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The Centrists guide to restoring Democratic rights & overcoming the upper rich 2% neo-con aristocracy of today

Anthony Congiano
Senior Editor & Founder

Mood: Optimistic
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Global Warming, Sign Petition to save the Polar Bear's melting habitat

Rush Limbaugh is not a “Big Fat Idiot”

Rush Limbaugh is not a “Big Fat Idiot” ... as the soon to be Senator Al Franken said… instead Rush Limbaugh is a Pussy-Bitch Coward, too afraid to serve in the armed forces and too scared to face those heroes and war veterans who actually fight and die for our great nation.

He would never dare lock eyes with real combat soldiers and insult them face to face, he’d much rather ‘carry the water’ for the Neo-Cons and flap his unpatriotic gums in support for the Bush Administration’s occupation of Iraq; never questioning why Bin Laden is protected in the Northern regions of Pakistan or why Blackwater, KBR, and Halliburton are allowed to rape millions from our servicemen and women.

Rush Limbaugh would rather hide behind the security of his radio show and disparage war heroes and veterans for having the audacity to exercise their first Amendment rights, to exercise the very rights they fight and die for. He would rather ride off in his golf cart sucking on a cigar while true heroes fight and die.

Rush Limbaugh is a weak ‘Hillbilly Heroin’ abusing drug addict who cannot understand or separate the truth from Neo-Con rhetoric. Rush Limbaugh is a Pussy-Bitch Coward to afraid to look a serviceman in the eye, too scared to fight; he is without valor, without courage, and without honor.

Anthony Congiano
Senior Editor & Founder

Bush vetoes expansion of child healthcare for the poor

Without trumpets blaring and without any cameras present, George Bush meekishly hid away in the dark recesses of the White House and did exactly what the Insurance Industry and Big Tobacco told him to do… veto the expansion of child healthcare for the poor.

The Democratic plan was to increase the tax on cigarettes by 39 cents per pack and that revenue would help save the lives and increase the health and wellbeing of children. The only problem was… it would have helped poor children; and George Bush and his fellow Neo-Cons in the Republican Party would never bend a knee to help a poor child.

There was also the very real possibility that families, just above the poverty line, currently struggling to pay for their health insurance premiums, those poor families scraping together loose change to make their co-payments might have chosen the new expanded Government plan and left their Insurance Company… and the Insurance Industry would never stand for that.

Although many Republicans supported the bill, at nearly a 2-1 margin, 15 Republicans in the House of Representatives would need to change their vote so that Bush’s veto could be overridden. House Minority Whip Roy Blunt, R-Mo., proclaimed he was "absolutely confident" he could prevent that from happening.

Over in the Senate, in an attempt to protect the Insurance Industry, Senate Minority Whip Trent Lott, R-Miss., stated "We should not allow it to be expanded to higher and higher income levels, and to adults” … the last thing Senator Lott would want is to see poor families not paying their huge premiums to the Insurance Industry. Lott then quickly added “This is about poor children"… apparently the Senator believes that those without health insurance, who are just above the poverty line, do not deserve even half the healthcare that he and his family receives.

Senator Edward Kennedy, D-Mass. argued "I think that this is probably the most inexplicable veto in the history of the country. It is incomprehensible, it is intolerable, it's unacceptable," as he also implored Republicans to change their vote so that Bush's veto could be overridden.

Back in the House, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., said that he and several Democrats were pleading with 15 Republicans to change their vote, to help the poor, and to do the right thing so that Bush’s veto could be overridden.

Anthony Congiano
Senior Editor & Founder

Sgt. John Bruhns (D)
(Iraq War Vet)
"Almost 4,000 US troops have died. We've spent half a trillion dollars in Iraq. Every day you turn on the news and more people are killed. We need Congress to stand up and fight to bring our troops home this fall."

Staff Sgt. Antonio Gonzales
(Currently serving 2nd tour in Iraq)
"If you don't come out here, then you really have no clue... they [the Politicians] don't understand what it is driving down the road and to wonder if you are going to get blown up or not."

Staff Sgt. David Julian
(Currently serving in Iraq) "As you can see, we don't have palaces as some of our national leadership likes to make out that we have"

Staff Sgt. Harry T. Morgan
(Currently serving in Iraq)
"It is my personal belief that if you are in a leadership position from senator to president, you should have to come here and live with the soldiers on the ground, not necessarily in the 'Green Zone' where we have the most luxuries... America needs to see what we see through the eyes of the soldier."

Sen. Bob Menendez (D)
“We invaded Iraq, the country that didn’t have weapons of mass destruction, and ignored Iran and North Korea, the two that did”

Dick Cheney (R)
1992- "...and the question for the president, in terms of whether or not we went on to Baghdad, took additional casualties in an effort to get Saddam Hussein, was how many additional dead Americans is Saddam worth?... Our judgment was, not very many, and I think we got it right."

Dick Cheney (R)
1992- "Because if we’d gone to Baghdad we would have been all alone. There wouldn’t have been anybody else with us. There would have been a U.S. occupation of Iraq. None of the Arab forces that were willing to fight with us in Kuwait were willing to invade Iraq."

Dick Cheney (R)
1992- "Once you got to Iraq and took it over, took down Saddam Hussein’s government, then what are you going to put in its place? That’s a very volatile part of the world, and if you take down the central government of Iraq, you could very easily end up seeing pieces of Iraq fly off"

Neal Boortz (R)
(talk show host)
"When we yank out the welcome mat, and they all start going back to Mexico, as a going away gift let's all give them a box of nuclear waste.... Tell 'em it'll heat tortillas."

Sen Chuck Hagel (R)
"The Republican Party Has Won Two Elections On...Fear And Terrorism.. .[They're] Going To Try Again"

My Blog

Rush Limbaugh is not a Big Fat Idiot

  Rush Limbaugh is not a "Big Fat Idiot" ... as the soon to be Senator Al Franken said& instead Rush Limbaugh is a Pussy-Bitch Coward, too afraid to serve in the armed forces and too scared to fa...
Posted by Manual for Democracy on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 11:17:00 PST