooking videos for Geek Manifesto and Analgesic Remix have been staples on Rage and Channel V. So with an extensive national tour planned it’s time to dig in, the Winnie Coopers are always guaranteed fresh.
Bookings and enquiries:
For tickets to the above shows please click on the UNIfied bill above. Sydney UNSW Roundhouse tickets also available thru
Wollongong & Newcastle tickets also available thru
Behind the scenes of our new film clip for "Substance" that is due to hit the screen real soon!
Geek Manifesto Clip
Success Clip
Analgesic Remix Clip
Eating Disorder feat. Dizzy Dustin Clip

My Interests


Member Since: 9/1/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Vocals: The Educator and Eloquence ; Bass: Young Tubs; Dj: Bigbad and Drums: Fingers Malone.
Influences: Family Ties
Sounds Like: The Zit Remedy (Degrassi Junior High)

If you like our tunes, and want to hear more, please request our new song "substance" at Triple J or your local station

Request it on Triple J HERE!

SMS Triple J : 1975 7 555

Call Triple J : 1300 0555 36

Download "Being Different" at Sound Foundation!

Or get our music at iTunes:

Record Label: Illusive
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Worth the Weight-Loss Diary Entry 2

I always knew I was the biggest loser; well that's what people regularly tell me. I have lost 10 kg since the start of my diet and my pants are falling down to the dismay of audiences silly enough to ...
Posted by The Winnie Coopers - On Tour Mar-Jun on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 01:57:00 PST

Worth the Weight-Loss Diary Entry 1

After pressure from medical professionals, my label, my family and ’so called friends’, I have started a diet. I have also been documenting my weight loss journey on video, which will be m...
Posted by The Winnie Coopers - On Tour Mar-Jun on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 08:09:00 PST

UNIfied National Tour SET TIMES UP NOW

TRIPLE J PRESENTSUNIFIED 2008 NATIONAL TOURFeaturing: BLISS N ESO  TRUE LIVE  THE FUNKOARS - THE WINNIE COOPERS For the first time in over ten years four of Australia’s hardest working bands ...
Posted by The Winnie Coopers - On Tour Mar-Jun on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 05:21:00 PST

Get Creative like Angry

A big thank you to Pete and the team at Creative Tattoo Art (Lismore) for the ink. The guys have three shops (Lismore, Byron Bay and Nundah) and are quality artists. If they are good enough for Angry ...
Posted by The Winnie Coopers - On Tour Mar-Jun on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 07:53:00 PST

Scrub to Success with Peter Garrett

Garrett's Shower Singing Guide 1. Friday On My Mind: The Easybeats (length 2:47, litres 25) "This one speaks for itself." 2. Rain: Dragon (length 3:39, litres 33)"We need more of it."3. Cigarettes Wil...
Posted by The Winnie Coopers - On Tour Mar-Jun on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 05:24:00 PST

CD Baby Review

Editor's Picks: THE WINNIE COOPERS: being differentDropping quirky verses straight outta Queensland, Australia, this group of MC's is more than ready to rock the party with their self professed "hip h...
Posted by The Winnie Coopers - On Tour Mar-Jun on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 12:28:00 PST