FULL FLAVOR profile picture


16 kostiju !!! AKA (16 bones)

About Me

The band FULL FLAVOR was founded in February, in the year of 2004. in Belgrade, Serbia. This was initiated by Nemanja Filipovic and Dejan Ivanovic. They gathered some people from the most respectable music highschools in Serbia, "Mokranjac" and "Stankovic", and started with rehearsals . A few weeks later Nikola joined the band as a bass guitar player. The half of band members took their instruments for the first time. During this, nearly, 3 years of band's existance, there were some people who came and left, and all of them are still very important for FULL FLAVOR, because they gave their best during their time in the band. That people are: Iva - vocal - ( she is now on 3rd year of the Music Academy in Belgrade ), Marko - keyboards - ( ? ), Dejan - guitar - ( also at the Music Academy in Belgrade ), Alexander ( Lale ) - drums - ( he is still the high quality guitar player and a lead vocal in his band MAGMA - metal - , and he is already doing it for more than 10 years, and he is also a guitar player and back vocal in Vlada Jet Band - blues & rock - ), and Grada ( the guitar virtuoso ). At first, although we're livin' in Serbia, our lyrics were in english so therefore we decided to give our band a name in english. In the last two years we've been wrightin' our lyrics in our ( serbian ) language, but we didn't change the name, 'cause we were already well known to many people as FULL FLAVOR. The final structure of the band was finished in April of 2006. when we found our definite sound and start with serious work. For months later, in August we won the most respectable competition of the rock bands in Serbia ( and in ex-Yugoslavia ) known by name of "Zajecarska Gitarijada" by the city of Zajecar ( South-Eastern Serbia ) where this competition traditionaly lives for more than 40 years now ( the first was in 1966th ). The award was including the recording in studio, publishing from the biggest national publisher PGP-RTS and making a video for one song. But still none of this happened. So the band decided to collect money on their own and to record an album. We did it and recently MASCOM records became interested in publishing our first album, so we signed the contract with them. Publishing is expected in the end of January of 2007th, and our first video for the song "Sanjam" ( Dreamin') will be released in a few days. We hope that we'll be, one day, in position to record and publish our songs with lyrics in english ! You can contact us at [email protected] !!!F U L L F L A V O R 12/5/2006 , BELGRADE Bend FULL FLAVOR je osnovan februara 2004. god. u Beogradu. Aprila 2006. godine FULL FLAVOR, konacno, krece sa radom u sadasnjem sastavu. Decembra 2005. FULL FLAVOR osvaja 2. mesto na takmicenju demo bendova u organizaciji Radija 202, a u avgustu 2006. na 40. Zajecarskoj gitarijadi u veoma jakoj konkurenciji jos 5 odlicnih bendova koji su se takodje nasli u finalu, FULL FLAVOR osvaja 1. mesto. Zahvaljujuci gostovanjima na svirkama koje je organizovao Radio 202 imali su priliku da obidju veliki broj mesta sirom Srbije i 20-ak puta u Beogradu, dok su samostalne svirke ili udruzeni sa jos nekim bendovima imali uglavnom po klubovima u Beogradu, Zemunu, Smederevu i Novom Sadu. Izdavacka kuca MASCOM-Automatik records je prepoznala kvalitet i zainteresovala se za bend FULL FLAVOR i za njih su izdali svoj prvi album “PUN UKUS”. Bend FULL FLAVOR je odrzao promociju za novinare 12-og aprila, u 14h u klubu “Living Room”, u SKC-u, pred oko jos 100-tinak ljudi, koji su pored novinara dosli da cuju live izvedbu albuma. Televizije Metropolis i Enter su snimile celu svirku. FULL FLAVOR je ucestvovao u snimanju kviza “MATURANTI” na TV METROPOLIS; uradjeno je 12 epizoda, koje su se emitovale svake nedelje u 13 h, gde se u celom serijalu moglo cuti preko 20-tak pesama, od kojih 17 autorskih. Takodje, bend je gostovao u raznim emisijama televizija: ENTER, AVALA, METROPOLIS, TV ZAJECAR, RTS, NISKA TV 5. Medju vecim koncertima na kojima je bend FULL FLAVOR ucestvovao su: Revijalni program 41. Zajecarske gitarijade 2007. zajedno sa Ribljom Corbom; SURF festival u Knez Mihailovoj ulici u Beogradu, u maju 2007. ; koncert takodje organizovan od strane Unije srednjoskolaca 15-og septembra 2007. na Trgu Republike ( Trgu Slobode ) u Beogradu, zajedno sa bendom Prljavi Inspektor Blaza i Kljunovi; takodje humanitarni koncert u Kosovskoj Mitrovici, 5-og oktobra 2007. u organizaciji moto kluba HARLEY DAVIDSON iz Beograda, u prisustvu preko 1000 motorista iz Srbije, B i H, Makedonije i Grcke, i pred preko 15 000 ljudi iz svih krajeva K i M, a zajedno sa bendovima: RIBLJA CORBA, DJORDJE DAVID & THE GANG, NAJDA ( S M A K ), YU GRUPA i VLADO GEORGIEV, zatim docek Srpske Nove godine u Valjevu, januara 2008. pred nekoliko hiljada ljudi i takodje sa Ribljom Corbom u Krusevcu, 2008. u Hali sportova pred oko 2500 hiljade ljudi. Album “PUN UKUS” je od aprila 2007. u prodaji u svim vecim gradovima u Srbiji, uglavnom, u IPS-ovim prodavnicama, a iz inostranstva se moze naruciti preko sajta www.yu4you.com! Bend FULL FLAVOR mo--ete kontaktirati na e-mail adresu [email protected] , posetiti prezentaciju benda na www.myspace.com/fullflavormusic , kao i ukratko o bendu na sajtu www.automatik-records.co.yu gde se mogu poslusati i 3 numere sa albuma! TAKODJE NA SAJTU www.youtube.com MOZETE NACI LIVE VIDEO SNIMKE PESAMA benda FULL FLAVOR: “OSTANI”, i jos neke novije kojih nema na debi albumu “PUN UKUS”, kao sto su: “ZIVOT JE JEDAN”, i druge.FULL FLAVOR BEOGRAD, 16. 11. 2007.ALBUM !!!Posetite: http://www.automatik-records.co.yu/FULL FLAVOR - SJAJ (live)http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=fullflavor band&search=Searchhttp://www.majice.ikstrim.net/slika.ph p?slika=157POSETITE NAS NOVI PROFIL NA:http://www.rockserbia.net/bendovi/autorski/full-flavor-20 08031177/KRAJ poslednjeg koncerta, 1. septembar 2008. Beograd

My Interests


Member Since: 11/1/2006
Band Website: under construction
Band Members: Nemanja Filipovic - vocals; Ivan Propadovic - guitars, vocals; Nikola Mitrovic - bass guitar; Dejan Zdravevski - keyboards, saxophone, vocals; Sinisa Stupar - drums, percussions.
Influences: Audioslave, Down, Alice In Chains, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Stevie Ray Vaughan, AC/DC, Partibrejkers, Deep Purple, Soundgarden, Rage Against The Machine, Pearl Jam...
Sounds Like: unique
Record Label: MASCOM - Automatik records
Type of Label: Major