SICK DISTORTION profile picture


Stay forever on the other side.......

About Me

BIOGRAPHY :In the summer of 2004 the band Sick Distortion was formed by Marko Duca (guitar), Mladen (guitar) and Milan (bass guitar) and after only a month the band had its first performance in Nish, in the caffe then called Distortion. Until the first singer Bojan Suche left, the band mostly played hard rock remakes of the songs by Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Atomsko Skloniste, Generacija 5, Riblja Corba, etc. In that period, which lasted somewhat less than a year, the band played a couple of their own songs, also in a hard’n’heavy sound. The next year, a solo guitarist Marko Duca took over the position of the lead vocalist, and the change in the sound was felt immediately. The sound became more original, but also stronger and more agrresive. In the year 2005, the drummer Vuchko left the band and after a shorter break his place was taken by Vlada (ex-Dead End) and members gathered then successfully functioning even today. In addition to remakes (AC/DC, Metallica, Sepultura, Ramones, Goblini, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, the Doors etc) on its performances the band plays about a dozen of its own songs. The sound of Sick Distortion can be characterized as Metal. The songs like Suffering, Forgiveness, Cataclysm, Wish for Suicide, Agony, The Pain, consist of fast, aggressive thrash parts mixed with melodic heavy sessions and “unusual” progressive rhythms. The theme of the lyrics is modern philosophy, the songs are written in modern symbolism and speak about the points of life, pains of the human soul, depression and reasons for it, the inevitable end of humanity, thoughts of an intelligent young person, impossibility to change things for better… Utterly negative, but it could be even worse. The band had noticeable performances in Nish and Vranje, then on the Hit of the 202 Radio concerts in Knjazevac and Zajecar, played a few times on the Youth Culture Festival and on a few local concerts in Knjazevac. In the March of 2007 they recorded their first demo, in a home studio of course, but with solid quality (we don’t want to mention the conditions in which it was done). visit our page at BIOGRAFIJA :Leta 2004. godine u Knjazevcu bend Sick Distortion osnivaju Marko Duca (gitara), Mladen (gitara) i Milan (bas), i nakon svega mesec dana prvu svirku je odrzao u Nisu, u tadasnjem caffe-u -Distorzija. Sve do odlaska prvog pevaca Bojana Suceta, bend je uglavnom svirao neke hard rock obrade grupa Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, A. Sklonista, Generacije 5, Riblje Corbe itd. Takodje u tom periodu koji je trajao nesto manje od godinu dana, bend je svirao i par autorskih stvari, ali takodje u nekom hard'n'heavy fazonu.Vec sledece godine, na mesto vokala dolazi solo gitarista Marko Duca, i tada vec pocinje da se nazire promena u zvuku benda. Zvuk benda postaje pre svega originalniji, ali i jaci i agresivniji. 2005. godine bend napusta originalni bubnjar Vucko i nakon krace pauze na njegovo mesto dolazi Vlada (ex-Dead End), i od tada bend ustaljuje postavu koja funkcionise i danas. Pored obrada (AC/DC, Metallica, Sepultura, Ramones, Goblini, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, the Doors) bend na svirkama svira desetak autorskih stvari. Zvuk benda Sick Distortion se jednostavno moze okarakterisati kao METAL. Pesme kao sto su Suffering, Oprostaj, Kataklizma, Wish to suicide, Agonija, the Pain sadrze brze, agresivne thrash delove koji su prepleteni melodicnim heavy deonicama i nepravilnim progressive ritmovima. Tematika tekstova je krajnje filozofska, pesme su pisane uglavnom u savremenom simbolizmu a govore o poentama zivota, bolu ljudske duse, depresiji, razlozima depresije, neizbeznom kraju covecanstva, o razmisljanjima inteligentnog mladog coveka, o nemoci da se bilo sta promeni na bolje...Krajnje negativno ali situacija moze biti i jos gora. Bend je imao zapazene nastupe u Nishu i Vranju, na svirkama hita 202 u Knjazevcu i Zajecaru, nastupao je par puta na Festivalu kulture mladih i naravno na vise lokalnih svirki u Knjazevcu. Marta 2007-e snimaju svoj prvi demo, naravno, u kucnoj radinosti ali sasvim korektnog kvaliteta (o uslovima u kojima je nastao da I ne govorimo).

My Interests


Member Since: 4/9/2007
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Influences: Iron Maiden, the Doors, Sepultura, Pantera, Ramones, Metallica, Megadeth, Death, Toy Dolls, Pink Floyd, In Flames, Children of Bodom, Clash, Tool, Machine Head...
Sounds Like: heavy, progressive, thrash, melodic-death metal-punk-rock :-)
Record Label: demo 2007.
Type of Label: None

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Recenzija na Serbian-Metalu

Procitajte, nismo tako lose prosli :-)))
Posted by SICK DISTORTION on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 08:55:00 PST


Marta 2007. Sick Distortion je za snimio tri pesme koje mozete preuzeti sa sledecih linkova : 01SickDistortion-Suffering.mp3 02Sickdistortion-Oprostaj.mp3 03SickDistortion-Kataklizma.mp3 Ili mozete ...
Posted by SICK DISTORTION on Wed, 23 May 2007 04:25:00 PST

Recenzija na Ice-Vajal webzinu pitanju je nemacki webzine, dobili smo 8 od 10 zvezdica, vise od vecine bendova koje slusamo i na koje se lozimo..... Nije lose za pocetak :-)))...
Posted by SICK DISTORTION on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 11:25:00 PST

"Ratethistune" besplatna promocija bendova

Potpuno besplatna promocija bendova na netu: ...
Posted by SICK DISTORTION on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 09:52:00 PST