Pozarevacki bend "Cudaci" nastao je februara 1993. godine i to kao trio: Joca (bubnjevi i vokal), Laza (bas) i Rus (gitara). U toj postavi "Cudaci" snimaju demo "Cernobil je kriv za sve" na kome se nalaze tri pesme.
Imaju nekoliko svirki, nailaze na dobar prijem kod publike i gostuju na pozarevackim radio-stanicama.
Sa radom prestaju septembra iste godine radi vojnih obaveza.Marta 1995. godine prikljucuje im se Gaja (vokal), nastavljaju sa ozbiljnijim radom i stvaraju nove pesme. Rezultat toga rada su jos dva demo snimka: "Nemir" sa pet pesama i "Covek se smeje" sa devet pesama. Sa tim materijalom "Cudaci" se predstavljaju i gostuju na mnogim radio-stanicama sirom zemlje (Pozarevac, Novi Sad, Beograd, Nis, Kragujevac...) kao i na televiziji RTS-3K.
Sledi gomila klubskih svirki po celoj Srbiji. Po recima publike, u skladu sa imenom benda, muziku karakterisu cudan zvuk, cudni tekstovi, puno improvizacije... Na zivim nastupima kreiraju specificnu atmosferu,
tako da sa koncerata niko ne odlazi ravnodusan.
Za vreme NATO bombardovanja Srbije 1999. godine "Cudaci" prestaju sa radom. Prave visegodisnju pauzu, sve do marta 2007. godine kada se okupljaju u istoj postavi i ponovo pocinju da sviraju.
U planu su im, normalno, koncerti kao i snimanje novih pesama i spotova.----------------------------------------------------
ENG"Chudaci" is a bend from Pozarevac, created in february 1993. as a trio: Joca (drums and vocal), Laza (bass) and Rus (guitar). In that form "Chudaci" recorded demo album "Chernobil je kriv za sve" which contains three songs. They have a few concerts, the audience likes them and they appear as a guest stars on a several Pozarevac radio stations.
In the september of the same year they stoped playing because of the army obligation.
In march of 1995. Gaja (vocal) joins them and they continue with a serious work and create new songs. The result of that work is two more demo albums: "Nemir" with five songs and "Chovek se smeje" with nine songs. With that material "Chudaci" present themselves and appear as a guest stars on many of the radio stations across the country (Pozarevac, Novi Sad, Beograd, Nish, Kragujevac...) and also on television RTS-3K.
They have a plenty of club concerts all over Serbia. The opinion of audience was that, like the bends name "Chudaci" (eccentric, bizarre, extravagant, odd, strange... men) their music have a strange sound, odd texts and great deal of improvisation... On their live performances they are creating an extraordinary feeling so nobody leaves concert indifferent.
During the NATO bombardment of Serbia in 1999. "Chudaci" stoped playing.
After several years of pause, in march of 2007. they are getting back together in the same form and begin playing again.
They are planning, of course, new concerts and recording of a new songs and videos.
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